满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A man who was out of job applied for the...

A man who was out of job applied for the position of office boy at a very big firm. A manager     him, then a test: Clean the floor.     that, he said, “You are tired. Give me your email address, and I’ll send you the application to       .” The man replied, I don’t have a     or an email address.”

“I’m    ,” said the manager. “You don’t have a      . And whoever doesn’t exist cann’t have the      .”

The man felt     and left with no hope at all. He didn’t know what to do with only 10 dollars in his pocket. He then    to go to buy a 10-kg tomato crate(箱). And he     the tomatoes in a door round. In less than two hours, he succeeded in earning 10 dollars. The man realized that he could       in this way, and started to go every day    and return late. Thus, his    doubled or even tripled. Shortly afterwards, he bought a truck to transport his    , and then he had own fleet of delivery vehicles.

Five years later, the man became one of the    food retailers(零售商) in the US. He started to plan his family’s    , and decided to have a life insurance.

He called an insurance broker(经纪人). When the conversation was    , the broker asked him his email address. The man replied, “I don’t have one.” The broker replied     , “You don’t have an email aggress, and yet have succeeded in building an empire(大企业). Do you    what you could have been if you had an email address?”

The man    for a while and replied, “An office boy!”

1.A. examined   B. introduced   C. interviewed  D. employed

2.A. Besides    B. Before         C. During           D. After

3.A.check           B. fill            C. copy             D. repeat

4.A. computer        B. tool            C. bag             D. radio

5.A. proud           B. sorry           C. fine             D. comfortable

6.A. arrive           B. appear         C. exist            D. leave

7.A. test            B. address         C. company        D. job

8.A. encouraged      B. disappointed     C. annoyed        D. frightened

9.A. decided         B. failed           C. remembered     D. pretended

10.A. sold            B. showed         C. planted         D. tasted

11.A. win            B. grow           C. survive         D. control

12.A. quickly         B. slowly          C. later          D. early

13.A. advantage       B. money           C. interest         D. weight

14.A. tomatoes        B. workers          C. customers       D. animals

15.A. cleverest        B. cleanest          C. biggest         D. bravest

16.A. behavior        B. education         C. location       D. future

17.A. started         B. concluded        C. paused         D. broken

18.A. curiously        B. patiently         C. nervously       D. angrily

19.A. plan            B. want            C. imagine         D. ask

20.A. insisted        B. argued           C. whispered        D. thought


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.A 11.C 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:一位应聘一家大公司的保洁员,因为没有电子邮箱而可能要被拒绝。失望透顶的他买了一筐西红柿。卖完西红柿后赚了10美元,从此,他开始进入零售业,五年后拥有一家美国最大的食品公司之一。当一次谈话被问到如果有自己的邮箱的话会怎么样,他回答道“我还是一名保洁员”。 1.C 考查动词。A. examined检查B. introduced介绍C. interviewed面试;接见D. employed雇佣。他去应聘保洁员,那家公司的经理面试他。选C。 2.D. 考查介词。A. Besides此外;而且B. Before在…之前C. During在…的时候D. After在……之后。根据后文You are tired,可知,应该是完成之后。选D。 3.B考查动词。 A.check检查,核对;B. fill使充满;C. copy复制;复印D. repeat重复;复制。fill the application填写申请。我把申请表发的你电子邮箱,你填写。选B。 4.A 考查名词。A. computer 计算机B. tool工具,用具C. bag袋D. radio收音机;根据后文or an email address.”可判断应聘者说他没有电脑也没有邮箱。A项最符合语境。 5.B考查形容词。 A. proud自豪的B. sorry遗憾的C. fine 好的D. comfortable舒服的。根据后文经理说的话whoever doesn’t exist cann’t have the 42 .可推测,B. sorry遗憾的符合语境。 6.C考查名词。 A. arrive到达B. appear出现; C. exist存在D. leave离开。经理很惊讶地说:“你这样的人不可能不存在。”选C。 7.D考查名词。 A. tes试验B. address地址;演讲C. company公司;陪伴D. job 工作。经理继续说:“不存在的人怎么能获得这份工作呢?”选D。 8.B考查形容词A. encouraged鼓励的B. disappointed失望的C. annoyed烦恼的D. frightened害怕的;吃惊的。根据语境,此时应聘者的心情当然是失望的。选B。 9.A考查动词。 A. decided决定B. failed失败C. remembered记得 D. pretended假装。口袋里只有十美元了,根据下文他买了西红柿。所以选A。 10. 考查动词。A. sold 卖B. showed显示C. planted种植D. tasted尝起来 根据下文他赚了钱,所以这里是说他挨家挨户卖西红柿。选A。 11.C 考查动词。A. win赢得B. grow发展C. survive 幸存D. control控制。赚了钱之后,他觉得可以以这样的方式存活下去。选C。 12.D 考查副词。A. quickly迅速地B. slowly缓慢地C. later后来D. early早期的。根据后文and return late,可知他开始起早贪黑忙碌起来。选D。 13.B 考查名词。A. advantage优势B. money钱C. interest兴趣D. weight重量。根据后文doubled or even tripled,可知是他的钱翻倍了。选B。 14.A 考查名词。A. tomatoes蕃茄B. workers工人C. customers客户D. animals动物。到后来,他买了卡车来运输,后来有了自己的食品公司。可以判断是运输西红柿,选A。 15.C考查形容词。 A. cleverest最聪明的B. cleanest 最清洁的C. biggest最大的D. bravest最勇敢的。五年之后,他成为美国最大的零售商之一。选C。 16.D 考查名词。A. behavior行为,举止B. education教育C. location位置 D. future未来。后文提到decided to have a life insurance.所以是他开始筹划他的家庭的未来而买保险。选D。 17.B考查动词。A. started出发B. concluded结束;推断C. paused暂停D. broken折断。经纪人问邮箱地址,可以判断是谈话结束时。选B。 18.A 考查副词。A. curiously好奇地B. patiently 耐心地C. nervously神经质地;焦急地D. angrily愤怒地。根据后文经纪人说的话,可判断他当时非常惊讶。 19.C 考查动词。A. plan计划B. want需要C. imagine想像D. ask询问;要求。经纪人说,你能想象一下,如果你有邮箱的话,会怎样吗?选C。 20. 考查动词。A. insisted坚持B. argued争论C. whispered窃窃私语D. thought思考。根据后文for a while,可知,他思考了一会。选D。

My father bought me an  _____ guitar as my birthday present .

A. electrical    B. electric

C. electronic     D. electricity



John opened the door . There _____ he had never seen before.

A. A girl did stand  B. a girl stood

C. did a girl stand    D. stood a girl



The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once ____with each other.

A. they had quarreled      B. they’ve quarreled

C. have they quarreled     D. had they quarreled



The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and ____ him of speeding .

A. charged    B. accused  C. blamed    D. criticized



Many officials _______ the matter were arrested and would be put in prison.

A. involving in   B. involved in

C. involved   D. involving



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