满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I worked in a large city, passing b...

When I worked in a large city, passing by someone homeless wasn’t an uncommon sight.

It seemed to me that I had to do something. As a single mom and newcomer to my field, I decided to        up with a plan that fitted my limited         . I began to set five to ten dollar bills     each payday, and during the week, I     pass them out to those I met on the street.

     a dollar felt like a small amount, I realized how powerful it was. Those I     were people just like me. Sometimes we would joke a bit and smile together. On some occasions, I was able  to     more. I mean, more than money. I’ll never know how and if the dollars     , but I know that the connections we made did.

One day after I had started this weekday practice, I     enough money to buy myself a new winter coat. With my new coat bought, I realized that my old coat could     be put to use by someone who had little or nothing to     them from the cold. Meanwhile, a brilliant idea came into my mind. Why not pass on this opportunity for     to others? So I turned to the salesman who had helped me, and asked if he would feel     taking my old coat, walking to the corner and offering it to someone in     . Slightly surprised by what I requested of him, he smiled, “I will as soon as I get  a     .”

I cannot help     feel that my experiences with kindness have     many people and a growing number of people have     followed my example to care for those who need help. In this way, I feel I’ve helped     just those I passed by on the street. Kindness touches many hearts, and I am     for the way it has touched mine.

1.A. come   B. keep    C. catch    D. put

2.A. knowledge B. expenses   C. budget    D. experience

3.A. up   B. down    C. off    D. aside

4.A. must   B. would    C. could    D. should

5.A. Because  B. Although   C. Unless    D. If

6.A. passed by  B. worked with  C. turned to   D. stared at

7.A. receive   B. accept    C. give    D. refuse

8.A. used   B. wasted    C. spent    D. helped

9.A. saved up  B. took up   C. picked up   D. kept up

10.A. also   B. hardly    C. seldom    D. still

11.A. prevent  B. keep    C. protect    D. dress

12.A. connection B. kindness   C. communication  D. relationship

13.A. comfortable B. convenient   C. necessary   D. disappointed

14.A. anger  B. need    C. danger    D. doubt

15.A. coat   B. request   C. bonus    D. break

16.A. and   B. but    C. or    D. so

17.A. moved  B. thanked   C. bothered   D. considered

18.A. in exchange B. in case   C. in turn   D. in charge

19.A. other than B. more than   C. better than   D. rather than

20.A. gifted  B. responsible   C. independent  D. Grateful


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:当我在大城市工作时,街上的流浪者很常见。我想要帮助他们,我开始每个发工资的日子省一点钱,然后在周末的时候施舍给这些无家可归的人。后来我还把我的旧外套给了他们。 1.A考查动词。A. Come来;B. Keep保持;C. Catch抓住;D. Put放;come up with固定短语,想出,故选A。 2.C考查名词。A. Knowledge知识;B. Expenses花费;C. Budget预算;D. Experience经验;适合我预算的计划,也就是在我的经济承受能力范围之内的计划,故选C。 3.D考查介词。A. Up上;B. Down下;C. Off关闭;D. Aside一边;set..aside固定搭配,把...放到一边,也就是存起来,故选D。 4.B考查情态动词。 A. Must必须;B. Would将会;C. Could能够;D. Should应该;我将会把它们给街上的流浪者,选B。 5.B考查连词。A. Because因为;B. Although虽然;C. Unless除非;D. If如果;虽然一块钱是一个很小的数目,选B。 6.A考查动词短语。 A. passed by经过;B. worked with和...工作;C. turned to转向;D. stared at紧盯着;我经过的那些人,根据第一段passing by可知,故选A。 7.C考查动词。A. Receive得到 ;B. Accept接受; C. Give给;D. Refuse拒绝;有时,我能给他们更多的钱,作者是给出了钱,可知选C。 8.D考查动词。A. Used使用;B. Wasted浪费;C. Spent花费;D. Helped帮助;我不知道这些钱是否能起到帮助的作用,作者是在帮助别人,故选D。 9.A考查动词短语。A. saved up储蓄,贮存;B. took up拿起,开始从事;C. picked up捡起;D. kept up继续,保持;我存钱来买新的大衣,选A。 10.D考查副词。A. Also也;B. Hardly很难;C. Seldom很少;D. Still仍然;我意识到我的旧大衣还能给别人用,根据下文可知作者把她的旧大衣送给了流浪者,选D。 11.C考查动词。A. Prevent阻止;B. Keep保持;C. Protect保护;D. Dress穿;protect...from保护...没有什么能够给他们御寒的,选C。 12.B考查名词。A. Connection连接;B. Kindness善良;C. Communication交流;D. Relationship关系;为什么不把这个表现善良的就会给别人呢?这件事是一件表现出人的善良的事,选B。 13.A考查形容词。 A. Comfortable自在,舒适;B. Convenient便利;C. Necessary必要;D. Disappointed失望;让他把我的大衣给需要的人,他会感到自在吗?,故选A。 14.B考查名词。A. Anger气愤;B. Need需要;C. Danger危险;D. Doubt疑惑;in need需要的人,根据文章可知大衣是给需要它的人,故选B。 15.D考查名词。 A. Coat外套; B. Request要求;C. Bonus奖金,红利;D. Break休息;只要我有休息的时间,我就会去做。员工有休息时间才能走到街上去,故选D。 16.B考查连语。A. And并且;B. But但是;C. Or或者;D. So所以;cannot feel but do,固定搭配,情不自禁做某事,故选B。 17.A考查动语。A. Moved感动;B. Thanked感谢;C. Bothered烦恼;D. Considered认为;我善良的举动感动了很多人,是很多人继续这些善良的行为,故选A。 18.C考查介词短语。A. in exchange作为交换;B. in case万一;C. in turn轮流,依次;D. in charge掌控;许多人一个一个的帮助那些需要帮助的人,故选C。 19.B考查短语。 A. other than除了;B. more than更多;C. better than比..更好;D. rather than而不是;我觉得我不止帮助了那些街上的流浪者,我的行为意味着更多,故选B。 20.。 考点:考查故事类阅读

I can’t believe that they ______ in the mountains for three days now! They must be so frightened.

A. have been missing      B. have got lost

C. have lost      D. have missed



I just wonder ______ made her so excited that she shouted before so many people.

A. what was it that      B. why was it that

C. what it was that      D. why it was that



If I don’t do well, I hate to think what will become ______ my reputation ______ an excellent accountant!

A. of; as      B. of; for      C. into; as      D. into; for



A(n) ______ idea is different from the one you have and can be used instead.

A. secure      B. conservative

C. alternative      D. Mild



If we had booked a table earlier, we ______ here in a queue.

A. wouldn’t be standing   B. wouldn’t have stood

C. shouldn’t stand   D. couldn’t have stood



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