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Film 1 — The environmental problems in S...

Film 1 — The environmental problems in South Africa

This film will take you on a wonderful trip deep into the South African forests and across four decades of research to experience the changes in the environment in South Africa. With no roads or airstrips nearby, the waterways are the only choice for reaching the great forests. This unbelievable journey invites you to be among the few humans who have dared to go to the South African forests to examine the different disappearing creatures and plants of South Africa.

Place: Cheerful Theatre

Admission Fees: Front Stalls $30, Stalls $38 (Standard)

Front Stalls $15, Stalls $19 (Concession) (减价)

Note: 1. Concessions are applicable to senior citizens aged 60 or above.

2. Children under 3 years old will not be admitted.

Duration: 50 minutes

Show Dates: April1 May 31

Discount: With the cash coupons (优惠券) offered by K&S Ltd., you can now enjoy a 50% discount on the $38 ticket and pay only $19 per head.

Film 2 The climatic changes in India

This film will take you to the mysterious land of India. This film features a scientist, Nina, who set out alone on a five-year journey across the country. Along the way, Nina experiences the harshness (坎坷) of India’s land, which contains every type of natural environment on Earth from the freezing temperatures of the Himalayas to the extremely hot deserts, and to dense tropical rainforests. The film shows how she survives the tough journey in India.

Place: Glorious Theatre

Admission Fees: Front Stalls $50, Stalls $70 (Standard)

Note: Children under 3 years old will not be admitted.

Duration: 120 minutes

Show Dates: May 15 May 31, only one show every day from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Not on show at weekends.

Special Feature: Good news for those who are interested in India! With the purchase of any two tickets at $70 each, you can join our prize-winning competition to win 2 round-trip tickets to India!

Film 3 The power of nature

This film features inspiring and frightening atmospheric and geological (地质学的) events. It shows how we can help increase our chances of surviving these events. The great earthquakes, exploding mountains, the sky turning black and violent natural forces that helped create life on our green planet but can also imperil it. Experience our planet’s strongest powers as this film delivers the amazing sights of earthquakes, volcanoes and hurricanes. From volcanic eruptions and trembling fault lines in Turkey to the hurricanes striking America, modern-day disasters are witnessed in eye-popping enormity (巨大) on the giant screen.

Place: Spectacular Theatre

Admission Fees: Front Stalls $34, Stalls $42 (Standard)

Front Stalls $17, Stalls $21 (Concession)

Notes: 1. Concessions are applicable to full-time students, people with disabilities and senior citizens aged 60 or above.

2. Children under 6 years old will not be admitted.

Duration: 150 minutes

Show Dates: May 5 June 30, only at weekends.

Discount: A 3rd ticket is given free for every 2 tickets bought at whatever price.

1.What does Film 1 show?

A. How Nina died towards the end of the journey.

B. What effects earthquakes and volcanoes have on the earth.

C. India is a country that has a long history and rich culture.

D. There is only one way to reach the forests in South Africa.

2.The underlined word “imperil” in Film 3 means                 .

A. improve       B. remove

C. give ... up       D. put ... in danger

3.How many tickets will a group of 6 friends have to pay for if they want to watch Film 3 ?

A. 3.             B. 4.           C. 5.               D. 6.

4.What do the three films have in common?

A. They have an age limit.

B. They last longer than 120 minutes.

C. They are only on show at weekends.

D. They offer a discount.


1.D 2.D 3.B 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要介绍了三部上映的电影,介绍了这三部电影上映的地点、票价、时间以及需要注意的方面。 1.1】D 细节理解题。根据文章第一部电影的介绍中的With no roads or airstrips nearby, the waterways are the only choice for reaching the great forests.可知选择D。 2.2】D 词义辨析题。根据上文的helped create life on our green planet以及连接词but also可知,这里指的是相反的意思,故选择D,意为使…出于危险中。 3.3】B 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的Discount: A 3rd ticket is given free for every 2 tickets bought at whatever price.可知,每买两张票就可以免费送一张票,故6个人只需要买4张票,再获赠2张票即可。故选择B。 4.细节理解题。根据文章三部电影介绍中的Children under 3 years old will not be admitted.、Children under 3 years old will not be admitted. 、Children under 6 years old will not be admitted.可知三部电影都提到了年龄限制,故选择A。 考点:考查应用文阅读

Teachers and parents usually call attention to the pictures when they read storybooks to preschool children. But a new study suggests that calling attention to the words and letters on the page may lead to better readers.

The two-year study compared children who were read to this way in class with children who were not. Those whose teachers most often discussed the print showed clearly higher skills in reading, spelling and understanding. These results were found one year and even two years later.

Shayne Piasta, an assistant professor of teaching and learning at Ohio State University, was an author of the study. She says most preschool teachers would find this method manageable and would need only a small change in the way they teach. They already read storybooks in class. The only difference would be increased attention to the printed text.

Ms. Piasta says if you get children to pay attention to letters and words, it makes sense that they will do better at word recognition and spelling. But she says research suggests that very few parents and teachers do this in a systematic way.

The report appears in the journal Child Development.

More than three hundred children aged four and five were observed in classrooms in Ohio and Virginia. The children came from poor families and were below average in their language skills. This put them at risk of reading problems later.

For thirty weeks, the children took part in a program called Project STAR, for Sit Together And Read. The project is based in Ohio State. It tests the short-term and long-term results of reading regularly to preschool children in their classrooms.

Laura Justice in Ohio State was an investigator for the study. She heads the Preschool Language and Literacy Laboratory. She says one of the areas that interests researchers is known as the locus of learning.” “Where is it that a child learns something? Where is that space? We think we have identified it pretty well in terms of fostering (助长) some children’s knowledge about print.” says Laura Justice. She also says this knowledge can be gained by having focused discussions when reading a book to a child. Laura Justice says, “We think we understand how information about print is transmitted from the adult to the child. And we think we have centered on this intervention that really helps adults center on the things that children need and want to learn.”

There are different ways that teachers and parents can talk to children about print. They can point to a letter and discuss it, and even trace the shape with a finger. They can point out a word, “This is ‘dog’.” They can discuss the meaning of the print or how the words tell the story. And they can talk about the organization of the print — for instance, showing how words are written left to right in English.

1. When reading storybooks to their children, parents usually ____________.

A. attract attention to the pictures

B. discuss the stories with each other

C. tell some background information first

D. ask some questions about the stories

2.Shayne Piasta suggests that preschool teachers should _______________.

A. read storybooks regularly in class

B. learn to manage their class well

C. often discuss the printed words and letters

D. search for a better method of reading

3. The children who joined in Project STAR were _____________________.

A. mostly cleverer than others

B. very poor in their reading

C. especially good at language skills

D. worried about reading problems

4.The underlined word “locus” in Paragraph 8 can be replaced by ________________.

A. difficulty         B. importance

C. best way       D. exact place

5.The last paragraph mainly tells us _____________________.

A. why we should discuss the meaning of the print

B. how we can teach children about print

C. the shape of the letter is the focus of teaching

D. English words are usually written from left to right



Luke didn’t know what to do. He wanted to yell at Kyle, his     , because Kyle continued to       with his mom, Jane. She didn’t demand very much from him---“Study hard, and get the best     you can,” she told him. She tried to get it into his head that she didn’t have the       for his college education. Not a cent could be expected!       studying harder, Kyle spent hour after hour playing video games on his computer. He always waited until the last minute to study for school          , and stayed up all night cramming(强记硬背) for them. When Jane tried to       him that he needed good grades to get a     , he would turn a deaf ear to her or even get angry. He said it was her     to take care of him financially       he graduated from college.

“Where did he get that         ?” Luke asked. “You’ve     him for 10 years all by yourself. You don’t       him a thing. He should be glad you haven’t kicked him out of the apartment. When I was in the eleventh grade, my father made it         to me that when I graduated from high school, I was expected to leave home.          Kyle thinks you have to pay his way through college!”

Jane would       Luke to talk to Kyle. “He says you’re not his father, so why should he have to listen to you?”

“Well, his father’s dead. He should appreciate that I’m     to try to help him. ”Luke said.

“Kyle will be able to learn to accept your help and advice          . But before that, Luke, we need to try hard to get him to accept you in his heart, close to the     of his own father.”

“I agree and we surely have every confidence in him.” said Luke.

“Yes. And in          , too!” Jane reminded him.

1.A. cousin     B. stepbrother  C. nephew  D. stepson

2.A. discuss    B. meet    C. argue   D. deal

3.A. teachers  B. grades   C. friends   D. prizes

4.A. need   B. money   C. hope   D. time

5.A. Instead of  B. In addition to C. In spite of  D. Along with

6.A. rules   B. tests   C. regulations  D. admissions

7.A. inform  B. warn   C. promise  D. remind

8.A. scholarship B. degree   C. reward   D. job

9.A. honor  B. right   C. pleasure  D. responsibility

10.A. since  B. when   C. until   D. after

11.A. principle  B. decision  C. saying   D. idea

12.A. helped  B. raised   C. educated  D. sponsored

13.A. owe   B. ask   C. lend   D. offer

14.A. easy   B. possible  C. clear   D. strange

15.A. So   B. Yet    C. Still   D. Because

16.A. force   B. allow    C. invite    D. forbid

17.A. around   B. out    C. away    D. off

18.A. in turn   B. at first   C. in time   D. at once

19.A. heart   B. place    C. duty    D. life

20.A. himself  B. ourselves   C. myself   D. yourselves



---Mr. Jones isnt at his desk. Where is he?

---_______. I have no idea.

A. You are welcome           B. Tell me about it

C. Lets call it a day      D. Youve got me there



A smile ______ the mothers face when the son walked onto the platform to receive the prize.

A. lit up         B. brought up

C. put up          D. took up



My teacher speaks English well indeed, but of course not __ a native speaker.

A. as fluent as                    B. more fluent than

C. so fluently as                  D. much fluently than



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