满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.According to Dr Laurence Lyons, women...


1.According to Dr Laurence Lyons, women will be __________ (嫉妒)because they have an advantage over men in this area.

2.In today’s job market, companies are always looking for people who are both organized and __________ (灵活的).

3.Is it true that __________ (律师)charge higher fees than doctors?

4.Nicholas told us that teachers in his school did not like to hand out __________ (惩罚)at all.

5.__________ (怀疑)of taking a bribe, the official was being investigated.

6.There are still a lot of problems which need to be __________ (克服).

7.__________ (判断)from his accent, he must be from Fuzhou.

8.People are advised not to dress __________ (随意地)for the interview.

9.Susan gave a good __________ (描述)of Meg and Ann’s project.

10.You don’t need to be Einstein to __________ (预测)the job areas which will be most affected by such changes.

11.The __________ (牛)are scared of your dog. Please keep it away from them.

12.Wu Lili accepted the man’s invitation without __________ (犹豫).

13.By doing self-assessment, you can learn more about yourself what type of learner you are and where your s__________ and weaknesses lie.

14.At first, I enjoyed being a full-time housewife and called myself “CHO” or “c_________ home officer”.

15.I feel that airlines should not allow new-born babies a__________ their long distance flights.


1.envied 2.flexible 3.lawyers 4.punishment 5.Suspected 6.overcome 7.Judging 8.casually 9.description/account 10.predict 11.cattle/oxen 12.hesitation 13.strengths 14.chief 15.aboard 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词、名词、形容词、副词、固定搭配,注意运用正确形式。 1.envied考查动词 根据前面的be可知是被男人嫉妒,用被动语态,用envied 2.flexible 考查形容词 修饰人用形容词,且根据前面的organized也可指要用形式相同的词,用flexible 3.lawyers 考查名词 与doctors用相同形式,用复数,用lawyers 4.punishment考查名词 不可数名词,故用punishment 5.Suspected 考查动词 这个官员是被怀疑受贿了,与主语之间是被动关系,用Suspected 6.overcome考查动词 根据be可知是被动语态,问题被克服,故用overcome 7.Judging 考查固定搭配 Judging from...固定搭配,根据...判断,用Judging 8.casually考查副词 修饰动词dress用副词,用casually 9.description/account 考查名词 两个词都有描述的意思,give a description/account of给出一个..的描述,故可用description/account 10.predict 考查动词 to do sth,介词to后面一一般跟动词原形,除了一些固定短语,故用predict 11.cattle/oxen 考查名词 这两个词都有牛的意思,cattle是单复数同形,oxen是ox的复数形式,故可用cattle/oxen 12.hesitation 考查名词 without hesitation毫不犹豫地,固定搭配,用hesitation 13.strengths 考查名词 优势,与weaknesses形成对比,并且要保持形式相同,用复数,用strengths 14.chief 考查形容词 首要的,chief home officer从chief executive officer(CEO)中改写出来,用chief 15. 考点:考查动词、名词、形容词、副词、固定搭配的用法

As any homemaker who has tried to keep order at the dinner table knows, there is far more to a family meal than food. Sociologist Michael Lewis has been studying 50 families to find out just how much more.

Lewis and his co-workers carried out their study by videotaping(录像)the families while they ate ordinary meals in their own homes. They found that parents with small families talk actively with each other and their children. But as the number of children gets larger, conversation gives way to the parents’ efforts to control the loud noise they make. That can have an important effect on the children. “In general the more question-asking the parents do, the higher the children’s IQ scores,” Lewis says. “And the more children there are, the less question-asking there is.”

The study also provides an explanation for why middle children often seem to have a harder time in life than their siblings(兄弟姐妹). Lewis found that in families with three or four children, dinner conversation is likely to center on the oldest child, who has the most to talk about, and the youngest, who needs the most attention. “Middle children are invisible,” says Lewis. “When you see someone get up from the table and walk around during dinner, chances are it’s the middle child.” There is, however, one thing that stops all conversation and prevents anyone from having attention: “When the TV is on,” Lewis says, “dinner is a non-event.”

1.The writer’s purpose in writing the text is to ______.

A. show the relationship between parents and children

B. report on the findings of a study

C. teach parents ways to keep order at the dinner table

D. give information about family problems

2.Parents with large families ask fewer questions at dinner because ______.

A. they are busy serving food to their children

B. they have to pay more attention to younger children

C. they are busy keeping order at the dinner table

D. they are tired out having prepared food for the whole family

3.Lewis’ research provides an answer to the question ______.

A. why middle children seem to have more difficulties in life

B. why TV is important in family life

C. why parents should keep good order

D. why children in small families seem to be quieter

4.Which of the following statements would the writer agree to?

A. It is important to have the right food for children.

B. It is a good idea to have the TV on during dinner.

C. Elder children should help the younger ones at dinner

D. Parents should talk to each of their children frequently.



He’s an old cobbler(修鞋匠) with a shop in the Marais, a historic area in Paris. When I took him my shoes, he at first told me: “I haven’t time. Take them to the other fellow on the main street; he’ll fix them for you right away.”

But I’d had my eye on his shop for a long time. Just looking at his bench loaded with tools and pieces of leather, I knew he was a skilled craftsman(手艺人).  “No,” I replied, “the other fellow can't do it well.”

“The other fellow” was one of those shopkeepers who fix shoes and make keys “while-U-wait” without knowing much about mending shoes or making keys. They work carelessly, and when they have finished sewing back a sandal strap(鞋带), you might as well just throw away the pair.

My man saw I wouldn’t give in, and he smiled. He looked at my shoes, had me write my name on one shoe with a piece of chalk and said, “Come back in a week.”

I was about to leave when he took a pair of soft leather boots off a shelf.

“See what I can do?” he said with pride. “Only three of us in Paris can do this kind of work.”

When I got back out into the street, the world seemed brand-new to me. He was something out of an ancient legend, this old craftsman with his way of speaking familiarly, his very strange, dusty felt hat, his funny accent from who-knows-where and, above all, his pride in his craft.

These are times when nothing is important but the bottom line, when you can do things any old way as long as it “pays”, when, in short, people look on work as a path to ever-increasing consumption(消费) rather than a way to realize their own abilities. In such a period it is a rare comfort to find a cobbler who gets his greatest satisfaction from pride in a job well done.

1.Which of the following is true about the old cobbler?

A. He was equipped with the best repairing tools.

B. He was proud of his skills.

C. He was the only cobbler in the Marais.

D. He was a native Parisian.

2.The underlined sentence “He was something out of an ancient legend.” shows that ______.

A. it was difficult to communicate with this man

B. the man was very strange

C. nowadays you can hardly find anyone like him

D. the man was too old

3.According to the author, many people work just to ______.

A. make money     B. realize their abilities

C. gain happiness      D. gain respect

4.This story wants to tell us that ______.

A. craftsmen make a lot of money

B. craftsmen need self-respect

C. whatever you do, do it well

D. people are born equal



Life-long learning is the concept that “It’s never too soon or too late for learning.” — a philosophy that has taken root in a larger number of different organizations. Life-long learning is an attitude — learners believe that one can and should be open to new ideas, decisions, skills or behaviors. Life-long learning throws the well-known rule “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” out of the door. Life-long learning provides the general public with learning opportunities at all ages and in different ways: at work, at home and through leisure activities, not just through formal channels such as school and higher education.

Life-long education is often achieved through distance learning or e-learning, continuing education, home schooling, etc. It also includes training programs for those who want to improve their qualifications, bring their skills up to date or retrain for a new line of work. In later life, especially in retirement, continued learning takes various forms, crossing traditional academic limits.

One of the reasons why life-long education has become so important is the rapid progress of modern science and technology. Although the period of primary, secondary and university education is increased, the knowledge and skills gained there are usually not sufficient for a professional career spanning(跨越) three or four decades.

1.The philosophy of life-long learning goes against the concept that “ ______”.

A. It’s never too late to learn.

B. Whoever cares to learn will always find a teacher.

C. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

D. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

2.What is the main idea behind life-long education?

A. To force people to keep in learning new skills throughout their working life.

B. To provide teachers with extra income.

C. To allow people to have chances to receive education throughout their life.

D. To prevent students from learning at school.

3.The underlined word “sufficient” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “______”.

A. popular     B. well-educated

C. well-informed     D. enough

4.It can be inferred that ______.

A. life-long education is the requirement of fast development of education

B. the increased period of school education is a supplement(补充) to life-long learning

C. the education system is failing to keep pace with rapid technology development

D. life-long education is intended for retired workers at home



“I would almost rather see you dead,” Robert S. Cassatt, a leading banker of Philadelphia, shouted when his twenty-year-old eldest daughter announced that she wanted to become an artist. In the 19th century, playing at drawing or painting on dishes was all right for a young lady, but serious work in art was not. And when the young lady’s family ranked(位列) among the best of Philadelphia’s social families, such an idea could not even be considered.

That was how Mary Cassatt, born in 1844, began her struggle as an artist. She did not tremble before her father’s anger. Instead, she opposed(抗拒)him with courage and at last made him change his mind. Mary Cassatt gave up her social position and all thought of a husband and a family, which in those times was unthinkable for a young lady. In the end, after long years of hard work and perseverance(坚持), she became America’s most important woman artist and the internationally recognized leading woman painter of the time.

1.How did Mr Cassatt react when his daughter made her announcement?

A. He feared for her life.    B. He warned her.

C. He nearly killed her.     D. He was very angry.

2.What in fact was Mr Cassatt’s main reason in opposing his daughter’s wish?

A. Drawing and painting was simply unthinkable among ladies in those days.

B. He did not believe his daughter wanted to work seriously in art.

C. Ladies of good families simply did not become artists in those times.

D. He believed an artist’s life would be too hard for his daughter.

3.What made Mary Cassatt’s “struggle” to become a recognized artist especially hard?

A. Her father opposed her.

B. She was a woman.

C. She had no social position.

D. She did not come from an artist’s family.

4.What do we know about Mary Cassatt’s marriage?

A. She never married because she did not want to be just a wife and mother.

B. Her marriage failed because she never gave a thought to her husband and family.

C. After marriage she decided to give up her husband rather than her career.

D. She didn’t marry because for a lady of her social position to marry below her was unthinkable.



Sir Steven Redgrave

Winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals

“In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes(糖尿病). Believing my career was over, I felt extremely low. Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I should stop training and competing. That was it the encouragement I needed. I could still be a winner if I believed in myself. I am not saying that it isn’t difficult sometimes. But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn’t finished yet. Nothing is to stand in my way.”

Karen Pickering

Swimming World Champion

“I swim 4 hours a day, 6 days a week. I manage that sort of workload by putting it on top of my diary. This is the key to success you can’t follow a career in any field without being well-organized. List what you believe you can achieve. Trust yourself, write down your goals for the day, however small they are, and you’ll be a step closer to achieving them.”

Kirsten Best

Poet & Writer

“When things are getting hard, a voice inside my head tells me that I can’t achieve something. Then, there are other distractions, such as family or hobbies. The key is to concentrate. When I feel tense, it helps a lot to repeat words such as ‘calm’, ‘peace’ or ‘focus’, either out loud or silently in my mind. It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence. This is a habit that can become second nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological(心理的) tool”

1.What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talk about?

A. He overcame the bad influence of illness to win.

B. Specialists offered him medical advice.

C. Training helped him defeat his disease.

D. Difficulties influenced his career.

2.What does Karen Pickering put on top of her diary?

A. Her daily happenings.  B. Her training schedule.

C. Her achievements.         D. Her sports career.

3.What does the underlined word “distractions” probably refer to?

A. Activities that turn one’s attention away.

B. Ways that help one to focus.

C. Words that help one to feel less tense.

D. Habits that make it hard for one to relax.

4.According to the passage, what do the three people have in common?

A. Courage.      B. Self-confidence.

C. Devotion.      D. Hard work.



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