满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Sophie was a ten-year-old girl. She love...

Sophie was a ten-year-old girl.  She loved      _. She drew before breakfast. She drew after breakfast. Sometimes she even drew on her way to        _.

One day Sophie arrived         _ at school. “Why are you late, Sophie?” asked her          _.

“I’m sorry, Miss. I was drawing a big house on the way to school. I forgot about the         _.”

“Oh, Sophie,” said her teacher. “You must think         _ about your drawing and more about school. Can you give me your          _ now please?”

“I’m sorry, Miss, I don’t have it finished.”

         _ , Sophie?”

“Yesterday I was in town. I saw a          _ running down the road. He had a(n)       _   face so I drew him.” The teacher gave Sophie a strange look. “But Sophie, there was a         _ robbery (抢劫案) in town yesterday...”

“Perhaps that was the man I         _ ,” said Sophie. “Perhaps I have drawn a picture of the robber!”

After school, Sophie went to the police station. She         her picture to a policeman. “Where did you          this picture?” asked the policeman.

“I drew it,” said Sophie. “I drew it yesterday in         _ .”

“This is a picture of Ronnie the Robber,”          the policeman. “So Ronnie robbed the bank! Thank you, Sophie. Now we can         him.”

A week later, the policeman          _ a letter to Sophie’s school. “Sophie’s drawing          _ us catch Ronnie the Robber,” he said. “She is a very clever girl.”

Now her teachers were very          _ of Sophie, the girl who loves to draw.

1.A. math      B. art           C. music         D. writing

2.A. home      B. park       C. library         D. school

3.A. late      B. early         C. happily      D. classmate

4.A. father  B. teacher     C. friend         D. mother

5.A. exam      B. date         C. class          D. time

6.A. little      B. much         C. less          D. more

7.A. homework  B. picture     C. textbook      D. notebook

8.A. Why      B. Why not     C. What happened  D. So what

9.A. thief      B. robber  C. man          D. boy

10.A. angry  B. handsome     C. lovely          D. interesting

11.A. bus      B. shop         C. bank          D. street

12.A. saw    B. heard         C. described      D. stopped

13.A. explained B. showed     C. introduced      D. sold

14.A. draw  B. buy         C. get            D. borrow

15.A. table  B. school     C. countryside      D. town

16.A. replied   B. guessed     C. answered      D. cried

17.A. fine      B. find         C. arrest        D. how

18.A. wrote  B. replied     C. took          D. brought

19.A. recorded  B. helped  C. let             D. had

20.A. proud  B. tired         C. careful       D. confident


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.D 17.C 18.A 19.B 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:Sophie很爱画画,她无时无刻不抓紧时间画画。有一次,她上学迟到了,老师问起,她说是画了一个有趣的人的脸。后来证实,她画的是一个盗窃犯,她的画帮助警察抓了那个犯人。 1.B考查名词。A. Math数学;B. Art艺术;C. Music音乐; D. Writing写作;根据下文的 She drew before breakfast. She drew after breakfast可知她是爱画画,是爱艺术,故选B。 2.D考查名词。A. Home家;B. Park公园;C. Library图书馆;D. School学校;根据下文I was drawing a big house on the way to school.,可知她在上学的路上也会画画,故选D。 3.A考查副词。A. Late晚的;B. Early早的;C. Happily开心的;D. Classmate同学;根据老师的问话Why are you late可知她上学迟到了,故选A。 4.B考查名词。A. Father父亲;B. Teacher老师;C. Friend朋友;D. Mother母亲;学校里是老师问她为什么迟到,选B。 5.D考查名词。A. exam 考试;B. Date时间日期;C. Class班级;D. Time时间;因为画画而忘了时间,选D。 6.C考查形容词。A. Little少;B. Much多;C. Less更少; D. More更多;放更少的精力在画画上,与下文的more形成对比,故选C。 7.A考查名词。A. Homework家庭作业; B. Picture图画;C. Textbook课本;D. Notebook笔记本;学校里是交家庭作业,可知选A。 8.B考查关系词。A. Why为什么;B. Why not为什么不;C. What happened发生了什么;D. So what那又怎样;为什么不完成家庭作业呢,故选B。 9.C考查名词。A. Thief小偷;B. Robber强盗;C. Man男人; D. Boy男孩;根据下文Perhaps that was the man I 32 ,可知是一个男人,选C。 10.D考查形容词。 A. Angry生气;B. Handsome英俊;C. Lovely可爱的;D. Interesting有趣的;因为他有一张有趣的脸,所以才会画,选D。 11.C考查名词。A. Bus公共汽车;B. Shop商店;C. Bank银行;D. Street街道;So Ronnie robbed the bank根据下文可知是抢劫了银行,选C。 12.A考查动词。A. Saw看见; B. heard 听见;C. Described描述;D. Stopped停止;也许那就是我看见的男人,选A。 13.B考查动词。A. Explained解释;B. Showed展示;C. Introduced介绍;D. Sold卖出;向警察局展示了她的画,故选B。 14.C考查动词。A. Draw画图;B. Buy买;C. Get得到;D. Borrow借;你从哪里得到这幅画的?根据下文的回答可知是问画的由来,故选C。 15.D考查名词。A. table 桌子;B. School学校;C. Countryside乡村;D. Town镇;根据上文there was a 31 robbery (抢劫案) in town yesterday...”可知是在小镇上画的,故选D。 16.D考查动词。A. Replied回复;B. Guessed猜测;C. Answered回答;D. Cried叫喊;警察看见嫌疑人的画像是很兴奋的,叫喊出来,故选D。 17.C考查形容词。A. Fine好的;B. find 找到;C. arrest 逮捕;D. How怎样;现在我们可以逮捕他了,故选C。 18.A考查动词。 A. Wrote写;B. Replied回复; C. took 拿;D. Brought带来;根据a letter 可知是写了一封信,故选A。 19.B考查动词。 A. recorded 记录;B. Helped帮助;C. let 让;D. Had有;她的画帮助我们抓到了犯人,故选B。 20.形容词。A. Proud骄傲;B. Tired疲倦的;C. careful 仔细的;D. Confident自信;老师为她感到骄傲,be proud of为...感到骄傲,故选A。 考点:考查故事阅读

You can tell him everything,as he is a man who you can _____ on.

A. rely            B. attach       C. perform          D. affect



Susan advised me not to buy the vase, but I bought it _____.

A. anyhow B. however C. though     D. Totally



The two top students in Mr. Green’s class competed _____ each other for the highest marks.

A. to          B. for          C. in         D. Against



Everyone has periods in their lives________ everything seems very hard.

A.when           B.where        C.which       D.That



—How about camping this weekend,just for a change?

—OK,________you want.

A.whichever    B.however       C.whatever     D.Whoever



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