满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The results of the experiment proved to ...

The results of the experiment proved to be very good, _________ was more than we expected.

A. which              B. what           C. that           D. this


A 【解析】考查定语从句。句意:实验的结果证明很好,这超出了我们的预期。A. which 引导定语从句做主语或宾语 B. what 引导名词性从句做主语或宾语 C. that 引导定语从句做主语或宾语 ,不能用于逗号或介词后, D. this指示代词,这个。本句which 指代前面一件事,在从句中做主语。故选A。  

Overloaded with work, many doctors now get far less sleep than they _________.

A. shall              B. should           C. may             D. might



In the traditional Chinese calendar, each year _________a name of 12 kinds of animal.

A. gives        B. is given

C. has given      D. has been given



The teacher had intended not to tell the students but his remark _________the answer to the question.

A. put away       B. put out       C. gave away     D. gave out



_________ in heavy school work, most senior three students have no free time to do what they want.

A. Buried       B. Having buried

C. Being buried  D. To be buried



______ Air Asia aircraft of Indonesia, with 162 people on _____board, is reported to have crashed into the sea.

A. An; a           B. The; a

C. An; 不填         D.不填; 不填



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