满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Several years ago a young teacher took a...

Several years ago a young teacher took a bus to the school where he worked. When he sat down, he       that the driver had given him twenty pence too much change by accident. As he       what to do, he thought to himself, “I’d better give the twenty pence back. It would be       to keep it. ”

Then he thought, “Oh,        it, it’s only twenty pence. Who would care about this little amount?         , the bus company already gets too much in fares; they will  41  miss it.         it as a gift, and keep quiet. These days I have been very       because of bad health and I hope the gift can cheer me up.”

When he arrived at his       , the teacher paused (暂停) at the door, then he       the twenty pence to the driver and said: “Here, you gave me too much        .”

The driver smiled and replied: “Dont you       me? I took your science class last year. I am a part-time driver here. I       I had given you twenty pence too much. Later I thought why not       a joke on you. I just wanted to       what you would do       I gave you too much change.”

When the young teacher       the bus, his knees became weak. He had to catch the nearest street lamp pole (杆) for       , and looked up to the sky and cried:

“Oh, I almost lost my      , and didn’t pass the       !”

1.A. hoped     B. discovered  C. regretted   D. pretended

2.A. explained    B. discussed     C. considered      D. knew

3.A. wrong B. true         C. easy            D. clever

4.A. believe   B. avoid         C. throw            D. forget

5.A. Instead B. Therefore C. Anyhow   D. However

6.A. never B. ever         C. forever   D. always

7.A. Bring B. Accept       C. Show    D. Offer

8.A. unhappy   B. free         C. strange   D. angry

9.A. home   B. school      C. stop            D. office

10.A. introduced B. posted     C. lent             D. returned

11.A. change B. help         C. time    D. confidence

12.A. find B. doubt       C. remember      D. refuse

13.A. realized B. expected     C. decided   D. admitted

14.A. hear        B. share         C. tell            D. play

15.A. ask  B. see         C. prove       D. understand

16.A. unless B. because     C. if           D. though

17.A. ran for B. waited for     C. got on         D. got off

18.A. pleasure B. support     C. fun      D. break

19.A. face          B. sense         C. money           D. way

20.A. lesson      B. chance         C. risk            D. test


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文。本文讲述的一位年轻老师在公交上发现司机多找了他20便士,随后,在内心的挣扎之后,老师选择将钱还给司机。司机曾上过老师的课,在他意识到自己多给了20便士的时候,他想看看老师的反应。老师下车后恍然大悟:自己差点就丢了面子,失去诚信。 1.A. hoped希望;B. discovered发现;C. regretted后悔;D. pretended假装;由下文I’d better give the twenty pence back.可知老师发现了20便士,故选B。 2.A. explained解释;B. discussed讨论;C. considered考虑;D. knew知道;由下文he thought to himself,可知老师在思考该如何处理这20便士,故选C。 3.A. wrong错误的 ;B. true正确的;C. easy简单的;D. clever聪明的;由上文I’d better give the twenty pence back.可以推断老师认为他应该将20便士还回去,留着它是个错误的做法,故选A。 4.A. believe相信;B. avoid避免;C. throw扔掉;D. forget忘记;Forget it.别放在心上。由下文it’s only twenty pence. Who would care about this little amount? 可知老师认为这只是20便士,没人会在乎这么点钱,故选D。 5.A. Instead反而;B. Therefore 因此;C. Anyhow总之,无论如何;D. However然而,表转折;由too much 可知老师觉得公汽公司赚得钱已经够多了,故选C。 6.A. never 从不;B. ever曾经;C. forever永远;D. always经常;由语境可以判断公汽公司赚得钱已经够多了,所以不会惦记这点钱,故选A。 7.A. Bring 带来;B. Accept接受;C. Show表演;D. Offer提供;由 and keep quiet可知老师决定将这20便士留下,故选B。 8.A. unhappy 不开心;B. free免费的;C. strange奇怪的;D. angry生气的;由语境可知老师最近身体不好,所以他不开心,故选A。 9.A. home家;B. school学校;C. stop停车站;D. office办公室;有情理可知老师搭公共汽车,到站后,他准备下车,故选C。 10.A. introduced 介绍;B. posted 张贴,邮寄;C. lent把…借给;D. returned归还;由下文“the twenty pence to the driver”可知老师将钱还给了司机,故选D。 11.A. change零钱,找零;B. help帮助;C. time 时间;D. confidence自信;由上文he discovered that the driver had given him twenty pence too much change by accident.可知提到这20便士的找零,故选A。 12.A. find发现;B. doubt怀疑;C. remember记得;D. refuse拒绝;由I took your science class last year.可以推断司机曾上过这位老师的课,由语境可知司机问老师还记得他吗?故选C。 13.A. realized 意识到;B. expected期待;C. decided决定;D. admitted承认;由语境可知司机意识到自己多找了钱,但后来想跟老师开个玩笑,故选A。 14.A. hear听到;B. share 分享;C. tell告诉;D. play玩耍,演奏;固定搭配play a joke on sb.开某人的玩笑,故选D。 15.A. ask 询问;B. see看见;C. prove证明;D. understand理解;由语境可知司机只是想看看老师的做法,故选B。 16.A. unless 除非,如果不;B. because因为;C. if如果,是否;D. though虽然;unless= if not.由would可知这里if表示条件,故选C。 17.A. ran for竞选。赶快去请;B. waited for 等待;C. got on上车;D. got off下车;get off the bus下公交车。由情理可知老师准备下车了,故选D。 18.A. pleasure愉快;B. support支撑;C. fun快乐;D. break间断;由上文his knees became weak可知老师的膝盖变得虚弱,站不稳了,想找个电线杆支撑一下,故选B。 19.A. face 面容;B. sense感觉;C. money钱;D. way道路;固定搭配lose one’s face丢脸。由语境可知老师差点丢了自己的面子,故选A。 20.A. lesson课堂;B. chance机会;C. risk危险;D. test测试,考验;由上文Later I thought why not play a joke on you.可知,这是司机对老师的诚信的考验,故选D。 考点:考查记叙文阅读

I enjoyed the movie very much. I wish I _____ the book from which it was made.

A. have read  B. had read

C. should have read   D. are reading



If it _____ another ten minutes, the game would have been called off.

A. had rained  B. would have rained

C. have seen      D. rained



Waving to her family on the platform, _____.

A. sorrow filled the girl’s mind

B. the girl could not hold back tears of sorrow

C. the girl’s mind was filled with sorrow.

D. the train began to move slowly



The novelist knew little about the precious document(文件). _____, he had hardly heard of it before.

A. Instead       B. Therefore

C. Actually            D. However



Scientists and doctors across the world have done _____ research over the years, hoping to find a cure for cancer.

A. a great deal of   B. quantity of

C. quite a few        D. a large number of



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