满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Luke didn’t know what to do. He wanted t...

Luke didn’t know what to do. He wanted to yell at Kyle, his     , because Kyle continued to       with his mom, Jane. She didn’t demand very much from him---“Study hard, and get the best     you can,” she told him. She tried to get it into his head that she didn’t have the       for his college education. Not a cent could be expected!       studying harder, Kyle spent hour after hour playing video games on his computer. He always waited until the last minute to study for school          , and stayed up all night cramming(强记硬背) for them. When Jane tried to       him that he needed good grades to get a     , he would turn a deaf ear to her or even get angry. He said it was her     to take care of him financially       he graduated from college.

“Where did he get that         ?” Luke asked. “You’ve     him for 10 years all by yourself. You don’t       him a thing. He should be glad you haven’t kicked him out of the apartment. When I was in the eleventh grade, my father made it         to me that when I graduated from high school, I was expected to leave home.          Kyle thinks you have to pay his way through college!”

Jane would       Luke to talk to Kyle. “He says you’re not his father, so why should he have to listen to you?”

“Well, his father’s dead. He should appreciate that I’m     to try to help him. ”Luke said.

“Kyle will be able to learn to accept your help and advice          . But before that, Luke, we need to try hard to get him to accept you in his heart, close to the     of his own father.”

“I agree and we surely have every confidence in him.” said Luke.

“Yes. And in          , too!” Jane reminded him.

1.A. cousin     B. stepbrother  C. nephew  D. stepson

2.A. discuss    B. meet    C. argue   D. deal

3.A. teachers  B. grades   C. friends   D. prizes

4.A. need   B. money   C. hope   D. time

5.A. Instead of  B. In addition to C. In spite of  D. Along with

6.A. rules   B. tests   C. regulations  D. admissions

7.A. inform  B. warn   C. promise  D. remind

8.A. scholarship B. degree   C. reward   D. job

9.A. honor  B. right   C. pleasure  D. responsibility

10.A. since  B. when   C. until   D. after

11.A. principle  B. decision  C. saying   D. idea

12.A. helped  B. raised   C. educated  D. sponsored

13.A. owe   B. ask   C. lend   D. offer

14.A. easy   B. possible  C. clear   D. strange

15.A. So   B. Yet    C. Still   D. Because

16.A. force   B. allow    C. invite    D. forbid

17.A. around   B. out    C. away    D. off

18.A. in turn   B. at first   C. in time   D. at once

19.A. heart   B. place    C. duty    D. life

20.A. himself  B. ourselves   C. myself   D. yourselves


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:这篇文章主要讲述了Luke、Kyle以及Jane之间所发生的事情。Kyle不好好读书,认为供他上大学是Jane应该做的,而Jane的丈夫却觉得应该让Kyle独立。 1.1】D 考查名词。A. cousin 堂兄弟姐妹;B. stepbrother 继兄弟;C. nephew 侄子;D. stepson 继子。根据下文的“Kyle will be able to learn to accept your help and advice 38 . But before that, Luke, we need to try hard to get him to accept you in his heart, close to the 39 of his own father.可知,Luke想要取代Kyle父亲的位置,故是Kyle的继父,所以选择D。 2.2】C 考查动词。A. discuss 讨论;B. meet 遇见、碰面;C. argue 争论;D. deal 处理。根据下文可知Kyle觉得供他读书是他妈妈应该做的,而妈妈却并没有钱,因此妈妈希望他能更努力,所以两个人总有争吵,故选择C。 3.3】B 考查名词。A. teachers 教师;B. grades 年级、分数;C. friends 朋友;D. prizes 奖项。根据上文的study hard以及常识可知,Jane希望他能多考点分数,故选择B。 4.4】B 考查名词。A. need 需要;B. money 钱;C. hope 希望;D. time 时间。根据下文的Not a cent could be expected!可知Jane没有钱供他读书,故选择B。 5.5】A 考查介词短语。A. Instead of 代替、而不是;B. In addition to 除…之外;C. In spite of 尽管;D. Along with 伴随、和。根据下文的Kyle spent hour after hour playing video games on his computer. He always waited until the last minute to study for school可知,Kyle并不认真读书,故选择A。 6.6】B 考查名词。A. rules 制度;B. tests 测试;C. regulations 规章制度;D. admissions 进入。根据下文的stayed up all night cramming(强记硬背) for them.可知,Kyle在考试前夜才会临死抱佛脚,会背书,故选择B。 7.7】D 考查动词。A. inform 通知;B. warn 警告;C. promise 承诺;D. remind 提醒。根据上文可知,Jane经常和他争论,而焦点就在于读书,故本题选择D最为恰当,句意为:当Jane提醒他他需要高分数…时。 8.8】A 考查名词。A. scholarship 学术、奖学金;B. degree 程度;C. reward 报酬、赏金;D. job 工作。根据上文的she didn’t have the 24 for his college education.可知,Jane并没有钱供他读大学,所以Jane希望他能努力读书考高分这样才能获得奖学金,故选择A。 9.9】D 考查名词。A. honor 荣誉、荣耀;B. right 权利;C. pleasure 愉快;D. responsibility 责任。根据下文的Kyle thinks you have to pay his way through college!可知,Kyle认为母亲应为他付钱,故选择D,他认为给他提供钱直到他读完大学是母亲的职责。 10.10】C 考查连词。A. since 自从;B. when 当…时;C. until 直到;D. after 在…之后。根据上文分析可知选择C。 11.11】D 考查名词。A. principle 原则;B. decision 决定;C. saying 说话、格言;D. idea 想法。根据上文内容可知,这是Kyle的想法,故选择D。 12.12】B 考查动词。A. helped 帮助;B. raised 养育、举起、筹集等;C. educated 教育;D. sponsored 主办、赞助。根据下文的for 10 years all by yourself.可知选择B,意为:你应经独自抚养他10年了。 13.13】A 考查动词。A. owe 欠…、把…归功于;B. ask 要求;C. lend 借;D. offer 提供。根据上文内容可知,Luke觉得Jane已经抚养Kyle10年了,故不欠他什么,选择A。 14.14】C 考查形容词。A. easy 容易的;B. possible 可能的;C. clear 清晰的;D. strange 奇怪的。根据句意选择C,构成短语:make it clear that…,意为:把…说得很清楚。句意为:当我11年级时,我的父亲对我说的很清楚,我高中一毕业就要离开家。 15.15】B 考查连词。A. So 因此;B. Yet 然而;C. Still 仍然;D. Because 因为。根据上文Luke的父亲要求他高中毕业就离开家,而Kyle却认为母亲应该供他读大学,这两种观点之间有转折关系,故选择B。 16.16】D 考查动词。A. force 强迫;B. allow 允许;C. invite 邀请;D. forbid 禁止。根据下文的He says you’re not his father, so why should he have to listen to you?可知,Kyle认为Luke不是自己的父亲,所以他不会听Luke的话,在这种情况下,Jane不让Luke和Kyle谈,所以选择D。 17.17】A 考查介词。A. around 在附近、在身边;B. out 出去;C. away 远离;D. off 离开、落下。根据上文的内容可知,Kyle的父亲过世了,而根据He should appreciate可知,Luke一直在他身边帮他,故选择A。 18.18】C 考查介词短语。A. in turn 轮流;B. at first 起初;C. in time 及时、迟早;D. at once 立刻。根据句意可知选择C,意为:Kyle迟早会学会接受你的帮助和建议。 19.19】B 考查名词。A. heart 心脏;B. place 地方、位置;C. duty 职责;D. life 生活、生命。根据上文的Luke, we need to try hard to get him to accept you in his heart可知,Jane认为先要让Kyle从心里接受Luke,那么他才能取代父亲的位置。故选择B。 20.20】B 考查反身代词。A. himself 他自己;B. ourselves 我们自己;C. myself 我自己;D. yourselves 你们自己。根据上文的I agree and we surely have every confidence in him.可知,Luke认为要对Kyle有信心,而Jane则提醒他也要对他们两人有信心,故选择B。

---Mr. Jones isnt at his desk. Where is he?

---_______. I have no idea.

A. You are welcome           B. Tell me about it

C. Lets call it a day      D. Youve got me there



A smile ______ the mothers face when the son walked onto the platform to receive the prize.

A. lit up         B. brought up

C. put up          D. took up



My teacher speaks English well indeed, but of course not __ a native speaker.

A. as fluent as                    B. more fluent than

C. so fluently as                  D. much fluently than



The Well Hotel stands in a quiet place ______ the main road at the far end of the lake.

A. to          B. for             C. off            D. out



--- Why wasnt John hired for the job ?

--- I dont know, but he ______.

A. was      B. had been

C. should have     D. should have been



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