满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The Temple of Heaven is regarded as one ...

The Temple of Heaven is regarded as one of the greatest architectural structures        the world. Some environmental(环境的)artists and gardeners        the temple as a place where people can talk to          .In Beijing four imperial(皇帝的)temples were built          the Ming and Qing dynasties. The        of Heaven is the most          of the four. The other three are the Altar(祭坛)of the        in the north,the Altar of the Moon in the west,and the Altar          the Sun in the east. All of them are still          ,but the Temple of Heaven is the          group of temple buildings of its kind in China,nearly four            larger than the Forbidden City(紫禁城).

In        the heaven-like structures,the designers made good        of the colour,sound,figures of the circle and the square,and        in its height. The combination(结合)of        and garden helps to make it        mysterious and magical. The temple's architecture has        themes. One is on the earth while        is in the heaven. The square-shaped palace        fasting(斋戒)in the west of the temple appears like a Forbidden City in a smaller        .

1.A.to               B.for          C.up        D.in

2.A.describe     B.distribute           C.mention       D.speak

3.A.space        B.place                 C.heaven       D.Hades

4.A.within       B.during                C.through    D.according

5.A.Temple      B.Church               C.Mountain         D.Market

6.A.impossible  B.necessary          C.important     D.familiar

7.A.Moon         B.Earth                 C.Sun      D.planets

8.A.to              B.above           C.about                   D.of

9.A.sitting         B.sleeping           C.standing      D.kneeling

10.A.largest     B.larger                 C.heavier      D.heaviest

11.A.time        B.times          C.o'clock      D.years

12.A.owning     B.having               C.producing      D.making

13.A.idea          B.use          C.mind       D.need

14.A.changes    B.moves          C.corrects      D.attends

15.A.family      B.home          C.building      D.house

16.A.feel          B.appear                C.find       D.see

17.A.three       B.one          C.four       D.two

18.A.the other   B.other         C.another       D.others

19.A.in              B.with         C.for       D.to

20.A.height      B.wide         C.length        D.size


1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.D 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇说明文,介绍了中国的天坛在世界建筑史上的地位、以及天坛的结构、设计等问题。 1.D考察介词A.to对;B.for对于;C.up向上;D.in在…。这里表示的是天坛在世界范围上也可以说是最伟大的建筑结构。故选D 2.A考察动词辨析A.describe描述;B.distribute分发;C.mention提到;D.speak讲。一些环境艺术家和园艺家将天坛描述为一个…地方。故选A 3.C考察名词辨析A.space空间;B.place地方;C.heaven天堂;D.Hades冥府。一些环境艺术家和园艺家将天坛描述为一个人们可以与天堂对话的地方。故选C 4. 20.5. 6.C考察形容词辨析A.impossible不可能的;B.necessary必要的;C.important重要的;D.familiar相似的。天坛是四座皇家庙宇中最重要的一座。故选C 7.B考察名词辨析A.Moon月球;B.Earth地球;C.Sun太阳;D.planets行星。其他三个是地球北边的祭坛、月球西边的祭坛、以及太阳东边的祭坛。故选B 8.D考察介词辨析A.to对于;B.above在…之上;C.about关于;D.of其中。 9.C考察形容词辨析A.sitting坐着的;B.sleeping睡着的;C.standing存在的;D.kneeling跪着的。它们都还存在着,故选C 10.A考察形容词辨析A.largest最大的;B.larger大点的;C.heavier更重的;D.heaviest最重的。天坛是中国最大的寺庙建筑群。故选A 11. 27.12. 13.B考察名词辨析A.idea主意;B.use使用;C.mind内心;D.need需要。Make use of 利用…后面通常接名词。故选B 14.A考察动词辨析A.changes变化;B.moves移动;C.corrects改正;D.attends照顾。高度的变化,故选A 15.C考察名词辨析A.family家庭;B.home家;C.building建筑;D.house房子。建筑和园艺的结合。故选C 16.B考察动词辨析A.feel感受;B.appear出现;C.find发现;D.see看见。建筑和园艺的结合使得它呈现出神秘感和魔幻感。 17.D考察量词辨析A.three三;B.one一;C.four四;D.two二。根据后文中的one和the other可以知道应该是俩个,故选D 18.A考察代词辨析A.the other另一个;B.other其余的;C.another又一个;D.others别的。因为前面是one后面有连词while所以这里用the other对应。 19.C考察介词辨析A.in在…时期、地点;B.with和…在一起;C.for对于;D.to朝向。在天坛西边的方形宫殿是用于斋戒的。 20. 考点:考察说明文阅读

I volunteer    for the people heart and soul all my life.

A.to working B.working

C.to work D.to be working



Immediate measures    to deal with the emergencies once they happen.

A.will be taken B.will take

C.have been taken D.have taken



If you keep doing foolish things, you surely    by the people around you.

A.are laughed at B.are being laughed at

C.will be laughed at D.were laughed at



The teacher together with the students________discussing Reading Skills that________ newly published in America.

A.are; were B.is; were  C.are; was D.is; was



Life is like a long race________we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.

A.why B.what  C.that D.where



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