满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Overloaded with work, many doctors now g...

Overloaded with work, many doctors now get far less sleep than they _________.

A. shall              B. should           C. may             D. might


B 【解析】考查情态动词。句意:很多医生因为超负荷工作,现在睡眠量远比应该的少。A. shall第二三人称做主语表示命令、警告、允诺, B. should 应该 C. may可能;也许 D. might可能也许,一般过去时态。根据语境故选B。  

In the traditional Chinese calendar, each year _________a name of 12 kinds of animal.

A. gives        B. is given

C. has given      D. has been given



The teacher had intended not to tell the students but his remark _________the answer to the question.

A. put away       B. put out       C. gave away     D. gave out



_________ in heavy school work, most senior three students have no free time to do what they want.

A. Buried       B. Having buried

C. Being buried  D. To be buried



______ Air Asia aircraft of Indonesia, with 162 people on _____board, is reported to have crashed into the sea.

A. An; a           B. The; a

C. An; 不填         D.不填; 不填



To our delight, the kids quickly adjusted themselves _________ the situation.

A. with          B. of        C. to         D. into



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