满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

She tried hard to keep calm in face of t...

She tried hard to keep calm in face of the students, but the sweat on her forehead ______her_______.

A. shut; off            B. turned; down

C. showed; out        D. gave; away


D 【解析】 试题分析:shut off 关闭;turn down 关小音量,拒接;show off 炫耀;give away 分发,泄露。根据语境可知她试图在学生们面前保持镇静,但她前额上的汗水让她漏馅,give away符合语境,故选D。 考点:考查动词短语  

He managed to reach the summit of his career, but it was at the ______ of his health.

A. consumption       B. credit

C. exhaustion        D. expense



Jenny has been taken to the headmaster’s and she ______about what happened in their dormitory last night.

A. questioned         B. had questioned

C. is being questioned      D. was questioning



______ nice, the food was all eaten up soon.

A. Tasting            B. Taste

C. Tasted          D. To taste



Leslie Cheung’s movies have influenced many people and these classic films _____ his different performing styles at different times.

A. entertain      B. represent

C. convince      D. support



The reason why so many people sit before the television tonight is that there will be a______ show.

A. living       B. live

C. alive        D. lived



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