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I Was Forced to Find My Gifts I was a pr...

I Was Forced to Find My Gifts

I was a pretty typical 17-year-old with a strong interest in painting when something happened. One Sunday, I went to an old swimming hole and dove in. I     something under the water head-on and broke a couple of vertebrae(椎骨)of my neck.

For five months I stayed at the hospital, feeling like a     to my family. My self-image was instantly     . I was described with terms like “disabled” or “crippled.” I was angry and

     after I failed so many times at some     task---dropping something on the floor and trying to get it back up again.

Near the end of my stay in the hospital, my doctor almost forcibly tied a     to my hand. He had seen my paintings I’d done before and    me to paint. Fortunately, I found that I

  had this artistic ability left. It was like a big weight had been     . At least I could do something worthwhile again, and it became a     part of my recovery.

After I left the hospital, I stayed at home, feeling desperately     . It seemed like I was cut off from     . No one can get along     love and acceptance. So that fall, I started at the University of Texas, majoring in graphic design.

One day a man happened to see one of my paintings. He had a great     for it and asked if I ever did art shows. So I was given a(n)     . Much to my surprise, I found that people liked my paintings and would pay for them. That was about 11 years ago. Today, 1,500     have carried my work.

It was the art that provided the     for me to get up every morning and do something,

     sitting in front of the television. Society has such     expectations of the disabled person, so it’s very easy to get sucked into a dependency routine --- you know, the “give me” kind of attitude. And that’s what I take the most     in --- the fact that what I’m doing today is well received all over.


1.A. saw   B. hit   C. touched  D. picked

2.A. burden  B. failure   C. joke    D. patient

3.A. improved  B. created  C. changed  D. judged

4.A. helpless  B. careless  C. nervous  D. tired

5.A. difficult  B. special   C. simple   D. important

6.A. bandage  B. towel   C. rope   D. paintbrush

7.A. allowed  B. taught   C. ordered  D. encouraged

8.A. already  B. still   C. even   D. always

9.A. gained  B. carried   C. lifted   D. measured

10.A. vital   B. strange  C. boring   D. different

11.A. lonely  B. weak   C. frightened  D. guilty

12.A. success  B. classmates   C. society   D. treatment

13.A. in   B. for   C. behind   D. without

14.A. sympathy B. fondness    C. talent      D. responsibility

15.A. exhibition B. challenge  C. permission  D. message

16.A. hospitals  B. galleries  C. schools   D. families

17.A. imagination B. chance   C. motivation  D. curiosity

18.A. instead of B. apart from  C. due to   D. but for

19.A. high   B. low   C. enough  D. unrealistic

20.A. power  B. pride   C. comfort  D. advantage


1..B 2..A 3..C 4..A 5..C 6..D 7..D 8..B 9..C 10..A 11..A 12..C 13..D 14..B 15..A 16..B 17..C 18..A 19..B 20..B 【解析】 试题分析:作者“我”是一个17岁的孩子,一次在游泳时因为撞击弄断了颈椎,在医院治疗时感到心灰意冷,前途无望。主治医生了解到我曾经热爱绘画,鼓励我重新“拿起”画笔,我重燃对生活的热爱,今天所做的事情能被社会广泛认可,这是“我”引以为豪的。 1.】考查动词和语境理解。 A. saw看见,B. hit击中, C. touched接触, D. picked捡起。根据下文“我”弄断了几根颈椎骨,得知当时“我”在水中撞击到了什么东西导致弄断了颈椎。选B。 2.】考查名词和语境理解。A. burden 负担,B. failure失败,C. joke玩笑, D. patient病人。接下来的五个月“我”不得不待在医院治疗,当时感觉自己是全家的一个负担。选A。 3.】考查动词和语境理解。A. improved提高;改善,B. created创造,C. changed改变,D. judged判断。“我”的个人形象因为这次意外马上被改变了。选C。 4.】考查形容词和语境理解。A. helpless无助的,B. careless粗心的, C. nervous紧张的,D. tired疲劳的。“我”被描述为“残疾人”之类这样的词眼,在尝试了许多次去做曾经很简单的事情却失败后,我感到很生气也很无助。选A。 5.】考查形容词和语境理解。 A. difficult困难的, B. special特别的,C. simple简单的,D. important重要的。在尝试了许多次去做曾经很简单的事情却失败后,例如把东西掉到地上试图再捡起来时。选C。 6.】考查名词和语境理解。A. bandage绷带,B. towel毛巾,C. rope绳子,D. paintbrush 画笔;漆刷。根据下文“我”的医生看见过“我”以前画的画,鼓励我继续去画,得知在“我”快要出院时,由于“我”身体几乎瘫痪所以,“我”的医生几乎是强迫性的把画笔系在我的手上。选D。 7.】考查动词和语境理解。A. allowed 允许,B. taught交给, C. ordered命令, D. encouraged鼓励。“我”的医生看见过“我”以前画的画,鼓励”我”继续去画。选D。 8.】考查副词和语境理解。A. already 已经,B. still 仍然,C. even甚至, D. always总是。幸运的是。“我”发现自己仍然还有画画的艺术技能。选B。 9.】考查动词和语境理解。A. gained获得,B. carried携带, C. lifted提升,D. measured测量。根据下文中至少自己又能够做有价值的事情了。所以感觉就好像身上卸下一个重担似的。选C。 10.】考查形容词和语境理解。 A. vital重要的,B. strange奇怪的,C. boring令人厌倦的, D. different不同的 。至少自己又能够做有价值的事情了,这成为“我”身心恢复非常重要的一部分。选A。 11.】考查形容词和语境理解。A. lonely孤独的,B. weak虚弱的,C. frightened害怕的,D. guilty内疚的。在“我”出院后,“我”待在家里感觉极其孤独。选A。 12.】考查名词和语境理解。A. success成功,B. classmates同学,C. society 社会,D. treatment对待。当时感觉自己与社会完全隔离了,很悲观。选C。 13.】考查介词和语境理解。A. in在里面,B. for为了;对于,C. behind后面,D. without没有。没有人可以在没有爱和接受的情况下生活下去。选D。 14.】考查名词和语境理解。A. sympathy同情,B. fondness喜欢, C. talent天赋, D. responsibility责任。根据询问我是否举办过画展,可推断出:有一天一个人碰巧看到“我”的一幅画。他对那幅画很喜欢。选B。 15.】考查名词和语境理解。A. exhibition展览,B. challenge挑战,C. permission允许,D. message信息。根据上文一个人碰巧看到我的一幅画。对那幅画很喜欢,询问“我”是否曾经举办过画展,因此“我”得到了一次展览作品的机会。选A。 16.】考查名词和语境理解。A. hospitals医院,B. galleries画廊, C. schools学校, D. families家庭。11年前,人们就很喜欢我的作品并愿意出钱买下它们。现在“我”的作品在1500个画廊里展出。选B。 17.】考查名词和语境理解。A. imagination 想象,B. chance机会,C. motivation动机,D. Curiosity好奇。艺术提供给我每天早起不是坐在电视机前而是去做些事情的机会。选C。 18.】考查介词短语和语境理解。 A. instead of相反, B. apart from除了,C. due to由于,D. but for要不是。艺术提供给“我”每天早起后不是坐在电视机前而是去做些事情的机会。前后句是转折关系。选A。 19.】考查形容词和语境理解。A. high高的, B. low低的, C. enough足够的,D. unrealistic不现实的 。社会对残疾人们的期望如此低,很容易使他们产生一种依赖的常规想法,“给我”的态度。选B。 20.】考查名词和语境理解。A. power权利,B. pride自豪, C. comfort安慰,D. advantage优势。事实是:“我”今天所做的事情被广泛认可,这是“我”引以为豪的。选B。 考点:励志类文章

I will never forget my experience in Africa, _______ has a great effect on my life.

A. where             B. which        C. when     D. that



--- Sorry indeed, I ________ to your wedding if I had been in Beijing.

--- Forget it. I know you were out on business.

A. attended      B. had attended

C. would attend     D. would have attended



I was not sure _______ I had the qualification for the job, but I applied for it anyway.

A. that           B. whether       C. what          D. how



Mo Yan grew up _________ folk tales that had been told for centuries in his hometown.

A. listening to      B. listened to

C. listen to        D. to listen to



The children are dirty from head to foot because they ________ in the mud all morning.

A. play        B. had played

C. will play      D. have been playing



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