满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



In a recent airing of "Unsolved Mysteries", there was a young boy who was the victim of the  holocaust(大屠杀).He'd been    in a work camp for several years and somehow had managed to  survive the    of his imprisonment.

   The story was of a boy - now in his sixties - and his quest to find an American soldier who had    a kindness to him by    some food. It might seem    ,but to this child, who had seen  nothing but     and inhumanity for as long as he could remember, it was a    that marked a  turning point in his life, for he had lost hope .When he was liberated by the American forces, he was dying. He,     needed food. As he was staggering along the road a young soldier    down from his tank and gave him some of his supplies. With this one act of generosity, a kind American had aroused the    again that there really was some good in the world. And the boy never    it. The boy later went to America, raised a family, became successful and worked hard to repay the    he had received with his own.

Actually there were so many similar acts of generosity that it would be almost impossible to know for sure who the soldier was.

We all have a choice: to create more light in the world. As Confucius    it over 2500 years ago, "It is better to light one small candle than to    the darkness."

As the story above so nicely    small gestures can often generate huge blessings. If we're constantly     looking for and doing kind acts, we will no doubt bring more joy into the world around us as well as into our own world!

1.A. stationed          B. placed              C. distributed          D. treated

2.A. horror            B. embarrassment        C. relief              D. annoyance

3.A. held on           B. agreed on            C. focused on          D. passed on

4. A. guaranteeing       B. offering              C. presenting          D. contributing

5.A. unbelievable       B. troublesome           C. insignificant        D. convenient

6.A. difficulty          B. curiosity              C. sympathy          D. cruelty

7.A. wave             B. fate                  C. gesture            D. duty

8.A. highly            B. mostly                C. hopefully.          D.badly

9.A. moved            B. jumped               C. turned             D.dashed

10.A.honesty           B. loyalty               C. trust               D. belief

11.A.forgot            B. remembered           C. delivered.           D.reflected

12.A.food             B. mercy                 C. kindness          D. credit

13.A.made            B. put                    C. took             D. got

14.A.curse            B. pray                   C. swear            D. appreciate

15.A.declares          B. argues                 C. illustrates         D. expands


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.C 【解析】 试题分析:这故事是关于一个男孩,他现在六十多岁了,他要找到一名曾给过他食物的美国士兵。这个男孩后来去美国,并努力工作去回报他曾经收到的善意。点燃一支小蜡烛比诅咒黑暗更好。正如上面故事所叙述的,小手势通常可以产生巨大的祝福。 1.B考查动词。A. stationed配置,安置,驻扎;B. placed摆置,安放;C. distributed分配,散布,分开;D. treated治疗。句意:有一个小男孩,他是大屠杀的受害者。他一直被放置在一个营地工作好几年了。故选B。 2.A考查名词。A. horror恐怖;B. embarrassment 尴尬;C. relief 安慰;D. annoyance烦恼。句意:不知怎么他设法生存于他的监禁恐怖中。故选A。 3.D考查动词短语。A. held on坚持,抓住;B. agreed on在某事上达成一致协议;C. focused on集中在;D. passed on传递。句意:这故事是关于一个男孩,他现在六十多岁了,他为了找到一名美国士兵,这个美国士兵曾经通过提供给他一些食物向他传递善意。故选D。 4.B考查动词。A. guaranteeing 保证;B. offering提供;C. presenting赠送;D. contributing贡献。句意:这个美国士兵曾经通过提供给他一些食物向他传递善意。故选B。 5.C考查形容词。A. unbelievable 难以置信的;B. troublesome 麻烦的,讨厌的;C. insignificant无意义的;D. convenient方便的。句意:这可能似乎无关紧要,但是对于这个目睹的只是残酷和没人性的孩子来说,这是一种姿态,标志着一个转折点,因为他已经失去了希望。故选C。 6.D考查名词。A. difficulty困难;B. curiosity 好奇;C. sympathy 同情; D. cruelty残酷。句意:目睹的只是残酷和没人性。故选D。 7.C考查名词。A. wave挥手;B. fate命运;C. gesture姿态,手势;D. duty责任,职责。句意:这是一种姿态,标志着一个转折点。故选C。 8.D考查副词。A. highly 高度地;B. mostly 主要地;C. hopefully希望地;D.badly坏,严重地。句意:他,非常需要食物。故选D。 9.B考查动词。A. moved 移动;B. jumped跳;C. turned 转变;D.dashed 猛冲,撞击。句意:当他沿着路正在蹒跚地走时,一个年轻的士兵从他的坦克跳下来,并给他一些自己的供给。故选B。 10.D考查名词。A.honesty 诚实;B. loyalty忠诚;C. trust信任,信赖;D. belief 信念,信仰,信任。句意:随着这慷慨的举动,一个友好的美国人再次激起了信仰,世界上真有善良。故选D。 11.A考查动词。A.forgot 忘记;B. remembered记得;C. delivered.递送;D.reflected反射,反映,体现。句意:这个男孩从来不会忘记它。故选A。 12. 这个男孩后来去美国,养育了一个家庭,变得成功,并努力工作去回报他曾经收到的善意。故选C。 13.B考查动词。A.made 制造;B. put放;C. took 拿走,带走;D. got得到。句意:正如2500多年前 孔子所说,---,put it叙述,说。故选B。 14. 点燃一支小蜡烛比诅咒黑暗更好。故选A。 15. 考点:考查故事类阅读



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1. 告诉他你在学校演讲比赛中获得了第一名;

2. 感谢他在口语及演讲技巧上给予的帮助。

注意:1. 词数不少于50。

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Jeff,





Li Hua



Online courses are a terrific way for busy people.     1.   You might have a full time job with a packed schedule and need to study at irregular times. You might want to benefit from the quality of education in another country. In this article you will learn about what it takes to succeed in online courses.

2.    Time management is an important skill to develop. First, calculate how much time you will need to study every day. Then, allot(分配)a specific time in your schedule for studying. If you are busy during the day, then separate a few hours at night for studies. If you do not schedule study time, chances are you will not get any.

Then, the good place to study can be different from student to student. Some prefer to study in complete silence. Others need some kind of soft music around them to concentrate.     3.

It can be easy to get distracted(分散)when it is time to study. One of the most common mistakes students of online courses make is leaving their chat and email accounts open while studying. This may seem like a small distraction, but it can end up wasting a lot of your time.    4.

In conclusion, it takes hard work and concentration to succeed in online courses.   5.

The more effort you put into learning the course material, the better equipped you will be to succeed in your professional career.

A. Online courses may not be a good choice for you.

B. There are many reasons you might want to take online courses.

C. In order to succeed in online learning, you have to have some specific skills.

D. Remember online courses are designed to give you the knowledge to succeed.

E. The secret to succeeding in online courses is learning how to manage your time.

F. If you leave the door open for distraction it will come in and make itself at home.

G. For the most part, a quiet room away from your busy and noisy home or office is recommended.



The chimp didn’t feel well. She fell over, ignoring the other wild chimps. Finally, the sick chimp crawled over to a bush, picked some leaves and swallowed them. By the next afternoon, the chimp was as good as new!

Biologists watching the chimp were surprised. Somehow, the plant had cured the chimp! Did the chimp know the plant would make her feel better? Or was it just a lucky accident?

Many scientists don’t think it has anything to do with luck. They’re discovering that some animals seem to use plants to cure themselves. And these animals are leading scientists to new plants that could cure humans!

Dr. Richard Wrangham, an anthropologist at Harvard University, agrees that animals may know something we don’t know about forest plants.

Wrangham got to know chimps and their diets while studying them for three years in Tanzania. “You must know a lot about an animal’s feeding habits to know what it doesn’t consider food,” Wrangham explains. Every morning, he saw that most chimps ate fruit near their nests. Later on, they ate on leaves.

When he noticed chimps eating the leaves of a plant they usually ignored, Wrangham thought something interesting was going on---especially when he saw that they’d sometimes walk for 20 minutes to find the plant. Another strange thing that caught his eye was how they ate the bitter leaves.

“They swallowed the leaves whole,” explains Wrangham, noting that chimps usually chew their food well. “They seemed to rub(摩擦)the leaves around the roofs of their mouths. They closed their eyes, wrinkled their noses and swallowed slowly.

Wrangham wondered what could be so good about something tasting so bad. He had a chemist analyze the leaves. He discovered that the leaves contain a red oil that kills different viruses(病毒). Later tests showed that the oil might even fight cancer and the AIDS virus!

Why don’t the chimps chew the leaves? “Rubbing the leaves between the tongue and the inside of the mouth might allow the chemicals to enter the bloodstream directly,” he suggests, “instead of going to the stomach, where they might get destroyed by acids. The chimps seem to know what they’re doing.”

1.We can learn from the passage that _________.

A. chemicals in plants help cure animals

B. chimps cure themselves by chewing plants

C. scientists live with chimps to study their diets

D. Dr. Wrangham knows a lot about forest plants

2.How can Dr. Wrangham tell which plants are medicine for chimps?

A. By talking with the biologists.

B. By analyzing the chimps’ favorite food.

C. By studying the chimps’ feeding habits.

D. By comparing other scientists’ discoveries.

3.The author wrote the passage to ___________.

A. present a finding    B. test a theory

C. provide a solution    D. describe an experiment

4.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Forest plants.     B. Animal doctors.

C. Chimp’s diets.     D. A cure for cancer.



It does not matter who wins. We are told that from day one. Usually, that statement is followed by some remark about being a loser. If we do not care who wins, then why do we compete? Fun, experience, the chance to meet new people --- these are the reasons we try to outdo each other.

People will compete over anything. Every Christmas, my neighbors and I have a little Christmas light competition. It is heaven for the electric company, but I think we give Will Rogers Airport a scare. It is bright enough to land a plane in our front yards. I admit that last year my neighbors won, but only because they bought every strand of lights Wal-Mart had before I could get there.

Personal competitions are great, but we get a little carried away. I cannot stand to see coaches shout at kids playing sports. Who cares if someone messes up and the other team advances?

I’m tired of people competing just to win. It happens not only in sports, but in music competitions, too. People auditioning(试音)for chair placement in certain bands can get really unfriendly. This year I did not audition for a certain band, but I went to auditions anyway. This was the first time I actually had the opportunity to comprehend the whole picture.

Other times I’ve been the person who was nervous and anxious. This time, I sat back and observed everyone else. I came to the realization that the people who aren’t so good are terrified of the good people, and the good people are scared stiff that the bad people have taken lessons and can now show them up. Unless a person is on the outside looking in, I don’t think anyone realizes this.

Maybe competing is human nature, but we shouldn’t let it influence our judgment. Being disrespectful to opponents(对手), letting competition become our life, and becoming so involved that we close ourselves off from friends and family is not the meaning of competition.

A little competition is healthy, so it shouldn’t hurt anyone. If it does, someone somewhere needs to back off, find the good thing hidden inside, and try it again. Winning isn’t everything, and losing isn’t the end of the world.

1.The author mentions his competition with his neighbors to __________.

A. make excuses for his failure

B. express his concern about the airport

C. imply his neighbor cheated in the competition

D. show people really care about the result of competition

2.The underlined word “this” in Paragraph 5 refers to ________.

A. the rules of competition

B. competitors’ effort to win

C. the influence of competition on life

D. the negative attitude to competition

3.From the passage, we can learn that _______.

A. the author failed the audition

B. competitors may be unfriendly to each other

C. it is coaches who always mess up the match

D. those who observe opponents calmly always win

4.Which of the following opinions does the author probably accept?

A. Competition for the job is fierce.

B. Winning or losing is none of people’s concern.

C. Competition is healthy, but it can get out of hand.

D. The disadvantages of competition outweigh the benefits.



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