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ETL International English Summer Camp Vo...

ETL International English Summer Camp

Volunteer Wanted

EIL was founded in Britain in 1936 with the fundamental aim of international understanding“Learn to live together by living together”.

Requirements: Over 16; good knowledge of English; outgoing; working well with children between 7-12

Activities; Language study, outdoor recreation and travel

Campers; Students from different countries

Camp site; Mount Wuyi, Fujian

Time: July 26-August 9

Application deadline; July 15,2014

If interested, please e-mail to info@eiuk.org




Dear Sir,

I’m Li Hua from Fujian.




I am looking forward to your early reply.

Yours Sincerely ,

Li Hua


Dear Sir, I’m Li Hua from Fujian, When I was reading the advertisement, the aim of this activity impressed me greatly. I think it helpful to learn to live together by living together. It is a good opportunity for the only child like me to learn to share and work together. Therefore, I recommend myself to you without hesitation. As a boy of 17, I am outgoing, good at English and have experience of working well with children aged from 7 to 12. I think it is a kind of win-win activity. For one thing, I can help take care of the children. For another thing, I can improve my English, make more friends, and enrich my life during the summer vacation. I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours Sincerely , Li Hua 【解析】 试题分析:本书面表达属于书信类文章,要求根据提示信息写一封自荐信。写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确有哪些要点。2、提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象。要依据提示情景或词语,按照一定逻辑关系来写。3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时态。 4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。 【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明。使用了多种句式和短语,比如the aim of表示目的是…..,I think it helpful to learn to live together by living together.这句话用it做形式宾语,避免头轻脚重。It’s a good opportunity for sb. to do sth.表示对某人来说做某事是个好机会。Recommend sb. To表示推荐某人做某事。For one thing, for another thing的使用使文章更有层次感,也使语言更加连贯。 考点:考察提纲作文。  




删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉。




Dear Mr White,

I am writing tell you a piece of good news. Last week our school hold a Spoken English Competition. I stood out in the competition and won a first place. In my view, it is your kind help which has helped me gain the achievement. During your spare time, you often spent such much time helping me with your spoken English that I made rapid progress. In the competition, I followed your advices on how to behave, which led to my success. I’m grateful to you for your help and decide that I will make up more efforts and try to make great progress in the future.

I’m looking forward to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



Mum: (putting on her coat) I'm going to have to go down to the shop for more bread.

Alan: Why?

Mum: I'm not sure what     1.   (happen). I made some sandwiches earlier and left them on the table   2.    I went to answer the phone. But someone must have taken them because they're     3.     (go).

Alan: Oh, it must have been Dad. I'm sure he was in the kitchen    4.    (early).

Mum: No, he went off to his tennis match before I finished   5.      (make) them, so he couldn't have done it.    6.    , he couldn't carry a plate of sandwiches as well as all his tennis stuff, so I'm sure    7.      wasn't him.

Alan: (opening the fridge door) Well, it wasn't me. But Mum, look! Are these your sandwiches here on the bottom shelf of 8.    fridge?

Mum: Are they there? Oh, my goodness. I     9.     (put) them in there when the phone rang. Oh, dear. I really must be losing my    10.    . Now, why did I put on my coat?



One day, my father drove his employer to another city for a business meeting. On the outskirts(郊区)of town, they       for a sandwich lunch. While they ate, several boys playing in the street passed by their        . One of the boys limped(跛行).Looking more closely, my father’s bos       that the boy had a clubfoot(畸形足).He stepped out of the car and         the boy, saying that he was able to help get that foot fixed. The young boy was       .The businessman wrote down the boy’s name before the boy joined his friends down the street.

The man              and said to my father, “Woody, the boy’s name is Jimmy. Find out where he        and do your best to get his parents           to let him have his foot operated on. I’ll pay all the costs.” They finished their sandwiches and went on their         .

It didn’t take long for my father to          Jimmy’s house, a small one that needed paint and repair. For almost an hour, my father         explained the plan to Jimmy’s parents.          , they looked at each other. When my father           they still weren’t quite sure about the generous offer from an unknown benefactor (捐助者).

Later, my father’s employer got in touch with the local government with a           to send someone to Jimmy’s home to           the family that this was a lawful offer. Soon, with permission papers signed, my father took Jimmy to an excellent          in another state. After five operations, his limp disappeared.

His parents watched in         as the returned boy stepped lightly toward them. They still could not          that a man they had never seen would pay a large sum of money to have a foot corrected for their son.

The           benefactor was Mr. Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company. He always said it’s more fun to do something for people           they don’t know who did it.

1.A. waited  B. paid  C. prepared  D. stopped

2.A. car        B. town    C. office      D. restaurant

3.A. thought     B. observed    C. doubted     D. worried

4.A. took care of  B. got hold of   C. hung out with  D. caught up with

5.A. delighted    B. satisfied    C. interested     D. relaxed

6.A. laughed     B. apologized     C. returned      D. nodded

7.A. plays       B. studies     C. lives       D. stays

8.A. determinationB. permission     C. help       D. plan

9.A. chat       B. ride       C. meeting   D. holiday

10.A. build       B. decorate   C. paint       D. find

11.A. patiently  B. briefly      C. proudly   D. calmly

12.A. Confused   B. Excited     C. Ashamed   D. Tired

13.A. visited  B. finished  C. refused  D. left

14.A. purpose   B. decision   C. request   D. promise

15.A. warn      B. remind   C. argue      D. convince

16.A. hotel      B. hospital   C. school    D. store

17.A. anger     B. fear      C. amazement   D. disappointment

18.A. agree      B. admit      C. prove      D. believe

19.A. secret    B. polite      C. humorous  D. cautious

20.A. until      B. when    C. unless     D. whom



By keeping your daily habits healthy, you can add years to your life. Here are some tips for living longer.

Keep daily habits healthy. Many of us are set in our daily habits. We eat the same meal, wear the same clothes, take the same route to work and work the same old job. But what we sometimes fail to recognize is the huge influence that our daily habits can have on our health. It is very important for us to keep our daily habits healthy.       1.

Take some exercise every day. Daily exercise does improve our health. In fact, studies show that daily exercise can add three years to our life. Opportunity for exercise is everywhere—just be creative. Whenever we can, walk to work.        2.      It’s really that simple.

Eat a healthy breakfast. Researchers have found that those who eat an early morning meal are less likely to be too fat and get diseases compared with those who don’t.       3.

All in all, eating breakfast is a great and healthy way to start our day.

Have enough sleep.       4.       Failing to get at least seven hours of sleep appears to increase the risk of major illnesses including cancer, heart disease, diabetes and many more.

Get chances to communicate.        5.     Any social communication can positively affect our physical and mental well-being because we can have more time and chances to communicate with others. All of these can add years to our lives.

A. A lack of quality sleep can shorten our life.

B. Exercise also helps us keep away from illnesses.

C. If we live or work in a tall building, just take the stairs.

D. Breakfast-eaters also report feeling better both mentally and physically.

E. There’s an old saying that says a good friend is cheaper than treatment.

F. Finding time for structured exercise can be pretty much impossible for many people.

G. By making just a few small changes and sticking to them, we can add a few years to our life.



Eco City Farms(生态城市农场) are becoming more popular in cities and towns around the Unites States.

Eco City Farms in Edmonton, Maryland, is located near shopping centers, car repair shops and homes. The neighborhood is a working-class community(社区). People do not have very much money. And they have limited access to fresh food in markets.

Over the past two years, the farm has attracted volunteers from the community like Marcy Clark. She schools her four children at home. On a recent day she brought them to Eco City Farms for a lesson. Her son Alston Clark thinks his experience is very valuable.“I like coming out here,”he says,“You know, you connect with the earth, where your food comes from. You appreciate the food a little bit more.”

Margaret Morgan started Eco City Farms. She thinks of it as a place where people can learn to live healthier lives. “Growing food in a community brings people together,”she continues,“Every piece of what we do here is a demonstration(示范) to show people everything about how to have an eco-friendly community.”she says. From the Eco City Farms people come to know that they are not only growing food and raising chickens and bees, but improving the soil with compost(肥料)made from food waste.

Eco City Farms is an experimental operation. The farm gets its power not from the local electricity networks, but from the sun with solar panels. In winter, the green house use a geothermal(地热)system.

Vegetables can be grown all year. So once a week, all winter long, neighbors like Chris Moss and her three children bike to the farm to pick up a share of the harvest.

“I like eating the vegetables ”say five-year-old Owen Moss.

1.What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A. Eco City Farms save a lot of energy.

B. Eco City Farms are gaining popularity.

C. Eco City Farms are influencing community life.

D. Eco City Farms helps the working-class live better.

2. According to the passage, Eco City Farms are close to the following places EXCEPT______.

A. shopping centers B. car repair shops

C. fast-food restaurants D. working-class community

3.What is the author’s attitude toward Eco City Farms?

A. Enthusiastic(热心的). B. Disappointed.

C. Surprised. D. Doubtful.

4. In which column(专栏) of a newspaper can you most probably read this article?

A. People. B. Travel. C. Environment. D. Education.



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