满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

From our smartphones to our latest weapo...

From our smartphones to our latest weaponry, the technology that underpins(支撑) modern life would be impossible without rare earth metals.  The importance of rare earths has only grown as emerging markets increase their demand for technologies made with it, as does the renewable energy industry.

The 17 metallic elements are common in the earth-s crust, but the technique used to extract and refine them is labor-intensive, environmentally hazardous and increasingly costly.  Thomas Gradael,  a professor of geology and geophysics at the Yale School of Forestry Environmental Studies, explains that the钰criticality" of rare earths was only recently understood after China, which dominates the world-s supply of the minerals, cut exports by 40% in 2010, citing concerns over how polluting the rare earth industry was.

Along with colleagues at Yale, Gradael decided to investigate the metals used in modern technologies to determine if there were viable(可行的) substitutes.“Twenty or thirty years ago electronics were being made with 11 different elements," explains Gradael.  “Today's computers and smartphones use something like 63 different elements." Their findings showed that there were no "readily apparent" substitutes for a metal that would not compromise on quality or performance.

However increased mining for these scarce resources can have some nasty side effects for the environment. China, which has intensively mined for rare earths with little regulation, allowing it to dominate the global industry since 1990, has acknowledged the incredible environmental harm caused by the process.  “Excessive rare earth mining has resulted in landslides, clogged rivers, environmental pollution emergencies and even major accidents and disasters, causing great damage to people's safety and health and the ecological environment," read a white paper issued by the Chinese cabinet in June last year.

Recycling metal has been advocated by some as a possible way of managing these precious resources-the European Parliament adopted a law curbing dumping of electric waste in 2012. But Gradael says that for rare earths, recycling will have little impact.

1.Rare earths are growingly important in that

A. they exist in small numbers

B.  they are essential in modern technologies

C. life would be impossible without them

D. new technology markets are emerging

2.Which one of the following can be used in the blank?

A. It is in China that rare earths are fully understood.

B. Despite the name, rare earth metals are not in fact rare.

C. There is a growing concern over the rare earth industry.

D. Rare earth metals are difficult to collect though important.

3.Gradael investigated the use of rare earths in modern technologies to        

A. prove the important role rare earths play

B. learn the number of different elements used

C. determine whether there are substitutes for rare earths

D. research further the quality or performance of rare earths

4. Why does the author take China as an example in Para.4?

A. To tell the wide use of rare earth in China.

B. To prove the side effects of rare earth mining.

C. To warn people of the possible damage.

D. To teach other countries a lesson to follow.

5.The text may probably be followed by the paragraphs about

A. the reasons why recycling works little

B. the ways to manage rare earths

C. the effects brought about by rare earths

D. the attitudes people hold to the law


1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述稀土对于支撑现代生活的技术而言是非常重要的,稀土并不稀少,只是开采需要许多人力,破坏环境以及成本高因而较少。开采这些资源而兴起的矿业对环境有很大的负面影响,欧洲议会则提出循环再利用金属。 1. technology that underpins(支撑) modern life would be impossible without rare earth metals.没有稀土科技无法支撑现代生活,稀土越来越重要是因为他们在现代科技中是十分必要的,故选B 2. 17 metallic elements are common in the earth-s crust, but the technique used to extract and refine them is labor-intensive, environmentally hazardous and increasingly costly.17种金属元素在地壳中是十分常见的,但是要提取和改善他们所用的技术需要许多人力,且宛然环境成本巨大,可知前一句应是说,稀土并不稀少,后句才会表述其在地壳中很常见,故选B 3. decided to investigate the metals used in modern technologies to determine if there were viable(可行的) substitutes.Gradael决定调查现代科技中金属的使用来判断是否有可行的替代物,故选C 4. increased mining for these scarce resources can have some nasty side effects for the environment.然而为采集稀缺资源而兴起的矿业对环境有负面影响,下文就以中国为例,可知就是为证明采矿的负面影响,故选B 5. Gradael says that for rare earths, recycling will have little impact Gradael说对于稀土而言,循环利用没有什么作用,可知后文应是介绍循环利用没有作用的原因,故选A 考点:考查科技文阅读

Although in 1947 we were still very new to the atomic age,  we knew about mushroom clouds. A huge crack spread across the library wall upstairs, sending teachers and students screaming down the hall.

Had a new world war started? Pale-faced, our young science teacher quickly organized us for a fire drill. We huddled in little groups on the beach side of the school grounds and watched the spreading cloud darken the bright spring sky.

Rumors flew every which way, although two hours would pass before we got the full story.One rumor we heard was that the Texas City Monsanto Chemical plant had blown up; children whose parents worked there began to weep.

I froze—that was where my father was working that day.

The school bell called us back inside, and we were dismissed to find our way home the best way we could. I-d walked a quarter of the three-mile trip to my home when a car horn startled me to attention. My Uncle Barney pulled up alongside me in his old Ford. The instant I saw him, I knew my father was gone. Otherwise, Papa would have come for me himself.

As if in slow motion from a great distance, Uncle Barney motioned for me to get in. Numb with grief,  I crawled into the back seat.  I barely took notice of the man sitting there, and didn’t recognize him until he reached for me.  When Papa put his strong arms around me, I forgot for a moment that Cherokees(柴罗基人) aren’t supposed to cry.

Many of my fellow students lost their parents in the explosion.  Tragedy would one day come to our family, as it inevitably comes to all, but on the day Texas City blew up, it miraculously passed us by. Because he lost his keys on that April morning, as he explained, my father lived for another 32 years-we were to have a second lifetime forever.

1. What happened according to the first three paragraphs?

A. A war broke out.                  B. An earthquake happened.

C. An atomic bomb exploded.          D. A chemical factory blew up.

2. How did the science teacher react to the accident?

A. He was sad.                       B. He acted quickly.

C. He panicked.                      D. He felt helpless.

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The author-s father didn-t have to work that day.

B. The author-s father had a narrow escape.

C. The school was near where the accident happened.

D. The author-s uncle broke the news of her father-s death.

4.The author cried because          

A. she was grateful that her father had survived

B. her father was killed in the accident

C. she was sad over the tragedy that day

D. her father didn’t meet her after school

5. What does the author intend to tell us?

A. Be prepared for the worst.

B. Be brave in disasters.

C. Cherish everything that you have.

D. Parents are the most important people.



It is always good to come to an understanding with your parents.

Gurdjieff used to say,“1.   you are in good communion with your parents, you have missed your life." If some anger persists between you and your parents, you will never feel  2. ease. Wherever you are, you will feel a little guilty. You will never be able to forgive  3.   forget…Parents are not just a social relationship. It is out of them   4.  you have come. You are part of them, _  5.  branch of their tree. You are still rooted in them. When parents die, something very deep-rooted dies within you. When parents die, for the first time you feel alone, uprooted. 6. while they are alive, do everything that you can so that an understanding can arise and you can communicate with them and they can communicate with you. Then,   7.  they leave the world-and they will leave someday,you will not feel guilty; you will not repent; you will know that things have settled. 8. have been happy with you and you have been happy with them.

Part m Reading Comprehension (30 marks)



My husband and I only have one car. So after work I always walk to his office and wait for him to drive mc home.

One day, while I was waiting for him, a beautiful Cadillac      near me.Honestly, the driver was probably the prettiest woman I had ever seen outside of a movie screen. Her eyes were as blue as the sea, and she had         like an even row of pearls. Minutes later, a man came out of the building and walked over to her. They kissed and drove off.

Sitting there, dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, I wanted to cry. It is so        that some people have it all.

The next week I saw her again, and after that it became almost          to see her. I would wonder if she and her husband ate out a lot and where they went.  I wanted her to          the car so I could see her in full length. Did she wear classy, high-heeled shoes?

A few weeks, I was waiting in my usual spot and the lady's husband came over to their car.He opened the door. Slowly the pretty woman walked around to the passenger side—         on a walking cane. She           one leg with her hands and then the other one; she had a prosthetic(假肢) on her left leg and a brace (文架) on her right one.

When my husband arrived I told him about what had happened. He said he knew her husband and that, when the lady was 12 years old, she had been        in a car that got stuck on the railroad tracks. Both her parents were killed.The rail company made a large         with her because the crossing had no          ; that is why she owned such a nice car.

For weeks I had           this woman and her way of life. Now I realize how lucky I am.When you meet a person who seems to be much better off than you don't be       appearances.

1.A. rang up        B. sped up          C. went up         D. pulled up

2.A. cars           B. hairs            C.    teeth          D. fingers

3.A. unfair          B. lonely          C. surprising        D. touching

4.A. strange         B. boring          C. stressful         D. routine

5.A. stay away from  B. get out of        C. look out of       D. pick up

6.A. putting         B. turning          C. leaning          D. carrying

7.A. skipped        B. patted           C. pressed          D. lifted

8.A. limited         B. left             C. knocked         D. trapped

9.A. arrangement     B. fortune          C. settlement       D. contract

10.A. signals        B. stations          C. pedestrians      D. announcement

11.A. ignored        B. envied          C. respected        D. understood

12.A. prevented      B. limited          C. blocked         D. fooled



The cost of organic food is higher than      of conventional food because the organic price tag reflects more closely the true cost of growing the food.

A. it              B. one     C. this              D. that



Next door to ours       ,who seem to have settled in this community for quite a long time.

A. arc living a black couple

B. arc a black couple living

C. live a black couple

D. do a black couple live



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