满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The young girl was _____ to ask such a s...

The young girl was _____ to ask such a simple question and nodded like the others.

A. shamed     B. ashamed     C. shameful         D. shameless


B 【解析】 试题分析:B;考查单词意义辨析。A. shamed使羞耻,被羞辱 B. ashamed惭愧的,感到难为情的C. shameful可耻的,不体面的 D. shameless无耻的,不要脸的;句意:年轻的姑娘被问到如此简单的问题时感到了难为情并像其他人一样点了点头。 考点:考查单词意义辨析  

He          to get a high position in the company, but failed because of his carelessness.

A. managed      B. succeeded      C. attempted       D. thought







注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当加入细节,以使内容充实、行文连贯。

提示词:义卖:Charity Sale;   阶梯教室:lecture hall










The Mayan Indians lived in Mexico for thousands of years before the Spanish arrived in the 1500s. The Maya were an intelligent, culturally rich people whose achievements were many. They had farms, beautiful palaces, and cities with many buildings. _1.__ This knowledge helped them to live a better life than most people of that time, because they could use it to make their lives more comfortable and rewarding.

In ancient Mexico there were many small clearings in the forest. In each clearing was a village with fields of corn, beans, and other crops around it. To clear the land for farms, the Maya cut down trees with stone axes. They planted seeds by digging holes in the ground with pointed sticks. __2. But not every Maya had to be a farmer. Some were cloth makers, builders, or priests.

The Maya built large temples to honor the Mayan gods. Skillful workers built cities around these temples. Today, many of these ancient Mayan cities and temples are still standing.

Although the cities that the Maya built were beautiful, and the people worked hard to build them, very few of the people lived in them. Usually, only the priests lived in the cities. The other people lived in small villages in the forests. They lived in small huts with no windows. The walls were made of poles covered with dried mud, and the roof was made of grass or leaves. __3.__.

Measuring time was important to the Maya. __4.__ A system was developed for measuring time accurately. Mayan priests made the system to keep track of time. They made a calendar based on their study of the sun, moon and stars. The Mayan calendar was far more accurate than the European calendars of the time.

Around the year 800, the Maya left their villages and beautiful cities, never to return. __5.__ They may have died from an infectious disease. They may have left because the soil could no longer grow crops. Scientists are still trying to find the lost secrets of the Maya. They are still one of our greatest mysteries.

A. No one knows why this happened.

B. Most Maya lived a simple life close to nature.

C. The Maya were an intelligent, culturally rich people.

D. Farmers needed to know when to plant and harvest their crops.

E. They had to fight against natural disasters as common occurrences.

F. One farmer was able to grow crops that produced food for several people.

G. The Mayan people knew a lot about nature and the world around them.



Modern inventions have speeded up people’s lives amazingly. Motor-cars cover a hundred miles in little more than an hour, aircraft cross the world a day, while computers operate at lightning speed. Indeed, this love of speed seems never-ending. Every year motor-cars are produced which go even faster each new computer boasts(吹嘘)of saving precious seconds in handling tasks.

All this saves time, but at a price. When we lose or gain half a day in speeding across the world in an airplane, our bodies tell us so. We get the uncomfortable feeling known as jet-lag; our bodies feel that they have been left behind in another time zone. Again, spending too long at computers results in painful wrists and fingers. Mobile phones also have then danger according to some scientists; too much use may transmit harmful radiation into our brains, a consequence we do not like to think about.

However, what do we do with the time we have saved? Certainly not relax, or so it seems. We are so accustomed to constant activity that we find it difficult to sit and do nothing or even just one thing at a time. Perhaps the days are long gone when we might listen quietly to a story on the radio, letting imaginations take us into another world.

There was a time when some people’s lives were devoted simply to the cultivation of the land or the care of cattle. No multi-tasking there; their lives went on at a much gentler pace, and in a familiar pattern. There is much that we might envy about a way of life like this. Yet before we do so, we must think of the hard tasks our ancestors faced; they farmed with bare hands, often lived close to hunger, and had to fashion tools from wood and stone. Modern machinery has freed people from that primitive existence.

1.The new products become more and more time-saving because ______.

A. our love on speed seems never-ending

B. time is limited

C. the prices are increasingly high

D. the manufacturers boast a lot

2.What is the author’s attitude towards the modern technology?

A. Critical   B. Objective

C. Optimistic     D. Negative

3.What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The present and past times

B. Machinery and human beings

C. Imaginations and inventions

D. Modern technology and its influence



In the rush to get to school, you drop a piece of toast on the floor. Do you throw it away or decide it’s still OK to eat? If you’re like most people, you eat it. Maybe you follow the “5-second rule”, which claims foods are safe to eat if you pick them up within 5 seconds after dropping them.

But you might want to think again. Scientists now say that 5 seconds is all it takes for foods to become polluted with enough bacteria to make you sick.

Bacteria can cause many kinds of illnesses. Some kinds of bacteria can grow on food. If you eat foods on which these bacteria are growing, you can become sick.

One of these food-borne bacteria is Salmonella. It makes 1.4 million people sick every year. Salmonella is often found in raw eggs and chicken. Cooking kills these bacteria, which is why it is so important to cook eggs, chicken, and other foods thoroughly.

But how long does it take these bacteria to pollute food? A team of scientists in South Carolina did an experiment. First, they placed an amount of Salmonella on three surfaces; wood, tile (瓦片), and carpet. They placed a piece of bread and a piece of bologna(一种大红肠)on each surface for 5, 30, or 60 seconds. After just 5 seconds, both the bread and the bologna picked up enough bacteria to make you sick.

So, forget the 5-second rule. If your toast drops on the floor, throw it away and get another piece of clean toast. And this time, be careful not to drop it!

1.In which part of a newspaper can you most probably find this passage?

A.Culture.  B.Health.

C.Advertisement.  D.Technology.

2.After dropping a piece of toast, a person who follows the “5-second rule” will______.

A. throw away dirty toast immediately and go away

B. pick up the toast as quickly as possible and eat it

C. eat the toast within 5 seconds and feel pleased

D. get another piece of clean toast quickly and eat it

3. The scientists in South Carolina did the experiment to ______.

A. see how quickly bacteria can pollute food

B. show that the 5-second rule is correct

C. see how harmful bacteria are to people’s health

D. show that bacteria grow at different speeds on different foods



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