满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词正确形式(不多于3个单词)。 1...


1.I enjoy reading, but I _____ (tire)of so much reading.

2.I study hard in order____  know more about the world.

3.He came ___ with a good idea at the meeting yesterday.

4.Young people always dream ______ a bright future.

5.We can’t make up _____ minds whether to go or to stay.

6.In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in  ____ (ruin)

7.As soon as he heard the news , he burst out _______ (cry).

8._______ he has failed many times, he never lost heart.

9.After graduation, they set ________ their own business.

10.It was not long _____ the city began to breathe again.


1.am tired 2.to 3.up 4.about/of 5.our 6.ruins 7.crying 8.Altough/Though 9.up 10.before 【解析】 试题分析: 考查语法知识 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.burst out突发,大声叫喊,后面接动词,动词需用ing形式。句意:当他一听到这个消息,他便突然大声哭了出来。故填crying 8. 9. 10. 考点:考查语法知识


1.Yesterday I ________ (不同意) with him about what we should do.

2.After the earthquake everything was completely ____________(破坏).

3.When did you ____________(毕业) from the middle school?

4.He felt ___________(不安的) for she left without saying goodbye.

5.The shoes he bought are of good __________ (质量)



That was when my son was 6 years old. My son is now 22 but whenever I look at him even as a grown man, I remember the small child with       .

Our cat was       to give birth. And like all young children, my son was very interested in the birth of the babies. During the following week, he never stopped       me for a chance to witness it. At last, I agreed. I answered all his questions and prepared him the best       he might not be shocked or frightened.

That       when my son arrived home, one baby cat had been born. He was so        at what he saw that he would put his hand on the mother cat’s stomach and feel the other babies       . When the mother cat began to       very loudly, it was clear that the second baby was on its way. My son      but never said a word. Then he asked me, “Mum, why does she cry so loudly when the baby comes?” I       that it was not a hurtful pain but a pain of great pleasure       the mother.

When the       of the third baby was coming by the crying of the mother cat, my son      hugged (拥抱) me with tears       his face, saying, “Mum, I’m sorry for the      I brought you to have me.” My heart almost stopped. With a(n)       choice of words, I told him that his birth has brought me       but smiles, and that I would like to      it 100 times.

Now my son is a grown man, but he always       that night, for it was on that night that he finally       what the word “love” meant.

1.A. smiles  B. tears   C. interest   D. care

2.A. willing B. determined  C. ready    D. upset

3.A. begging B. searching  C. thanking   D. commanding

4.A. unless  B. until   C. as if    D. so that

5.A. morning B. afternoon  C. noon    D. night

6.A. amazed  B. frightened  C. angry     D. sad

7.A. jumping  B. sleeping       C. moving   D. growing

8.A. laugh   B. cough   C. cry    D. shout

9.A. watched  B. noticed  C. found    D. responded

10.A. realized      B. explained   C. expressed    D. added

11.A. in   B. with   C. on    D. for

12.A. loss      B. birth     C. performance     D. protection

13.A. suddenly  B. peacefully     C. actually         D. naturally

14.A.calming down B. rolling down C. setting down       D. turning down

15.A. pain   B. trial   C. cruelty     D. violence

16.A. hopeful  B. careful   C. useless   D. informal

17.A. something   B. anything  C. nothing      D. everything

18.A. join in   B. suffer from  C. dream of       D. go through

19.A. regrets  B. remembers   C. ignores   D. prefers

20.A. understood B. decided  C. admitted        D. doubted



It was with great joy ________ he went to Shanghai to work as a volunteer there.

A. because    B. before    C. since     D. that



Tom said that he was late because he ________ in the elevator.

A. got trapped    B. trapped

C. got lost     D. lost



His parents told him ________ too much about what others said.

A. don’t care  B. not care

C. to not care   D. not to care



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