满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Don and his 11-year-old son, Allen, love...

Don and his 11-year-old son, Allen, love basketball very much. On Allen’s birthday, Don   _______ to drive him to Chicago, more than two hours’ distance, for the first game of the World Championships. They had no __________but hoped to buy two from other people.

After arriving, they _________ in the streets for two hours carrying a ________ which said, We need two tickets”. ______ the cheapest ticket was $175 and they could not ______ it. They were about to leave when a man ________ them. He pulled ________ two tickets and handed them to Don. “How much do you want?” _______! No money is needed!” said the man.

When asked, the man ______ ,”I am working for Joe, who hasn’t _________ a World Championships for 16 years. But he is ill and can’t make it this time. So he told me to give the two tickets away. The only _________ he set is to give the tickets to people I think will be deserving. A lot of people looked as if they might just take the tickets and ________ them right away. Then I saw you. You seemed very _______ and you make me __________ my Dad and myself when I was a child. I ________ wanted to go to see a World Championships game with my father at that time. But I never got the __________...”

How important and ________ the game was to Don and his son! Here is ______ Don said, “It’s the most worth ________thing that happened to us. My boy and I must have turned to each other 30 times during the game. I can’t forget that night.”

1.A. refused       B. decided          C. ordered         D. happened

2.A. tickets        B. cards            C. passes          D. money

3.A. rode         B. ran              C. walked          D. cried

4.A. book         B. photo            C. magazine        D. sign

5.A. But          B. And             C. Or             D. So

6.A. offer         B. afford            C. keep            D. hold

7.A. invited       B. asked             C. stopped          D. beat

8.A. out         B. in               C. through          D. over

9.A. Cheap        B. Expensive        C. Terrible          D. Free

10.A. agreed      B. explained         C. examined         D. appeared

11.A. delayed      B. won             C. lost             D. missed

12.A. record       B. time             C. rule            D. point

13.A. lend        B. sell              C. tear            D. make

14.A. boring      B. interesting         C. smart          D. anxious

15.A. think of     B. care for           C. give up         D. belong to

16.A. really       B. very             C. well             D. nearly

17.A. ability      B. right             C. chance           D. dream

18.A. unpleasant  B. funny           C. disappointing       D. unforgettable

19.A. which         B. what           C. that                D. how

20.A. hating        B. discussing        C. remembering        D. playing


试题分析:本文讲述父亲带儿子去看世界杯的第一场球赛作为儿子的生日礼物,但他们没有票,一位好心人送给他们票,成为他们难忘的回忆。 1.B考查动词辨析A. refused拒绝;B. decided 决定;C. ordered命令;D. happened发生;句意:在艾伦的生日上,唐决定载他去芝加哥看世界杯的第一场比赛,有二个多小时的路程。Decide to do 决定做某事,故选B项。 2.A考查名词辨析A. tickets 票;B. cards卡;C. passes通过;D. money钱;句意:他们没有票但希望从别人手里买两张。根据语境可知去看球赛,需要票,故选A项。 3.C考查动词辨析A. rode骑;B. ran跑;C. walked走;D. cried哭;句意:当他们到达后,他们带着一块牌子,上面写着,我们需要两张票。根据语境可知走在街上,故选C项。 4.D考查名词辨析A. book书;B. photo 相片;C. magazine杂志;D. sign指示牌;句意:当他们到达后,他们带着一块牌子,上面写着,我们需要两张票。根据语境可知拿着一个牌子,故选D项。 5.A考查连词辨析A. But但是;B. And并且;C. Or 否则;D. So因此;句意:但最便宜的票175美元,他们买不起它。根据语境可知表示转折,故选A项。 6.B考查动词辨析A. offer 提供;B. afford 买得起;C. keep保持;D. hold抓住;句意:但最便宜的票175美元,他们买不起它。Can’t afford it 买不起,故选B项。 7.C考查动词辨析A. invited邀请;B. asked问;C. stopped停止;D. beat打败;句意:他们打算离开这时一个男人叫住了他们。根据语境可知选C项。 8.A考查副词辨析 句意:他拿出两张票,递给他们。Pull out掏出,故选A项。 9.D考查形容词辨析A. Cheap便宜的;B. Expensive 昂贵的;C. Terrible 可怕的;D. Free免费的;句意:你想要多少钱?免费,不要钱,那个男人说。根据No money is needed可知选D项。 10.B考查动词辨析A. agreed同意;B. explained解释;C. examined检查;D. appeared出现;句意:当被问到时,这个男人解释到,我一直为Joe工作,他16年来从来没有错过一次世界杯。根据语境可知选B项。 11.D考查动词辨析A. delayed耽搁;B. won 赢;C. lost 失去;D. missed错过;句意:当被问到时,这个男人解释到,我一直为Joe工作,他16年来从来没有错过一次世界杯。根据But he is ill and can’t make it this time.可知选D项。 12.C考查名词辨析A. record记录;B. time 时间;C. rule规则;D. point点;句意:唯一的要求是把这两张票给了应得的人。根据语境可知选C项。 13.B考查动词辨析A. lend借出;B. sell卖;C. tear撕;D. make使;句意:许多人好象要票只是为了把它卖掉。根据语境可知选B项。 14.D考查形容词辨析A. boring 令人厌烦的;B. interesting 有趣的;C. smart聪明的;D. anxious焦虑的;句意:你们看起来非常的焦虑,你们让我想到小时候的父亲和我。根据语境可知选D项。 15.A考查动词短语辨析A. think of认为;B. care for关心;C. give up放弃;D. belong to属于;句意:你们看起来非常的焦虑,你们让我想到小时候的父亲和我。根据I _____36____ wanted to go to see a World Championships game with my father at that time.可知想到小时候的父亲和自己,故选A项。 16.A考查副词辨析A. really真的;B. very 非常的C. well好地;D. nearly几乎;句意:我真的想与父亲看一场世界杯比赛。根据语境可知选A项。 17.C考查名词辨析A. ability能力;B. right 权利;C. chance 机会;D. dream梦想;句意:但我没有机会了。根据but可知表示转折,故选C项。 18.D考查形容词辨析A. unpleasant 不高兴的;B. funny有趣的;C. disappointing令人失望的;D. unforgettable难忘的;句意:这次比赛对于这对父子来说多么的重要和难忘啊!根据语境可知选D项。 19.B考查表语从句引导词;句意:这是唐所说的,这是我们发生在我们身上最值得记住的事情。What引导表语从句,故选B项。 20.C考查动词辨析A. hating讨厌;B. discussing讨论;C. remembering 记得;D. playing玩;句意:这是唐所说的,这是我们发生在我们身上最值得记住的事情。根据I can’t forget that night我不会忘记这个夜晚可知选C项。 【解析】 1.B 2.2】A 3.3】C 4.4】D 5.5】A 6.6】B 7.7】C 8.8】A 9.9】D 10.0】B 11.1】D 12.2】C 13.3】B 14.4】D 15.5】A 16.6】A 17.7】C 18.8】D 19.9】B 20.20】C


Going to college is a new experience full of excitement of the unknown. Socialization is a big thing for college students and it is common to feel a little uncomfortable going into a situation where everyone is a stranger.You may probably miss your friends from high school. 1.   College is a great opportunity to make new lifelong friends.The question is. how ?

Get to know your roommate.

You may find you have lots of things in common with your roommate, but even if you are completely different from each other, with a little effort and understanding the two of you may become best friends.


If you leave your door open, this shows that you welcome visitors.As a result people will naturally stop in and say hello.Closed doors are not likely to bring many visitors and those who stay locked up in their rooms may give others the impression of being cold.Other students will be less likely to stop in and build a new friendship.

Join clubs or organizations.

Getting involved in organized socialization is a great way to meet new people. 3.   By staying active in college groups such as clubs and organizations you can meet lots of people with whom you share common interests.

Talk to classmates.

4.     Starting conversations in class is a great opportunity to meet people who are interested in the same kind of studies as you are.Short friendly discussions can build lifelong friendships.

Try out for a sport.

If you're athletic, trying out for a sport will do for you the same thing that joining a club will do. 5.

A.Close the door to keep away from theft.

B.Hang a welcome sign on your dorm room.

C.It also helps you get more familiar with the campus.

D.Your roommate is the first person you will have close contact with.

E.You will instantly meet a large group of people who share your interests in sports.

F.Get to know your classmates as you'll be spending several months with them.

G.Trying actively to find new friends can help ease the feelings of being lonely.



Many smokers aren't finding the cost of cigarettes a laughing matter. The federal tax(联邦税) on a pack jumped Wednesday -- April Fools' Day -- from 39 cents to $1.01. The tax increase is so big, it's being called "historic."Higher federal taxes apply to(适用于) other tobacco products, so even those smokers who have taken to rolling their own to save money can't escape them. The tax is expected to cause about 1 million smokers to quit.

New York leads the pack, so to speak, with a combined $3.76. Any smokers planning to visit New York City should bring cigarettes from home. A pack there now costs more than $9.

Some tobacco companies raised their prices several weeks ago. For example, the price of a pack of Marlboros jumped 71 cents. Where the price settles depends on the company. Some may absorb part of the tax and others will make smokers carry the entire weight and more.

However, some people think the tax unfair. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only one in five Americans smokes, and over half of all smokers are low income, and one of four is officially classified as poor.

What do you think? Is the tax unfair? We think cancer sticks should have been taxed into disappearance years ago, combined with a very strong public and private effort to help smokers quit.

1.Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage?

A. Cigarettes as well as other tobacco products are affected by the tax increase.

B. More and more smokers have to stop smoking as a result of tax increase on tobacco.

C. Cigarettes in New York must be very expensive.

D. smokers will carry all the tax increase on tobacco.

2. The author’s attitude toward the tax increase is ________.

A. showing agreement with the tax

B. showing disagreement with the tax

C. could not be seen

D. keeping his own ideas

3. Which of the following is the most suitable title for this passage?

A. The Federal Tax

B. New Cigarette Tax Is No April Fools’ joke

C. Stop Smoking Immediately!

D. Unfair Tax on Tobacco



It’s said that one can know the nature of both man and woman by their behaviors at table. Indeed table manners are closely related to one’s life and one’s job. As the saying goes“ When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, English learners should know what the proper table manners are in western countries if invited to a dinner party. The followings are some suggestions that may be helpful to you.

The first important thing you need to know is when to begin eating. Before dinner, the hostess usually serves guests first and herself last. So do not eat as soon as you are served but wait until the hostess has also been served and has picked up her fork as the signal to begin. But at a large dinner party where there are many guests, the hostess may ask everyone to begin eating as soon as they are served. If you want to talk while eating, your mouth should certainly not be full of food because it is considered very bad manners. But it is possible to speak with a little food in the mouth. When you have to answer a question, naturally you must wait until the food in your mouth is eaten.

When a dish is passed to you with a fork in the plate, you should use it to take your food. Do not take too much at a time and make sure that the other guests can have enough food.

Anyway, good table manners are very important and they are not so simple as we thought. But it is necessary for one to know what good table manners are because they can help one succeed in his life!

1.Table manners are closely related to one’s _______ in paragraph 1.

A. life and name         B. job and age

C. job and name         D. life and job

2.what is the first important thing to know at a dinner party?

A. what to eat                B. whether to talk

C. when to begin eating       D. How to use forks.

3.If you have to answer a question while eating, you should ________.

A. refuse to answer it

B. answer it immediately

C. tell him/her to ask it later

D. wait until the food in your mouth is eaten

4.In which section(栏目) of a newspaper can you find such a passage?

A. Sports     B.  Culture         C. Music            D. News



A teacher let her class play a game. The teacher told each child to bring a bag with some potatoes. Each potato would be given a name of a person that the child hated, so the number of potatoes in his/her bag would depend on the number of people the child hated. Some children had two potatoes, some had three and others had up to five potatoes. The teacher then told the children to carry the bag wherever they went for a week. After a week, the teacher asked, ”How did you feel?” The children started complaining about the unpleasant smell coming from the rotten potatoes when they had to carry the heavy and smelly potatoes everywhere they went.

Then the teacher said,” This is the same when you carry your hate for somebody inside your heart. The smell of hate will pollute your heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot bear the smell of rotten potatoes for just one week, can you imagine what it is like to have the smell of hate in your heart for your lifetime?”

1.In the game, the students should _________.

A. keep the bag of potatoes in the classroom

B. carry the bag of potatoes everywhere they go

C. leave the bag of potatoes at home

D. count the bag of potatoes every day

2.The underlined word “rotten” most probably means ___________ in Chinese.

A. 美味的     B. 新鲜的     C.甜的            D.腐烂的

3.According to the last paragraph, we can learn that ________.

A. potatoes are very important to the students

B. hating others can make the life unhappy

C. the smell of hate is good for our health

D. the students like to carry the bag of the potatoes

4.Which is the best title of this passage?

A. An interesting game

B. Carry the smelly potatoes

C. The rotten potatoes

D. To excuse others is to excuse yourself



I will never forget the lesson about my window. Four years ago, I moved to a house in a large town. One of my new neighbors’ house was only a few feet away from mine. There lived a woman. Through one of my windows, I could see her reading by her window every afternoon.

Several months later, I found I couldn’t see the woman clearly. I thought her window was too dirty. I said to myself, “Why doesn’t she clean her window? It looks terrible!”

One afternoon, I decided to clean my house including (包括) the window. I felt tired after three hours of hard work. So I sat down by the window for a rest. What a surprise! I could see the woman reading there clearly again! By that time, I realized that my own window was too dirty, not hers! I really felt ashamed for myself. I had been watching her through my dirty window in the past days!

The experience is very important for me. So I try to clean the window of my heart before judging(评判) others.

1.How long has the writer lived in the house according to the passage?

A. One years.      B. Two years.

C. Three years.    D. Four years

2. The writer couldn’t see the woman clearly because ______________.

A. the writer’s window was dirty

B. the woman’s house was too far

C. the woman didn’t open her window

D. there was something wrong with his eyes

33.The underlined word ashamed means _________________.

A. 高兴的     B. 放松的

C. 羞愧的     D. 骄傲的

4. According to the passage, the writer has learnt how to __________________.

A. clean the house   B. judge others

C. help neighbors   D. learn English



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