满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a l...

Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for a living. One night I went to pick up a passenger at 2:30 AM. When I arrived to collect, I found the building was dark except for a single light in a ground floor window.

I walked to the door and knocked. “Just a minute,” answered a weak, elderly voice.

After a long pause, the door opened. A small woman in her eighties stood before me. By her side was a small suitcase.

I took the suitcase to the car, and then returned to help the woman. She took my arm and we walked slowly toward the car.

She kept thanking me for my kindness. “It’s nothing,” I told her. “I just try to treat my passengers the way I would want my mother treated.”

“Oh, you’re such a good man,” she said. When we got into the taxi, she gave me an address, and then asked, “Could you drive through downtown?”

“It’s not the shortest way,” I answered quickly.

“Oh, I’m in no hurry,” she said. “I’m on my way to a hospice (临终医院). I don’t have any family left. The doctor says I don’t have very long.”

I quietly reached over and shut off the meter (计价器).

For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she had lived, and the furniture shop that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl.

Sometimes she’d ask me to slow down in front of a particular building and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.

At dawn, she suddenly said, “I’m tired. Let’s go now.”

We drove in silence to the address she had given me.

“How much do I owe you?” she asked.

“Nothing,” I said.

“You have to make a living,” she answered. “Oh, there are other passengers,” I answered.

Almost without thinking, I bent and gave her a hug. She held onto me tightly. Our hug ended with her remark, “You gave an old woman a little moment of joy.”

1.The old woman chose to ride through the city in order to _____.

A. show she was familiar with the city

B. see some places for the last time

C. let the driver earn more money

D. reach the destination on time

2.The taxi driver did not charge the old woman because he _____.

A. wanted to do her a favor

B. shut off the meter by mistake

C. had received her payment in advance

D. was in a hurry to take other passengers

3. What can we learn from the story?

A. Giving is always a pleasure.

B. People should respect each other.

C. An act of kindness can bring people great joy.

D. People should learn to appreciate others’ concern.


1.B 2.A 3.C 【解析】 试题分析: 短文描述一个出租车司机在二十年前的一个真实的事情。一天凌晨,接待了一位老人,她的要求是环视全城,每到一个她熟悉的地方,她都会讲述以前的事情,后来司机才知道,原来她的生命就要结束了,因此是想再看一看这熟悉的地方。最后司机并没有收费,而且还送给老人一个拥抱 1.B细节理解题。问题:这位老妇人为什么环视这座城市?阅读全文得知,她遇到一个熟悉的地方,就请司机慢行,并且还讲以前的事情。原文是她的生命很短暂了,她想在最后的时刻看一看这些地方,故选B项。 2.A细节理解题。问题:出租车司机为什么没有向她要钱?分析句意:老人问多少钱,司机说不要钱了。最后一句话也体现出司机的用心。 Almost without thinking, I gave her a hug(拥抱). She held on me and said, “You gave an old woman a little moment of joy.”句意: 几乎想也没想,我给了她一个拥抱。她对我说,“你给了一个老妇人片刻的欢乐。”从中充分说明,司机想帮助她,故选A项。 3.C细节理解题。问题:从这个故事中我们学到了什么?通过对全文的理解,我们从中明白一点,一个善良的举动能带给人们很大的快乐,故选C项。



It was raining. I went into a café and asked for a coffee. _______ I was waiting for my drink, I realized that there were other people in the place, but I sensed________. I saw their bodies, but I couldn't feel their souls _______ their souls belonged to the ________.

I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man ________ in front of it. "I'm Steve", he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. "I can't talk with you. I'm ________ ", he said. He was chatting online and, ________, he was playing a computer game—a war game. I was _______.

Why didn't Steve want to talk with me? I tried _______ to speak to that computer geek(怪人), ________ not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction(反应). I was ________. I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, "_______!"

I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the café were looking at me. I _______, and saw nobody showed any interest.

_______, I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more ________ having a relationship with the _______, particularly Steve. I wouldn't want to ________ the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines _______ with people.

I was worried and I sank in my thoughts. I didn't even ________ that the coffee was cold, ________ Steve didn't notice there was a person next to him.

1.A. Before        B.Since        C.Although       D. While

2.A. pain            B. loneliness      C. sadness          D. fear

3.A. because        B. when        C. until           D. unless

4.A. home            B. world        C. net               D. cafe

5.A. sleeping        B. laughing    C. sitting           D. learning

6.A. busy            B. thirsty        C. tired           D. sick

7.A. first of all        B. just then    C. at the same time   D. by that time

8.A. surprised        B. delighted     C. moved        D. frightened

9.A. once            B. again         C. first           D. even

10.A. but            B. so             C. if               D. or

11.A. excited        B. respected     C. afraid           D. unhappy

12.A. Shut up        B. Enjoy yourself C. Leave me alone   D. Help me out

13.A. walked about   B. walked out     C. raised my hand   D. raised my head

14.A. From then on  B. At that moment C. In all           D. Above all

15.A. interested in    B. tired of         C. careful about   D. troubled by

16.A. computer        B. soul          C. shop           D. geek

17.A. tell            B. plan         C. imagine       D. design

18.A. other than    B. instead of     C. except for       D. as well as

19.A. pretend        B. understand     C. insist           D. realize

20.A. as if           B. just as         C. just after       D. even though



All the task ____ ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week.

A.had been finished      B.were finished

C.having been finished   D.been finished



Babara is easy to recognize as she’s the only one of women who ____evening dress.

A.wear          B.wears         C.has worn        D.have worn



Shanghai is the first city in the world ____a high-speed maglev train, from the city to Pudong Airport.

A.to build     B.to be built

C.to have built     D.to have been built



——Tomorrow ____ my birthday. I’d like you and Jane to come.

——I’m not sure if she ____ free.

A.will be; is    B.is going to; is

C.is; is     D.is; will be



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