满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Use For Use for mechanically generated ...


Use For

Use for mechanically generated dusts, mists from processing minerals including coal, iron ore, silica, cotton, flour and certain other substances in concentrations up to ten times the Occupational Exposure Standard or according to local regulations.

Do Not Use For

Do not use for paint spraying and sandblasting applications or for protecting against gases and vapors. Do not use in atmospheres containing less than 19.5% oxygen, as this respirator does not supply oxygen. Not for use in oil mist atmosphere.

Use Limitations

1. The wearer must first be trained in the proper use and fit tested before using this respirator.

2. Do not use this respirator when concentrations of contaminants are immediately dangerous to life or health.

3. Leave the contaminated area immediately if breathing becomes difficult, or dizziness or other distress occurs.

4. Discard and replace respirator if it becomes damaged or breathing resistance becomes excessive.

5. Inspect respirator before each use to ensure it is in good working condition.

6. Do not alter, wash, abuse or misuse this respirator.

7. Do not use with beards or other facial hair or other conditions that prevent a good seal between the face and the sealing edge of the respirator.

8. Can be used up to the limits specified by applicable government regulations for this product.

9. Failure to follow all instructions and warnings on the use of this respirator and/or failure to wear this respirator during all times of exposure can reduce respirator effectiveness and may result in illness or permanent disability

10. Maximum operating temperature: +50°C.


Care should be taken when using the product at low temperatures as excessive moisture may cause alves(呼吸阀) to freeze.

Storage Conditions and Shelf Life

Shelf life of unopened product is 5 years from date of manufacture when stored within temperature range of -20°C to +30°C and at less than 80% relative humidity.


This respirator helps protect against certain particles. Misuse can result in sickness or death. For proper use, see supervisor or user instructions in the box or contact 3M Co. Ltd.


1.The passage mainly tells us _________.

A. what this product is

B. why should we buy this product

C. how to protect us against dusts and mists

D. how to use and store the product properly

2.What is the meaning of the underlined word “respirator” in Paragraph 2?

A. Glasses.

B. Face mask.

C. Protective gloves.

D. Protective clothing.

3.In which condition can this product be stored?

A. Temperature: 50°C; Humidity: 40%

B. Temperature: 50°C; Humidity: 80%

C. Temperature: 25°C; Humidity: 40%

D. Temperature: 25°C; Humidity: 80%


1.D 2.B 3.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一张说明书,这篇文章讲的是一种口罩的使用方式,文章介绍了这种口罩能够被使用的情况、不能够被使用的情况、注意事项、如何储存这种口罩等。 1. 2. 3. 考点:考查说明文阅读

Head held high, hands firmly gripping her walker, Mary Arnott, 99, walks slowly with dignity through the women’s changing room at the Etobicoke Olympium pool, past the teenage girls who have been blow-drying their hair for half an hour, into the mist of the showers, then out the door and first one into the heated pool. She jumps over to the shallow end, stopping to talk to friends—everyone knows Arnott here; she swims twice a week and treats it as a job—about their children, the viciousness(谬误) of bridge and their health.

In fact, Arnott is an exception to the exception. Not only has she lived 20 years past the average lifespan for Canadians, she’s healthy, her mind is sharp and she lives independently.

Born in Brooklyn on May 28, 1909, Arnott was raised on Staten Island. She survived scarlet fever(猩红热), helped bring up four siblings after her mother died in 1923 and worked as a secretary in New York City for 12 years, earning$35 a week and a$150 bonus at Christmas.

Now she’s happy living in a one-room apartment with a kitchen and a bathroom in her daughter’s house. She wears a hearing aid, does the cryptic(有隐义的) crossword with a magnifying glass, and can’t really explain why she has live so well so long.

Until recently, she has still liked to drink red wine—she used to drink two glasses before supper each day. It’s more likely genes, she admits. Her interest in other people and life in general may have had something to do with it. Asked if a star photographer can take her picture at the pool, Arnott seems cheerful.

“I look good in a swimsuit,” she says, nodding her head firmly. “I look better in a swimsuit than I do in pants. ”

1.What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. Mary Arnott can’t swim but she likes water.

B. Mary Arnott is afraid to swim at the swimming pool.

C. Mary Arnott likes to swim and is known to the local people.

D. Mary Arnott just likes to talk to her friends at the bank of the swimming pool.

2.Which of the following is TRUE as for Mary Arnott as an exception to the exception?

A. She lives with her daughter.

B. She’s healthy and her mind is sharp.

C. She likes to live with her children and has a happy life.

D. She has lived 30 years past the average lifespan for Canadians.

3.If someone asks about swimming, Mary Arnott may ________.

A. like swimsuit better              B. like pants

C. like to sit at the bank            D. like to swim with girls



We all need a healthy environment.      , we produce waste every day and it        harm to our environment. Though we are young, we can still do    to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real      to the environment. Here are some ideas for you to live a     life.

Remember these three     : reduce, reuse and recycle.

Reduce means “use less”. Don't         things. This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment. Before we buy something new, think if it is really        or maybe the     one will be just as good! When we do buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from a        country.

Reuse means “use again”. Use things for     possible. When we buy things, make sure that they     a long time. We should take care of them     they will last, and we should     them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones. Don't use a paper cup or a paper bag. It’s better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them      .

Recycle means “change things into something else”. Although it     energy to change something into something else, it’s better than      things or burning them. Find out      can be recycled in your neighborhood and take part in recycling programs. We should also buy     made from recycled materials, such as recycled paper, to help save      .

1.A. Therefore    B. However   C. Otherwise   D. Besides

2.A. gives    B. takes    C. causes    D. does

3.A. something   B. everything   C. nothing   D. anything

4.A. difference   B. mistake   C. effect    D. help

5.A. busy     B. hard    C. green    D. happy

6.A. letters    B. words    C. sentences   D. lessons

7.A. buy      B. produce   C. save    D. waste

8.A. necessary    B. important   C. helpful    D. useful

9.A. cheap    B. expensive   C. new    D. old

10.A. rich    B. developed   C. foreign   D. poor

11.A. as soon as   B. as long as   C. as much as   D. as well as

12.A. use     B. last    C. keep    D. live

13.A. so that    B. if     C. because   D. though

14.A. sell     B. lend    C. throw    D. repair

15.A. less     B. more    C. again    D. better

16.A. costs    B. spends   C. takes    D. pays

17.A. throwing away  B. putting away  C. taking away    D. giving away

18.A. that     B. which    C. what    D. how

19.A. cups    B. bags    C. boxes    D. products

20.A. money    B. trees    C. paper    D. Time











Our school will set a voluntary service club on April 22nd. The main purpose of it is to call on and organize students to serve for society better and develop our ability to cooperate to others.

The volunteers are required to work at weekends to visit the elderly in the nursing homes in our city, keep public places clean and offer some guidances to the passengers in some stations and so on. The students which are healthy, patience, warm-hearted and willing to help others are welcome to join the club. Whether you are interested and want to become a member of it, please you’re your application to the Students’ Union before March 15th. The office of the Students’ Union will contact the choosing candidates for a interview in a few days.

March 8th

The Students’ Union



Last year, I was on a trip in Sanxiarenjia in Yichang,Hubei. I waited for the boat   1.   (take) me along the Yijiang River. Out of nowhere, a shirtless man ran up to me and asked to take a photo with me.    2.   both smiled as he said I was the first foreigner he had ever seen. He said “thank you” and ran off again.

The experience was funny, and it wasn’t the first time this   3.   (happen) to me. In fact, almost all the foreigners I know in China have experienced the 4.   thing. Girls with blonde hair seem to be the most  5.   (photograph). Most of them were surprised at first, but they now enjoy having their photo taken with happy students.

Of course, many countries in the West are home to different ethnicities. So it is normal to see people    6.   look different. But it’s different in many areas of China.

Personally, I think it’s fine to take photos with strangers. But try to ask first. Once I   7.  (wait) for my friend in an art district when a group of girls began giggling (咯咯地笑) at their phones. I noticed one of them was pointing the camera at me,    8.    (secret) taking photos. When I spotted them, they smiled and asked if they   9.    take a photo with me. Maybe it is shyness, but I prefer when people ask   10.   they take a photo. Most foreigners will say yes.



The most famous animal said to be capable of counting was a horse in Germany at the beginning of the 19th century called Clever Hans. The horse’s owner    that animals could think and reason as we can and that this    could come from training them. He trained Clever Hans to give the    to arithmetic (算术的) problems; the horse gave the correct answer by    the right number of times with its forefoot. The animal gave the correct answers not only to additions but to other arithmetic, too. It also gave the right answers when the questions were shown to it on a card.

This    was talked about so much that scientists studied the horse’s      . The committee, after a(n)    study, found that Clever Hans’ owner and trainer was    . He had not deliberately trained his horse to stop tapping by giving it a slight    . Members of the committee got the right answers from Hans    when the owner wasn’t there,    that this type of trickery (诡计) hadn’t happened.

It looked as if the horse really could think and    . But soon after this another scientist found that if the horse was asked questions to which none of the people there knew the answers, then the animal    gave a correct answer. The questions were asked by showing the horse a card that the questioner himself had not    .

This biologist soon discovered that the horse had actually    to very slight unconscious (下意识的) movements of head or body made by a questioner who knew the    number of taps. He counted the taps to himself, and when the horse got to the right number, the questioner’s tension (紧张感) was    by a small, unconscious movement of his head or body. The horse then     tapping. Questioners who didn’t know the answer didn’t do this. The horse had really    itself to answer these very small    during its training.

1.A. believed       B.remembered       C. expected       D.doubted

2.A. chance         B. knowledge        C. method        D. ability

3.A. explanations    B. information        C.answers        D. facts

4.A. jumping        B. tapping           C. moving         D.dropping

5.A. problem       B.program            C.case            D. model

6.A. interests       B.activities           C.habits          D. powers

7.A. careful         B.simple             C. general        D. extra

8.A. honest         B. creative           C.independent    D.patient

9.A. praise         B. hint                C.trust           D. attention

10.A. still           B.nearly               C.even           D. only

11.A. knowing      B.considering         C.pretending      D. proving

12.A. work          B.play                C. count          D.argue

13.A. never         B. sometimes         C. always         D.ever

14.A. designed      B. read               C. improved      D.answered

15.A. responded     B. returned          C. complained    D.compared

16.A. various        B. correct            C. strange        D. direct

17.A. ignored       B. checked           C.offered          D. shown

18.A. Practiced      B. continued         C. stopped        D.began

19.A. permitted      B. taught             C. regretted        D. forced

20.A. suggestions    B.instructions        C. questions       D. movements



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