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中学生体质状况堪忧,许多学生缺乏运动。为了让同学们重视运动,你校决定出版一期以“运动与健康”为主题的校刊,请以Benefits of taking regular exercise为题,为校刊撰写一篇英语短文。






Benefits of taking regular exercise For various reasons, many students fail to take regular exercise. In fact, taking regular exercise benefits us a lot. To begin with, exercise can help us control weight. When we engage in physical activity, we burn lots of calories. Secondly, regular physical activity can improve our muscle strength and endurance, which can keep us energetic. Thirdly, taking part in physical activity regularly can keep us away from a wide range of health problems to some extent. Finally, taking regular exercise makes us confident because we feel much better about ourselves after working out. Therefore, to feel better, have more energy and keep fit, we should take exercise on a regular basis. 【解析】 试题分析:本次书面表达的主题是学生们应给予足够重视的:“运动与健康”。写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,明确该作文的要点为:1.控制体重;2.精力充沛;3.预防疾病;4.增强自信。2、表达时要重点突出、条理清晰。3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时态。 4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。 【亮点说明】本篇范文采用三段式重点突出,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。例如taking regular exercise benefits us a lot.是动名词作主语。, which can keep us energetic.是非限制性定语从句。还有make的复合结构:makes us confident. 此外,文章还使用了大量短语engage in, keep us away from,to some extent, working out等。而To begin with, Secondly, Thirdly, Finally, 以及Therefore, 的使用使文章内容层次感强,也使语言更加连贯。 考点:考查提纲作文  








The saying that practice makes perfect mean that after you have plenty of practice in what you were doing,you will be perfect in it.If you want improve your study and work,remembering that the most important thing is how to put the knowledge you have learned into practice.For example,when learning a language,though you can make full use for your talent,practice is necessary.If you only learn grammar rules by the heart and don’t do enough exercise,it’s certain that you can’t understand the language perfectly.But if you real practise a lot,maybe you will understand them much better.In this way,you can apply that you have learned better.



My school goes from kindergarten to 6th grade.I1.     (be)a 6th grader.Because of that,the younger 2.     (kid)look up to me and my fellow classmates.This is the story about when I used my power  3.     (make)a kid feel empowered:One day,some of my friends and I were walking to our lunch period.We were a little late,4.     the halls were empty.Then a little  5.     (disable)boy he needs a walker to walk in kindergarten) came from the elevator with his guide.We were 6.     (teach)to let those kids go first,so while we waited,his guide told us he refers  7.       himself as “Fast Freddy” and then asked him to show as how fast he can go.“Fast Freddy”put a smile on his face and 8.     (go)as fast as possible.Without thinking,I said“he’s so fast”,then as if by magic,that little boy’s smile got wider and he went even 9.     (fast)!Next his guide gave me a thumbs—up and they went wherever they had to go,and so did we.I said three simple words10.     brightened someone’s day.Three simple words!



The way we choose to respond when others make mistakes can cause them to feel ashamed or can allow them to remember our kindness and share our stories with future generations.”

——Michelle Sedas

When I read the above quote I couldn’t help but        Doris.She had been a science teacher by         ,but she also was a very          person.All around her room were dolls that she had made.They were the most interesting dolls I’d ever seen;each was very           from the other.

By talking to Doris I learned she’d         a class in doll making.One day while I was in her room she took one of the dolls out of the case to           me.This doll was very           with fine artistic work.I was           that anyone could do such unique work.

As Doris was        the doll carefully in her hand,I could see a slight break in the skirt.I was         to know what happened.Doris said that on the way to class she         the side of the skirt.She expressed how scared she was and almost didn’t go to          at a11.When it came her         to show the doll to the teacher,she had to point out the           in the skirt.Doris felt for sure that the doll would be          because of it.Much to her surprise the teacher told her she was just going to            this break and grade the doll on the other good            it had.Doris shared that this remark and            from the teacher changed her life.

This teacher could have made Doris feel           by her mistake.But         her willingness to ignore the mistake,Doris was sharing her kindness with the next generation.

1.A.give up      B.call on     C.turn down  D.think of

2.A.profession     B.accident     C.birth   D.mistake

3.A.energetic     B.generous     C.creative   D.conservative

4.A.far      B.safe      C.free    D.different

5.A.taken      B.quitted     C.prepared   D.organized

6.A.flatter      B.show      C.comfort   D.upset

7.A.common      B.cheap      C.expensive  D.unusual

8.A.disappointed   B.amazed     C.terrified   D.annoyed

9.A.turning      B.bending     C.mending   D.shaking

10.A.sorry      B.proud     C.curious   D.content

11.A.burned      B.bumped     C.replaced   D.decorated

12.A.hospital     B.church     C.class   D.work

13.A.turn      B.task      C.honor   D.choice

14.A.spot      B.patch      C.hole    D.break

15.A.destroyed     B.appreciated    C.rejected  D.removed

16.A.ignore      B.value      C.notice   D.assess

17.A.talents      B.quantities     C.varieties   D.qualities

18.A.responsibility   B.attitude     C.habit   D.standard

19.A.ashamed     B.shocked     C.puzzled   D.overjoyed

20.A.as for      B.because of     C.despite of  D.apart from



Everyone wants love,money,success and so on in life.Yet too many people fail to achieve their goals, and nearly all of them are for the same reason.Generally speaking,getting what you really want out of life is just a matter of the following simple steps.

You have to decide what it is you want the most.But do not make a list of wishes. 1.   .If you’re not sure about where you want to go,you’d better think it over first and not hurry to perform.

2.  .This will be your map for getting from“where you are now”to“where you want to go”.You know what you want,and what steps you are going to take to get it.For example,if you want a better job,start with a skills assessment and maybe some extra training.You’11 need to sell yourself and your skills to your new employer.

Other goals will require a bit more thought.Some will really get you lost without a clue of how to get there.  3. 

The final step is to carry it out. 4.  .Take the steps you outlined on your road map and keep going on all the time.If you run into some people who are against you,simply ignore them.

5.   .Keep pushing.Whatever you do,do not lose heart before you have what you desire in your hands.Never think that you can’t turn your dream into a reality.

A.Do what you have planned.

B.Hold a right attitude to what you’ve achieved.

C.Never give up the goal.

D.Try to focus on one thing at a time.

E.Not to worry,though,books can be of great help.

F. Make an action plan with care.

G.Form a good habit,whatever the result may be.



Cambridge graduates are the most employable in the world,according to a global league table.The ancient university is the best at producing graduates who are‘ready to work’,a poll of major employers found.

Oxford slipped to fourth place in the rankings having taken top spot last year.Harvard and Yale—part of the US‘Ivy League’of universities—were second and third respectively.

Five British universities were ranked in the top 20—one more than last year—and 12 were in the full list of 150.

But the UK as a country came third—behind the US and Germany—when companies were asked to name the best nation for producing work—ready graduates.

The table—the Global Employability(就业能力)University Ranking published by the International New York Timesalso showed that universities in Asian countries were rapidly gaining ground on their western counterparts (对手).

Asian universities claimed 20 percent of the top 150 places in 2014 compared with only 10 percent when the tables were first published in 2010.

The other British universities in the top 20 were University College London,in 14th place,Imperial College London,in 15th,and Edinburgh,18th.

The table showed the gap between a small number of top UK universities and less famous institutions.

Laurent Dupasquier,managing partner at Emerging,a French human resources consultancy,said:“The top tier players.global brands (which tend to be all American and British).continue to lead,while other Anglo—Saxon universities,those that are mainly regional players,tend to develop less well,with an average of five places lost in comparison with last year.”

“Like the Premier League(英超联赛),the champions have an international community of students and think internationally,unlike their more locally oriented counterparts.”

The table was made following a survey of 2,500 major companies in 20 countries.Employers were asked to rank universities against a range of criteria including their production of graduates who are ready to work and their links with business.

The study claimed that‘the days of ivory towers are over’.

1.Which university had the best work-ready graduates last year?

A.Cambridge.    B.Oxford.

C.Harvard.     D.Yale.

2.The underlined phrase“gaining ground”in Paragraph 5 probably refers to ____________.

A.falling behind

B.coming into conflict

C.making room

D.becoming more successful

3.What can we learn about the UK universities from the text?

A.There are many quality gaps between UK universities.

B.The UK produced the most work-ready graduates this year.

C.Universities in the UK make up most of the top 20.

D.Almost all UK university graduates are employable.

4.Why do regional UK universities tend to develop less well this year?

A.They couldn’t raise enough education fund.

B.They have students from all over the world.

C.They lack international students and think locally.

D.The UK government didn’t support them at a11.



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