满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

She got up ________ late that she missed...

She got up ________ late that she missed the first two classes.

A. too   B. so C. very D. such


B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:她起床如此晚以至于她错过了前两节课。A. too 太;非常 B. so因此;如此+形容词 C. very非常 D. such如此+冠词+形容词+单数名词。固定短语“如此. . .以至于”符合题干要求,故选B。 考点:考查介词的用法。  

There are two buildings, ________ stands nearly a hundred feet high.

A. the large one that  B. the larger of them

C. the larger of which D. the larger of that



Some new oilfields ________ since 1976.

A. were opened up   B. will be opened up

C. have opened up  D. have been opened up



She’s having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesn’t know whom to ________.

A. turn to      B. turn off

C. turn on      D. turn up



________ you’ve heard the song, you’ll never forget it.

A. At once          B. Once more

C. Once upon a time D. Once



The mother asked the boy ________ football in the street. It was dangerous.

A. to play    B. playing

C. not to play D. not playing



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