满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was Friday night and Mike was in his ...

It was Friday night and Mike was in his office, sad.

Jean, 1. had been Mike’s friend for ten years,  2. (give)him a friendly call,” What are you going to do tomorrow?”


“Let’s go fishing. We haven’t done  3. for ages.”

Mike became very happy and accepted the invitation. So the two men went to Loire River 4.  following day.

While waiting ,Mike said that his employees had been unhelpful, and he found it difficult  5.  (get) the results he wanted from them.

“What do you think about it?” asked Jean.

“Yeah, they never listen to me,” replied Mike while eating his bananas.

A couple of minutes  6.  (late), Mike put aside the bananas he’d been eating and shouted  7. (excited), “Great, a large fish!”

Jean smiled. He asked Mike, “What did you use your bait(鱼饵), 8.  the way?”

“A worm,” Mike replied. “Why didn’t you use your bananas? You’re very fond of them, aren’t you?”

“Well, my friend,  9.  I do love bananas, I’m not stupid enough to put them on as my bait.”

“So it’s not going to work?”


“Why not use the  10.  common sense when fishing for people?”


1.who 2.gave 3.it 4.the 5.to get 6.later 7.excitedly 8.by 9.although/though 10.same 【解析】 试题分析:生活中很多道理是相同的,比如工作和钓鱼。什么样的饵料就决定了什么样的收获。 1.who考查关系代词。在非限制性定语从句中缺少主语,先行词是人,用关系代词who。 2.gave考查谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,give是句子的谓语,根据时态用过去时。 3.it考查代词。这里指代前面提到得go fishing。 4.the考查冠词the following day第二天。 5.to get。考查不定式。it是句子的形式宾语,真正的宾语是不定式to get。 6.later考查副词。a couple of minutes later几分钟之后。 7.excitedly考查副词。修饰前面的动词shouted用excited的副词形式。 8.by考查介词。by theway 顺便说一下。 9.although/though考查状语从句。根据语境,这里是让步状语从句,所以选用关系词although/though。 10.

Easy way to get healthy

I always hate the first few weeks of the New Year, mostly because people all say, “Let’s diet! It’s a new year!“

You can always choose to switch it up!   1.   Here are some simple ways to get your health on all year round.

Switch out bad habits for good ones.  2.   Do something as simple as swapping nighttime cookies for nighttime vitamins.

Catch some sleep. One of the most important things we can do for our minds and bodies is to make sure we’re getting enough sleep on a regular schedule.  3.

Feed your mind. Keep your mind smart. Start a new hobby, read a book about something you don’t understand— and so on.

4.   I’m not suggesting you take on a new sport. But taking the stairs, parking farther away, and finding a hobby you enjoy will allow you to be active.

Get organized. I’m not saying a whole repair of your entire world; start small. Organize a kitchen cabinet. Purge(清除) yourself of stuff you don’t need.

Get rid of the mess. That means your mind is included too! Make lists. Get a calendar and mark down important days. Clear your mind and your home.    5.   .

Smile. Overlook some of the bad things that are going on in your life, and focus on the good. Staying positive can help in nearly every aspect of your life!

Chang your activity.

A. Change your activity up.

B. Try exercising your brain too.

C. You’ll find it improves your mood.

D. You are the one to improve yourself.

E. It’s time to take charge of your health!

F. Sounds boring, I know, but trust me—sleep is amazing for you.

G. Smart small, and don’t plan to change your entire life in a week.



Survey Studies Internet Use in China

A typical(典型的) Chinese Internet user is a young male who prefers instant messaging to e-mail, seldom makes online purchases(购买) and favors news, music and games sites. According to a study, about two-thirds of survey participants use the Internet for news often entertainment-related or for online games. About half download music and movies.

They also tend to prefer instant messaging to e-mail, and they are depending on the Internet more frequently than before to communicate with others who have the same professions, hobbies and political interests. Online purchases still remain unpopular in China. Three-quarters of users surveyed have never bought anything over the Internet, and only 10 percent make purchases even once a month. Among those who do buy online, most pay for entertainment while others buy phone cards, or computer hardware or software.

“Many people don’t trust the quality of goods bought online,” Guo said Wednesday. “If they buy it in a store and don’t like it, they can easily bring it back.”

The survey was done in five major cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Changsha. Results do not necessarily project countrywide because Internet use in rural areas is lower than in cities. Guo describes the typical netizen in the five cities surveyed as young, male, richer and more highly educated. Males make up two-thirds of the Internet community, and more than 80 percent of users are under. Among people ages 25 to 29, 60 percent to 80 percent go online.

China has more than 100 million people online, second in the world to the United States.

1. A typical Chinese Internet user will be the one who ______.

A. likes to buy goods online

B. likes the games sites

C. likes to pay for entertainment

D. likes to send e-mails

2.Online purchases still remain unpopular in China mainly because ______.

A. goods bought online are of low quality

B. people can’t have a look at the goods

C. it is more difficult for sales returns

D. people haven’t computers

3. Which of the following words fails to describe the typical netizens in the five cities?

A. young     B. female

C. well educated    D. richer



Having a husband means an extra seven hours of housework each week for women, according to a new study. For men, getting married saves an hour of housework a week. “It’s a well-known pattern,” said lead researcher Frank Stafford at University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research. “Men usually work more outside the home, while women take on more of the housework.”

He points out that differences among households (家庭) exist. But in general, marriage means more housework for women and less for men. “And the situation gets worse for women when they have children.” Stafford said.

Overall, times are changing in the American home. In 1976, women busied themselves with 26 weekly hours of sweeping-and-dusting work, compared with 17 hours in 2005. Men are taking on more housework, more than doubling their housework hours from six in 1976 to 13 in 2005.

Single women in their 20s and 30s did the least housework, about 12 weekly hours, while married women in their 60s and 70s did the most about 21 hours a week.

Men showed a somewhat different pattern, with older men picking up the broom more often than younger men. Single men worked the hardest around the house, more than that of all other age groups of married men.

Having children increases housework even further. With more than three children, for example, wives took on more of the extra work, clocking about 28 hours a week compared with husbands’ 10 hours.

1.How many hours of housework did men do every week in the 1970s?

A. About 26       B. About 6

C. About 28       D. About 13

2.What kind of man is doing most housework according to the text?

A. A married man with children.

B. An older married man.

C. An unmarried man.

D. A younger married man

3.What can we conclude from Stafford’s research?

A. Housework sharing changes over time.

B. Having children means doubled housework.

C. Marriage has effects on job choices.

D. Marriage gives men more freedom.

4. According to the “well-known pattern” in Paragraph 1, a married man ________.

A. is the main breadwinner

B. is the master of the house

C. takes on heavier work

D. does more housework




Skyscraper Museum

Wednesday - Sunday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Adults: $5


Interested in tall buildings? Design? Then this museum is for you!!! Check the historical buildings and their special design right in lower Manhattan.


Madame Tussaud’s Wax(蜡像) Museum

Sunday - Thursday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Friday - Saturday: 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Adults: $29   Students: $13


The students in Manhattan had an exciting experience at Madame Tussaud’s! They met hundreds of famous people at a discounted (打折)price! This museum is your chance to meet your idols and have a picture taken with them.

World Art Museum

Daily: 11:00 AM Midnight (including holidays)

Cost: $15

305-532-9336 http://www. weam.com

Located in the heart of the South Beach Art Deco district, this museum shouldn’t be missed! It is currently one of South Florida’s hottest new attractions.

Bass Museum of Art

Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Sunday: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Adults: $8     The old / Students: $6

305-673-7530 http://www. bassmuseum.org

Enjoy European paintings, and sculptures. It also includes exhibitions of modern artists from different parts of the world. You will also enjoy visiting its beautiful museum shop and media center.

World Art Museum

Daily: 11:00 AM Midnight (including holidays)

Cost: $15

305-532-9336 http://www. weam.com

Located in the heart of the South Beach Art Deco district, this museum shouldn’t be missed! It is currently one of South Florida’s hottest new attractions.

1.If you are interested in building a house, you may go to_______.

A. Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum

B. Skyscraper Museum

C. World Art Museum

D. Bass Museum of Art

2.If you want to go to a museum, but you are only free after 10 pm, you can phone_______.

A. 305-756-2385     B. 305-532-9623

C. 305-673-7530    D. 305-532-9336

3.If you go to Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum, you ______.

A. will have a gift from them

B. are free to go at any time

C. will have the chance to take a picture

D. can shake hands with your idols

4. If your classmate is going to Bass Museum of Art with his grandparents, how much will they pay?

A. $20            B. $18            C. $22             D. $24



A nobleman and a merchant once met in an inn. For their lunch they both ordered soup. When it was brought, the nobleman took a spoonful, but the soup was so hot that he burned his mouth and tears came to his eyes. The merchant asked him why he was weeping. The nobleman was ashamed to admit that he had burned his mouth and answered, “Sir, I once had a brother who committed a great crime, for which he was hanged. I was thinking of his death, and that made me weep.” The merchant believed this story and began to eat his soup. He too burned his mouth, so that he had tears in his eyes. The nobleman noticed it and asked the merchant, “Sir, why do you weep?” The merchant, who now saw that the nobleman had deceived (欺骗) him, answered, “My lord(=master), I am weeping because you were not hanged together with your brother.”

1.This story teaches us ______.

A. not to believe everything you hear

B. not to eat soup that is too hot

C. not to eat in inns

D. to cry when we burn our mouth

2.The nobleman did not tell the truth because he ______.

A. felt ashamed      B. was in an inn

C. was angry       D. was a nobleman

3.It is probable that the nobleman ______.

A. had never eaten soup

B. knew the soup was too hot

C. had no brother who was hanged

D. had a very good brother

4.The merchant’s answer showed that he ______.

A. had kind heart

B. was angry with the nobleman

C. believed the nobleman

D. was very happy



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