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Yesterday was my stepmother’s birthday. ...

Yesterday was my stepmother’s birthday. I haven’t been home for a long time, so I wanted to stop by the house to     her on this special day. I have been    in terms of money so I was afraid that I couldn’t afford the long     . Gas is so expensive nowadays!    , I filled my tank with gas and set off.

I    at a shopping mall and found a present. It was the   gift and I knew she would love it.     when I got to the cashier, my card was    ! I didn’t have enough money to    the gift!

So I thought about the    for a few minutes. I could put it back and get something    , but I knew there was    else in the store she would have liked as much. So, I transferred some money from my savings account and was able to buy the gift. It took a    part of my savings but I wanted her to have something special.

It turned out that she loved the gift and I    that even though I had spent almost all my money, my stepmother    the best. I was glad I gave her the best that I could.

Before I    my parents’ house, my dad took me to one side and, with our secret handshake, he gave me some money. I had not    anything to him about my financial    , but I guessed my dad just knew. When I got to the car, I saw the    he gave me was three times what I had spent on the gas and the gift! It shows that doing the right thing always comes with great    .

1.A. invite      B. drive          C. help      D. see

2.A. struggling    B. dreaming      C. escaping    D. improving

3.A. meeting     B. journey        C. jump   D. holiday

4.A. Anyway        B. Therefore      C. Moreover   D. Besides

5.A. shouted     B. left          C. stopped   D. smoked

6.A. ordinary         B. handmade     C. free      D. perfect

7.A. So      B. But         C. Though   D. Since

8.A. opened         B. gone         C. checked   D. refused

9.A. hand out        B. hang on       C. make up   D. pay for

10.A. problem     B. dream       C. tour      D. reason

11.A. smaller     B. cheaper       C. better    D. greater

12.A. everything    B. something     C. anything   D. nothing

13.A. large     B. whole        C. tiny        D. half

14.A. decided     B. felt       C. advised    D. predicted

15.A. offered     B. accepted       C. deserved   D. sent

16.A. visited     B. left        C. entered   D. called

17.A. presented    B. promised     C. written   D. mentioned

18.A. future     B. memory      C. condition   D. means

19.A. help      B. amount        C. benefit    D. knowledge

20.A. addiction    B. rewards      C. harm       D. risks


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:作者有很长时间没有回家看望父母了,昨天是作者继母的生日。于是,作者决定在这个特别的日子回家看望继母。作者的经济状况不太乐观,但作者还是顺利踏上了回家的路途。继母非常喜欢作者花了很多钱买的礼物,临走时,父亲给了作者一些钱。那些钱是作者花掉的钱的三倍。 1. 考查动词辨析。 A邀请;B开车;C帮助;D看到,看望。so I wanted to stop by the house to her on this special day作者想顺路回家一趟,在这个特别的日子看望继母,故选D。 2.I couldn’t afford the long...”可知,作者手头有些紧,struggle在此指“勉强度日”,故选A。 3.I couldn’t afford the long . Gas is so expensive nowadays”可知,汽油很贵,而且作者手头不宽裕,因此,作者担心自己经不起长途跋涉,故选B。 4. , I filled my tank with gas and set off.不管怎样,作者还是把油箱加满了油并出发了,故选A。 5.and found a present”可知,作者停下是为了买礼物,故选C。 6.I knew she would love it”可知,这是一个最佳的礼物,根据下段“there was else in the store she would have liked as much”可知答案,故选D。 7.my card was ! I didn’t have enough money”可知,作者的卡不能用,自己没有足够的钱,与前一句是转折关系,though常用于句尾,且用逗号与句子隔开,故选B。 8.I didn’t have enough money to...”可知,作者需要用现金结账,说明他的卡刷不了,故选D。 9.I didn’t have enough money to the gift!作者没有足够的现金来付账,故选D。 10.I could put it back and get something ,”可知,作者可以把礼物放回去,然后选一个便宜的,说明他在思考买礼物这个问题,故选A。 11.I didn’t have enough money to the gift!”可知,作者的现金不够买那个礼物,他可以选一个更便宜的,故选B。 12.there was else in the store she would have liked as much商店里没有什么能够比这个礼物更让继母喜欢了,故选D。 13.It took a part of my savings but I wanted her to have something special.这个礼物花了作者很大一部分积蓄,但作者想给继母一份特别的礼物,根据下一行“I had spent almost all my money,”可知答案,故选A。 14.I that even though I had spent almost all my money, my stepmother the best.作者认为尽管花了不少钱买那个礼物,但是继母应该得到最好的,故选B。 15.my stepmother the best作者认为继母应该得到最好的,故选C。 16.Before I my parents’ house在离开父母家之前,爸爸把作者带到一边,故选B。 17.I had not anything to him about my financial ,作者未跟父亲提起自己的经济状况,故选D。 18.I had not anything to him about my financial ,作者没有跟父亲提起自己经济拮据的状况,故选C。 19.I saw the he gave me was three times what...作者发现父亲给自己的钱的总数是自己所花的钱的三倍,故选B。 20.doing the right thing always comes with great .事实证明,做正确的事情总会有好的回报,故选B。 考点:故事类短文阅读

-- How about seeing a film this evening?

-- ________ I haven’t seen any for half a year.

A.No chance.    B. That’s right.

C. Why not?    D. My pleasure.



Mr. Li gave all the textbooks to all the pupils, except _______ who had already taken them.

A. these       B. the ones

C. ones        D. the others



_______ matters most in learning English is enough practice.

A. What           B. Why             C. Where        D. Which



--What did you get ______ your mother ______ Mother’s Day?

-- A beautiful card ______ “Thank you, Mum”.

A. for, in, onB. for, on, with

C. to, for, inD. to, at, of



--Who______ it be that is knocking at the door?

--It ______ be Father, but I’m not sure.

A. can; may     B. can; must

C. must; can  D. may; must



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