满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

1.Their effort e (结束,告终) up in failure ...


1.Their effort e        (结束,告终) up in failure because of carelessness.

2.Babies need c________(持续的) attention.

3.A million tonnes of untreated sewage is d        (倾泻) into the sea.

4.The lily always ________(发出)off a sweet smell.

5.The parking facilities are i         (不充足的)for a busy shopping centre.

6.The giant panda is an __________ (濒危的) species.

7.He filled a glass with water and d         (溶解) the tablet in it.

8.The wood has __________(腐烂) away completely.

9.The sun is e          (蒸发)the earth's moisture.

10.By now the plane ____________(耗尽,用光)out of fuel.


1.ended 2.constant 3.dumped 4.gives 5.inadequate 6.endangered 7.dissolved 8.rotted 9.evaporating 10.has run 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词、形容词,注意运用正确形式。 1. 2.constant考查形容词 持续的,修饰名词attention用形容词,用constant 3.dumped考查动词 dump into倾倒入...此处为被动语态,用dumped 4.gives考查动词 give off发出,前面的always经常可知用第三人称单数形式,故用gives 5.,用inadequate 6.endangered考查形容词 濒临灭绝的,修饰名词species用形容词,故用endangered 7.dissolved 考查动词 与前面的动词filled时态保持一致,用过去时,用dissolved 8.rotted 考查动词 腐烂的,has用完成时,用rotted 9. 10. 考点:考查动词、形容词的用法

Hot water is converted to electricity by a turbine. The underlined word can be replaced by ______.

A. conveyed    B controlled.   C. chosen   D. Changed



The       noise coming from upstairs are driving me mad.

A. cognitive    B. excessive

C. irritating    D. Exposing



We should take effective measures to        the infectious disease.

A. work out    B. stamp out   C. turn out   D. carry out



Since Tom         downloaded a virus into his computer, he cannot open the file now.

A. constantly       B. accidentally

C. deadly        D. Eventually



If you are         from doing something, you are officially prevented from doing it.

A. seeped    B. dispersed   C. bombarded  D. Banned



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