满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I can’t help _________ if he is always m...

I can’t help _________ if he is always making noise.

A. that        B. this   C. one   D. it


D 【解析】考查代词。句意:如果他总是制造噪音,我忍受不了了。A. that 引导名词性从句,不做成分,原题中已经用if引导宾语从句,B. this “这个”是指示代词,C. one不定代词,表示“某一个”D. it 特指“同一个”;或形式主语和形式宾语, it在这里是形式宾语,if引导的是真正的宾语从句。故选D。  

假定你是李华,你准备明年高考后去英国某大学留学学习英国文学,需要填写 UCAS(Universities and Colleges Admissions Service) 申请材料。请按照提示完成你的个人自荐信息。




Dear Sir/Madam,







Yours sincerely,

Li Hua










On the first day when I went to high school,I felt exciting.After 9 years’study, I felt I was so closely to university.During the first year, I made many friends.I got to know all of my  classmates.Because the school work was tough.I shared happiness and sorrow for my friends.When second year came,I was arranged to other class.I was worried that no one could talk to me,but I made new friends quickly.Now that it was the last year of my high school life,but I'm determined to study more harder and make greater progress.High school life is challenging for me,but I won’t give out.



There’s a science to setting goals.Below,we share some research-backed tips to help you carry out successful goals.

Choose a goal that matters,not just easy win.

A meaningful goal—1.that truly inspires you to change—requires going deeper.Think about what you want in the coming year, then ask yourself 2. you want that.For example,if you walk to quit 3.(smoke), ask why do you want to quit? Then, if you want to quit for your health ask why do you want good health? Then,if your answer is to be alive long enough 4. (meet)your grandchildren,ask why do you want to meet your grandchildren?

Set up your goals positively.

How you describe your goal makes 5. big difference.Focusing on 6.you want to“bring into your life —not what you want to avoid—wi11 make you more likely to 7. (actual)pursue it.

Prepare for failure(in a good way).

Moments of failure 8.(be)unavoidable,but most of us abandon the goal entirely when slight failures and setbacks start piling up.At the moment when you fail,often the first instinct(本能)is to push the goal away. It's so9.(comfort)to be in that condition of self-doubt or self-criticism and guilt.

Your task is not to avoid failures,10. to plan for them.Ask yourself, how am I likely to fail? For example,if you’re likely to choose unhealthy meals when you’re hungry, carry a light snack with you.



Having been out of work for two years because of poor health,I decided to look for a part time job.

I      and interviewed again and again with no progress.I was getting pretty        .

It was freezing cold last Tuesday evening.I was waiting at a(n)      when I saw a young woman wearing just a T-shirt and no      .I asked if she needed any      .She told me she had lost everything in a big fire and had been      for two days.

I dug in my      and took out$5.00 so she could get something to eat.I then took off my      and shoes and gave them to her.She looked at me and said,“Aren’t you,going to be cold?” I told her,it would be worth it if they could keep her a little bit      .She was moved to tears and thanked me with a     

    Then as I got on the bus the miracle(奇迹)of      kindness happened.When I was to      the fare,the bus driver said with a smile,“Madam,I saw what you just did and your      is on me.”

I      my thanks and was about to sit down when a lady dressed in a business suit said to me,“You just did the most      thing I have ever seen.What can I do for you?”I jokingly said a      job would be nice.She asked for my name and said she might be able to      something out.

The next day she      me,saying she had a part-time position      in her company and wanted me to come in and meet with the manager that day.I had started my act of kindness just to make myself feel good,but I never expected to get so much      !

1.A.dressed      B.begged       C.applied     D.explained

2.A.surprised     B.discouraged  C.refreshed  D.frightened

3.A.bus stop   B.subway station  C.local park   D.office building

4.A.socks      B.shoes       C.gloves   D.glasses

5.A.advice      B.work       C.information  D.help

6.A.walking      B.moving      C.surviving     D.starving

7.A.purse      B.room       C.book      D.hand

8.A.glasses      B.coat       C.watch   D.hat

9.A.happier      B.smarter      C.warmer   D.healthier

10.A.smile      B.hug       C.jump   D.gift

11.A.spreading     B.praising      C.enjoying   D.accepting

12.A.change      B.check       C.borrow   D.pay

13.A.bill      B.debt       C.rent    D.fare

14.A.delivered     B.accepted      C.felt      D.expressed

15.A.unbelievable   B.ordinary      C.inspiring   D.reasonable

16.A.paying      B.comfortable     C.tough      D.challenging

17.A.work      B.pick       C.find    D.keep

18.A.visited      B.met          C.invited     D.called

19.A.empty      B.open       C.absent     D.free

20.A.after all     B.for nothing     C.in return     D.by chance



On holidays you’re likely to eat and overeat between family gatherings,office parties and celebrating with friends. 1. Here are some tips to help you enjoy holiday food without completely changing your diet:

1.Switch to small plates.

Not only do smaller dishes fill up faster, but the same size helping looks like more food when it’s on a small dish.2. But whatever the size of your plate,it's most important to remember to keep it balanced:half for vegetables,a quarter for grains and a quarter for lean meat.

2.Measure out snakes

Your favorite holiday movie is on.Take a minute to check the nutrition 1abel(标签)and measure out a serving to keep calories in check.Take one popular brand of buttered microwave popcorn for example.3.But the bag contains 2.5 servings. Eat the whole thing on your own,and you’ll have eaten 425 calories.

3.Split an entree(主菜).

Many restaurants serve far more food than one person needs in a single meal.4. Or pack half your entree to go as soon as it's served.Or choose a small-size option ,if available

4.Stop eating when you feel satisfied.

You don’t have to feel too full,or force yourself to clean your plate,before putting down your fork.5. When you’re satisfied,save the rest for leftovers.

A.Share a main dish with a friend.

B.It's important for you to eat more on holidays.

C.Eat slowly and pay attention to feelings of hunger.

D.Studies show we tend to put on a few pounds this time of year.

E.Enjoy an entree slowly by yourself.

F.So you’11 be likely to serve yourself less.

G.One serving is about 4 cups popped with 170 calories.



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