满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In my professional life I am fortunate t...

In my professional life I am fortunate to have acquired some skills that I find I am able to use even though  Ive retired.

Last week while at church in the morning,I met a     that had just moved to our state. Unfortunately they were robbed shortly after their     .and had the valuable belongings with all their     papers stolen.A very kind person in the neighborhood had       them in,but the family had very little     ,no transportation,and no       to enroll(注册)their son in school without the paperwork.

Enrolling that little boy in school       to be the highest priority for the family. But the school district was playing hardball with them with no         for them.They had gone to the library to       how to replace this paperwork,but they found they could not       the fees to replace the items quickly.

Because of my background as a(n)         administrator and my computer skills,I was able to research for them online how to       .the needed documents at low cost with only a slight delay.I was able to speak with them     and positively about the process and explain that waiting the few       days would make very little         in getting their little guy enrolled and attending school again.They told me they       my taking the time to sit down with them and help them see the“forest for the trees”,for they had felt        with what initially had seemed the impossibility of their situation.

Taking the time to       my skills and “be present’’ with them had truly helped them regain some of the     they had come to our city with when they moved—       a better 1ife.

1.A.beggar     B.boy      C.family   D.driver

2.A.arrival      B.return     C.flight   D.change

3.A.criminal     B.important     C.beneficial     D. expensive

4.A.forced     B.hidden     C.shown   D.taken

5.A.money     B.energy     C.position   D.courage

6.A.Plan   B.aim   C.way   D.idea

7.A.happened  B.seemed  C.intended  D.preferred

8.A.patience  B.direction  C.confidence D.sympathy

9.A.practice  B.research  C.suggest  D.realize

10.A.afford  B.support  C.manage  D.desire

11.A.politics  B.education  C.culture  D.history

12.A.invent  B.protect  C.design  D.replace

13.A.coldly  B.shyly   C.calmly  D.wildly

14.A.exact  B.proper  C.extra   D.final

15.A.sense  B.difference  C.room   D.use

16.A.disliked  B.considered  C.insisted  D.appreciated

17.A.surprised B.depressed  C.excited  D.amused

18.A.use   B.pass   C.take   D.get

19.A.spirit  B.task   C.hope   D.sense

20.A.putting in B.making  C.taking up  D.looking for


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本篇文章主要讲述的是作者运用自己的专业知识帮助一个有需要的家庭,使得这家人重新恢复了最初搬来这里的希望,希望能够过上更好的生活。 1.C 考查名词。A. beggar乞讨者;B. boy 男孩;C. family 家庭;D. driver 司机。根据下文的they were robbed shortly after可知,他们被抢劫了,能够表示他们这个概念的应该选择C,表示一家人。 2.A 考查名词。根据上文的that had just moved to our state可知这家人刚刚搬到我们这个州。A.arrival 到达;B.return 返回;C.flight 航班、飞行;D.change 改变。根据上文刚刚搬到这个州,选择A,意为他们刚刚到达不久就被抢劫了。 3.B 考查形容词。A.criminal 犯罪的;B.important 重要的;C.beneficial有利的、有益的; D. expensive 昂贵的。根据下文的enroll(注册)their son in school without the paperwork可知这些文件很重要,故选择B。 4.D 考查动词。A.forced 强迫;B.hidden 躲藏;C.shown表明;D.taken带来。由于下文的介词in决定了此处所填词必须和in构成固定搭配,故选择D,构成短语take in,此处解释为收留。 5.A 考查名词。A. money 钱;B. energy 能量;C. position 位置;D. courage 勇气。根据上文可知这家人被抢劫了,所有昂贵的东西都被偷走了,故他们身边几乎没有钱。选择A。 6.C 考查名词。A.Plan 计划;B.aim 目的;C.way方式、方法;D.idea 想法。根据下文的without the paperwork以及下一段的how to replace this paperwork可知,这家人没有办法使孩子注册入学。故选择C。 7.B 考查动词。A.happened 发生、碰巧;B.seemed 似乎;C.intended 目的、打算;D.preferred 情愿、更喜欢。从搭配上看四个选项都可以和to搭配,再从意思上看,选项B最为恰当。意为,使孩子注册入学似乎是这个家庭最重要的事情。故选择B。 8.D 考查名词。A.patience 耐心;B.direction 指南、方向;C.confidence 信心;D.sympathy 同情心。根据上文的the school district was playing hardball with them可知,学校方面并不对他们手软,也就是说不同情他们,故选择D。 9.B 考查动词。A.practice 练习;B.research 研究;C.suggest建议;D.realize 明白、意识。根据上文的They had gone to the library以及下一段的I was able to research for them online可知此处选择B,表示去图书馆研究如何替换文件。 10.A 考查动词。A.afford 承担的起;B.support 支持;C.manage设法做成、管理;D.desire 渴望。根据下文的the fees以及上文说这家人没有钱可知选择A,意为他们无法承担起这个费用。 11.B 考查名词。A.politics 政治;B.education 教育;C.culture 文化;D.history 历史。根据文章第一段In my professional life I am fortunate to have acquired some skills以及上文所提到的孩子入学的问题,可以推断出作者曾经的职业是教育管理者。故选择B。 12.D 考查动词。A.invent 发明;B.protect 保护;C.design 设计;D.replace 替代、取代。本题为原词重现题,根据上文的[来how to replace this paperwork可知选择D。 13.C 考查副词。A.coldly 冷地、冷酷地;B.shyly 害羞地;C.calmly 平静地、冷静地;D.wildly疯狂地、粗暴地。根据上文可知作者曾经从事教育工作,对注册入学方面比较熟悉,故向这家人解释时的应该是冷静地。选择C。 14.C 考查形容词。A.exact 确切的;B.proper 合适的、恰当的;C.extra 额外的;D.final 最终地。根据上文the needed documents at low cost with only a slight delay可知要有点小小的耽搁。故选择C,表示多等几天。 15.B 考查名词。A.sense 理智;B.difference 区别;C.room 房间、空间;D.use 使用。此句一定要注意和前面的make构成短语。选项A make sense 有意义;选项B make little difference 几乎没有影响;选项C make room 让出地方;选项D make use 使用。根据句意,选择B,指作者向这家人解释,多等几天对孩子的入学没有影响。 16.D 考查动词。A.disliked 不喜欢;B.considered 考虑、认为;C.insisted 坚持;D.appreciated 感激、欣赏。通过上文可知作者帮助这家人让孩子入学,故这家人对作者充满感激。所以选择D。 17.B 考查形容词。A.surprised 惊奇的、惊讶的;B.depressed 沮丧的、绝望的;C.excited 兴奋的;D.amused 愉快的。根据下文的what initially had seemed the impossibility of their situation可知这家人最初以为他们的这种状况以及毫无可能性。故他们感到绝望,选择B。 18.A 考查动词。A.use 使用;B.pass 通过; C.take 带走;D.get得到。根据第一段的In my professional life I am fortunate to have acquired some skills that I find I am able to use even though I’ve retired可知,作者高兴的是退休后还能使用技能。故选择A。 19.C 考查名词。A.spirit 精神;B.task 任务;C.hope希望;D.sense 感觉、意识。根据下文的they had come to our city with when they moved可知这样东西是他们搬来时带着的,以及下文的 a better life可知,选择C,指他们最初的希望。 20.A.putting in 在…上花费;B.making 制作;C.taking up 占据、从事;D.looking for 寻找。根据下文的a better life,可知选择D最为恰当,表示寻找更美好的生活。

Everyone wants to achieve happiness and smile.  1. How do we find real happiness and smile? By getting rich'? In case you are scratching your head,looking for some reasons or ideas to be happy.here are a few.

1.Throw an impromptu(即兴的) party.   2.  An impromptu one increases the.joy to a new level.And of course making other people happy is bound to have the same effect on you.

2.Treat yourself Sometimes all it takes to make one happy is a little indulgence(放纵).So,go ahead and grab a cup of coffee and sit inside a blanket with a good book! You will be surprised at how happy it makes you.

3.  3. Happiness is can be transformed! When we feel happy and excited,it can lift the spirits of others.Your simple gesture can transform a person’s day and get him or her prepared to take on any challenge.

4.Have a conversation with a parent.If you are like most kids,you possibly spend more time texting or surfing the Internet than talking to.your family.  4. You will be surprised at the feeling of joy that it brings to you.

5.Finally,don’t forget to be happy every day! While International Day of Happiness may come about only once a year,happiness is around you all day and night   5.

A.You just have to seek it out and grab it.

B.Most of your family members show no interest in texting or the Internet.

C.But life is hard,so it is very difficult to find real happiness and smile.

D.Be friendly to others and smile at a stranger.

E.Set aside your mobile phone for a few minutes and have a chat with a family member.

F.You should try to celebrate the Day of Happiness every day and everywhere.

G.Nothing makes people happier than being invited to a party.



If youre secretly worried about your smartphone addiction, then the new NoPhone might be just the thing you need.It looks and feels exactly like a smartphone,but it does nothing.It's just a piece of plastic that you can carry around in your hand to fool yourself.

Dutch designer lngmar Larsen came up with the idea as a joke along with his two friends.To their great surprise,the idea received a lot of attention online and people from all over the world stated placing requests for NoPhones of their own.So thats when the three friends decided to turn to collect enough fund for mass production.

NoPhone is currently a prototype(模型)that will cost only $12 once it hits the market.It is 5.5 inches high,2.6 inches wide and 0.29 inches thick, bringing it quite close to the latest smartphones on the market.It is described as“battery free”,“no upgrades necessary”,“shatterproof(抗震)”,“waterproof'’and“an alternative to constant hand-to-phone contact that allows you to stay connected with the real world”.

“Phone addiction is everywhere.”the designers insist.“Its ruining your dates.Its distracting you at concerts.It’s blocking sidewalks.Now,there is a real solution.With a thin.1ight and completely wireless design,the NoPhone acts as a substitute to any smart mobile device,enabling you to always have a phone to hold without giving up potential engagement with your direct environment.”

If you’re interested in NoPhone,but concerned about not being able to take selfies(自拍) anymore.Dont feel upset.The makers do have an upgrade at no extra charge—the mirror sticker.That way,they say,you can enjoy‘real-time’selfies with your friends when they’re standing right behind you.

1.What can NoPhone do for people according to the text?

A.It is actually a new kind of real smartphone.

B.It can help us stay away from the real world.

C.It helps get rid of people’s smartphone addiction.

D.Its just a piece of plastic and can do nothing.

2.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.The size of Nophone.

B.The inventors of Nophone.

C.The material of Nophone.

D.A brief description of Nophone.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.NoPhone has received unexpected attention.

B.NoPhone can completely replace smartphones.

C.The designers have made lots of money from Nophone.

D.NoPhone is able to take selfies as smartphones do.

4.What type of writing is this passage?

A.A traveI guide.       B.A scientific report.

C.A medical record.     D.An official document.



Film director James Cameron first became interested in sea exploration when he was a little boy.His love for the ocean grew after he made the 1989 undersea adventure film The Abyss and the 1997 blockbuster Titanic,one of the most successful movies of all time.Following that big success,James Cameron decided to put his film career on hold to become an explorer.

In 2012,James Cameron made a journey to the deepest spot in the Mariana Trench,known as Challenger Deep.And now the great journey has been made into a documentary film,named James Camerons Deep-sea Challenger 3D.

In James Camerons fantasy films,such as Avatar and The Abyss,the unexplored areas are decorated in colors and full of danger.But on his dive into Challenger Deep,the reality proved far different: white, deserted and dull.

“I felt like I had gone to another planet,”Cameron said after returning from the cold and dark place in the Western Pacific Ocean,nearly 7 miles below the surface.“I really have a sense of being separated and realize how tiny I am down in this big, black and unexplored place.”

Cameron captured(获取)the moon-like landscape of the deep sea and documented the sea creatures he observed in the ocean.

James Camerons Deep—sea Challenger 3D tells the story of Cameron s journey.It is a film about determination,danger and the ocean’S greatest depths.The movie shows a unique insight into Cameron’s world when he makes his dream reality and makes history by becoming the first person to travel alone to the deepest point on the planet.

Its an exciting film and inspiring reminder that our beautiful planet still has a lot to explore.

1.When did James Cameron become interested in the ocean?

A.When he was in his childhood.

B.After his films The Abyss and Titanic.

C.After he achieved great Success in movies.

D.When he began to explore the deep sea alone.

2.What is the unexplored ocean like?

A.Colorful and dangerous.

B.Boring and deserted.

C.White and attractive.

D.Small and dull.

3.What can we know about James Camerons Deep-sea Challenger 3D?

A.It is a film about the exploration of ocean creatures.

B.It is a story about Camerons film-making dream.

C.It aims to attract more people to explore the deep sea.

D.It tells us about James journey into Challenger Deep.

4.What is the best title for this passage?

A.The great dream of a film director

B.A film director exploring deep sea

C.James Cameron and his documentary film

D.The first person to make films about the deep sea



Coral reefs(珊 瑚 礁)are not just beautiful to look at,but also very useful.They shelter nearly 25% of ocean life and provide food for billions of people.However, like many other species,this amazing ecosystem(生态系统)is in danger of dying out!

There are two main reasons for the destruction—the rising carbon dioxide levels caused by global warming as well as human influences like bottom operation.While not much can be done about the former,the loss caused by the latter can be reduced.

Bottom operation involves dropping nets to the ocean bed and then dragging them up when filled with fish.This action damaged the ocean floor,causing the coral branches to separate from the reefs.While that is very discouraging,the good news is that if these branches are found quickly,they can be saved.At present,that work is being performed by volunteer divers. But the method has only limited success because they cannot stay long underwater, nor reach depths of over 200 meters where some of the deep-sea coral grows.

However,this is not the case for Coral bots—the robots that can constantly seek out broken branches.A team of ‘coral bots’,each individually working to simple rules will piece together damaged bits of coral, allowing them to regrow. They are programmed to be able to distinguish between other things and the coral.The robots work together in groups,similar to bees.If one coralbot is damaged then the others will still be able to complete the task.

Dr Lea-Anne Henry said:“The project of using coral bots offers us the possibility to restore(修复)the function of reefs.It is in the final stage of testing.Once ready, the researchers hope to build hundreds of them and use them effectively in the waters off Scotland and then hopefully in the oceans across the world.”

1.Which of the following is a cause of the danger that coral reefs are facing?

A.The appearance of new creatures.

B.The seriously polluted sea water.

C.The activities of volunteer divers.

D.Human activities like bottom operation.

2.Compared with volunteer divers,coralbots ______________.

A.can stay longer underwater

B.must work as bees do

C.can distinguish what is coral

D.can never be damaged

3.What does the underlined word“them”in the last paragraph refer to?

A.Coralbots.        B.Broken branches.

C.working bees.    D.Bits of coral.

4.We can infer from the passage that _______________.

A.bottom operation has affected most underwater creatures

B.broken branches of coral can regrow if saved in time

C.hundreds of the coralbots have worked well in the oceans

D.with the coralbots all damaged coral reefs can be restored



Dear Ms.Smith,

It is with great interest and enthusiasm that I am applying for the arts education internship (实习)advertised in Sundays New York Times.This position is exactly what I am looking for and an ideal opportunity for me to use my knowledge,educational background,and experience.

My arts education at Pratt Institute has helped me develop a firm foundation in the arts.The courses I have completed at Pratt,along with my study abroad in Paris,has prepared me well for a position in arts education.I have always enjoyed a passion for the arts but my undergraduate (本科)education has taken my interest to a whole new level.I not only enjoy doing art but I find myself even more enthusiastic when I have the opportunity to teach what I have learned.

For the past two summers I have worked directly with children at CityArts.These experiences were amazing since my responsibilities included planning and directing major projects that were planned for the summer program that goes on each year for local children interested in the arts.I was given a concept at the beginning of each summer and I had complete control of how the projects were to be completed.The children were the creative force and often were the inspiration for the artwork that was eventually presented to the public.

I am very excited about the summer opportunity with the Children’s Museum of the Arts since I know that I can definitely make a positive contribution while doing what I love,teaching art to children.I will contact you in one week to discuss my candidacy(候选资格)and see if you have any questions about my education or experience.Thank you for your time and consideration.


Samantha R.Gray

1.What is Grays purpose of writing this letter?

A.To advertise for herself in New York Times.

B.To show her great enthusiasm for CityArts.

C.To obtain the chance of teaching art to children.

D.To prove her successful educational experiences.

2.Paragraph 2 mainly tells us that _______________.

A.Gray tries to find chance to devote her rich art knowledge to children

B.Gray has gotten her undergraduate education at college in Paris

C.Gray had given up the art courses at Pratt Institute and left for Paris

D.the education Gray has received makes her optimistic about the opportunity

3.Which of the following isnt mentioned by Gray in Paragraph 3?

A.Her management ability.

B.Her family background.

C.Her love for children.

D.Her working experience.



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