满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The foreign friends you referred to ____...

The foreign friends you referred to _______looking forward to ________around the university.

A.being;being shown      B.are;being shown

C.being;showing      D.are;be shown


B 【解析】 试题分析:考查主谓一致和被动语态。把原句简化为The foreign friends are looking forward to being done sth ……主语The foreign friends是复数,be动词用are,look forward to+V—ing被带着逛校园,后面用being done的形式,句意:你所指的那些外国朋友希望能找人带他们逛逛校园。故选B 考点:考查主谓一致和被动语态  

If we don’t take steps, the Tibetan antelopes and pandas will ____ some day just as dinosaurs.

A. die down          B. die out

C. die away        D. die off



The whole Chinese people will never forget the day, April 20th, 2013, _______ the big earthquake happened in Yaan.

A. on which         B. in which

C. on that         D. from which



-- Fifty-four students _____ my class and we are kind-hearted.

--Really? _______.

A. consist of, so am I

B. is made up of , so do I

C. is consisted of, so am I

D. make up, so it is with me



The volunteers are doing _____ difficult and important work; they share _____ common goal to help people in need.

A. a; a     B. a; the       C. 不填; the    D. 不填; a



假如你是光明中学高一学生李明, 澳大利亚环保协会组织一次为期两周的“澳大利亚生态游”活动, 作为一名环保志愿者, 希望得到这次机会。请按以下提示向该组织写一封申请信:

1. 个人情况介绍(如性格,业余爱好,语言优势等)

2. 申请理由(参观野生动物自然保护区,了解澳大利亚环保情况)

3. 对本次活动的期待……

注意: 1.字数100字左右,信的开头和结尾已给出.(不记入总字数)


Dear Sir,

I feel delighted to know that Australian Environmental Council will host a two-week eco-tour to Australia. As an environmental volunteer, I



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