满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

During the seasons of fine weather, kids...

During the seasons of fine weather, kids can play outside, happy and active. But when winter comes around, it is wet, windy and cold. Since they can’t go outside to play, kids get restless and miserable.

Fun activities for kids are pretty much necessary at that time of year, and they need to be kept entertained. One way to do this is to have an indoor treasure hunt, where children can look for clues and then get to the treasure. Treasure doesn’t even need to be much, because just the activity is fun enough.

Art activities are always fun, and if you start off with some paper in different colors they can draws shapes on the back, cut them out and stick them on the white paper to make all sorts of things. Cardboard boxes, stuck together and then painted, can be made into buildings or robots. You can keep all boxes in a bag in the loft. Then you have something you can draw on when the weather is bad and the children need to play indoors.

Dressing up is another fun indoor activity. Why not read a book to them and then ask them to act it for you? That can keep them busy and develop their imagination. When you encourage children to use their imagination, you are giving them confidence in themselves, in their own creative abilities; by suggesting they put on a play you are encouraging them to work together and develop teamwork skills.

The best way to help your kids have fun when it is rainy outside is to let them come up with some ideas. When you feel that they are old enough, let them write their ideas on a piece of paper and you can pick an idea that you find practical. That way, every day can be fun!

1.Kids are most likely to be unhappy in winter because          .

A. it is very cold and windy

B. they lead a miserable life

C. they like spring very much

D. they can’t enjoy themselves outside

2.The indoor treasure hunt is an activity in which kids      .

A. would like to get much treasure

B. are eager to find something

C. are forced to stay indoors

D. try to help each other.

3.Dressing up can help kids to develop their       .

A. confidence, creation and teamwork skills

B. creation, interest and determination

C. teamwork skills, hobby and creation

D. imagination, hobby and bravery


1.D 2.B 3.A 【解析】 试题分析: 本文讲述在合适的季节好的天气里, 孩子可以去户外玩,但一旦天气冷起来,就不能玩了,孩子们很不高兴,介绍两个室内游戏可以让孩子们动起来,又可以发展他们的自信,想象力和团队协作。 1.D推断题。根据第一段提到But when winter comes around, it is wet, windy and cold. Since they can’t go outside to play, kids get restless and miserable当冬天到来时,非常冷,孩子不能出去玩,孩子就变得不高兴,故选D项。 2.B 细节理解题。根据第二段提到One way to do this is to have an indoor treasure hunt, where children can look for clues and then get to the treasure. Treasure doesn’t even need to be much, because just the activity is fun enough.可知室内寻找宝藏的游戏就是寻找线索找到宝贝,这个游戏非常的有趣,故选B项。 3.A 推断题。根据第三段提到When you encourage children to use their imagination, you are giving them confidence in themselves, in their own creative abilities; by suggesting they put on a play you are encouraging them to work together and develop teamwork skills.当你鼓励孩子用他们想象力时,给他们自信,创造力,发展团队合作在,故选A项。

As a young girl, I remember a very special doctor named Dr William R. Vincent. When I was eight years old, I was with a serious heart    and I needed heart surgery(手术). My mom did not have the    to have it done, and    the surgery I would not live to be thirteen years old. After    several organizations Dr Vincent was    to get financial help for me through United Way, a Crippled Children’s Organization.

Dr Vincent was very    and caring. I remember when I was in hospital for a(n)    before surgery, I was crying hysterically(歇斯底里地). So the medical workers    Dr Vincent to calm me down, and he was able to    me when no one else could.    , the time came for me to have heart surgery; there was a fifty-percent    that I would not make it through the surgery. At that time I was only the second or third person to have it. I was really    , and again Dr Vincent reassured me he would see that     would be all right.

     , the surgery was extremely painful but very successful. Dr Vincent came to see me and    me a toy animal. I was so surprised to get this    from Dr Vincent; I gave him a hug. I had a wonderful doctor who    time helping a scared little girl who felt all   . This was twenty-eight years ago. So wherever you are, Dr Vincent, I want to thank you for not only    my life, but also helping me live a(n)    life.

1.A.problem   B. question  C. matter   D. puzzle

2.A.condition   B. situation  C. money   D. time

3.A.beyond   B. without  C. through  D. beside

4.A.joining   B. seeing      C. reaching  D. contacting

5.A.able    B. ready   C. willing  D. happy

6.A. careful   B. clever      C. honest   D. gentle

7.A.check       B. exam   C. test   D. watch

8.A.depended on  B. searched for C. woke up  D. called in

9.A.prevent   B. comfort  C. protect   D. move

10.A.Later   B. Now   C. Instead  D. However

11.A.hope       B. choice   C. chance   D. effect

12.A.satisfied   B. frightened  C. pleased  D. moved

13.A.nothing   B. something  C.none    D. everything

14.A. Fortunately   B. Specially  C. Fairly   D. Hardly

15.A.lent    B. carried   C. brought  D. held

16.A.regret   B. award   C. support  D. gift

17.A.made   B. spent   C. lost   D. wasted

18.A.alone   B. strange  C. comfortable  D. sick

19.A.giving   B. saving   C. sending  D. passing

20.A.exciting   B. ordinary  C. normal   D. rich



—My brother can only speak a few words of French.

          ? He once worked in Paris for nearly a year, right?

A. For what  B. How come  C. Why not  D. So what



The society was set up to          endangered animals from dying out.

A. deserve   B. preserve  C. observe  D. reserve



—Mum, I can’t see any point in studying hard.

—Come on, dear! Years of hard work will surely          in your future career.

A. pay off   B. pay back

C. make sure  D. bring back



—I’m going to Nanjing tomorrow.

—What a(n)          ! I’m going there too.

A. coincidence          B. opportunity

C. mystery       D. luck



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