满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Annie, a neighbor’s daughter, was away f...

Annie, a neighbor’s daughter, was away for her first semester at college this school year. She is a very sweet girl but just a bit shy. When her birthday came around, I found out she was feeling a bit       .

Her family is quite poor and          are tight, so there wouldn’t be any birthday visitors. I wanted to           her a card and maybe a small gift to          her day a bit. I got her school         from her mom and planned to pick something up. Then I got a(n)        !

I        perhaps a bit more birthday cheer was needed here. I bought some balloons, birthday hats, and           novelties at a store. I took a small        and asked three other people in my area at work to        “Happy Birthday” and send some birthday wishes to her. It was such fun making the recording! Other people          what we were doing and         their voices, so it really sounded like we had a party going on!

Then I bought her a small present and a card as         planned. The real fun was packing them to be sent. I           everything so it was like opening a mini birthday party! At the last minute I added a pack of cupcakes and a box of birthday candles          sending them off. I got a call a few days laterAnnie said her roommates and one of their neighbors in the           got together with her and held a party for her the moment they arrived. She sounded so         and I was so glad that she had some friends to        her special day with.

It was such an easy and          thing to do. The people who helped me make the tape still laugh and talk about it. And Annie         me it was the most fun birthday she would remember!

1.A. lonely   B. nervous   C. happy    D. bored

2.A. thoughts     B. finances   C. measures   D. times

3.A. provide  B. sell    C. send    D. draw

4.A. attract   B. remember   C. describe   D. brighten

5.A. number  B. campus   C. address   D. report

6.A. idea   B. surprise   C. chance    D. message

7.A. decided     B. thought   C. wished   D. concluded

8.A. another  B. others    C. other    D. one

9.A. radio   B. camera   C. recorder   D. phone

10.A. say   B. sing    C. repeat    D. make

11.A. took out  B. set out    C. gave out   D. found out

12.A. added  B. devoted   C. cleared   D. lifted

13.A. suddenly  B. originally   C. finally    D. carefully

14.A. collected  B. paid    C. arranged   D. expected

15.A. until   B. after    C. unless    D. before

16.A. dormitory  B. home    C. classroom   D. office

17.A. familiar  B. happy    C. wonderful   D. upset

18.A. help   B. compare   C. share    D. witness

19.A. hard   B. challenging   C. fun    D. time-consuming

20.A. warned     B. convinced         C. advised         D. told


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:邻居家的女孩Annie 今年上大一,家境贫困的她担心没有人陪她过生日而郁郁寡欢。作者了解这一切后,为她精心准备了一个小型的“生日派对”并送她礼物,这让她非常开心。 1.A 考查形容词。A. lonely 孤独的;B. nervous 紧张的;C. happy 开心的;D. bored 厌烦的;根据后面的“so there wouldn’t be any birthday visitors”可知Annie因没有人给她过生日而郁郁寡欢,故选A。 2.B 考查名词。A. thoughts 思想,想法;B. finances 经济,财政;C. measures 措施,手段D. times 时期,次数;作者给Annie购买礼物,暗示着Annie的家境不是很富裕,经济紧张,故选B。 3.C 考查动词。A. Provide 提供;B. sell 出售,卖;C. send 送,邮寄;D. draw 画画;根据第四段的“The real fun was packing them to be sent”可知作者想给Annie寄生日卡片和礼物,故选C。 4.D 考查动词。A. attract 吸引;B. remember 记得;C. describe 描述;D. brighten 使快乐;Annie收到礼物自然会感到高兴,brighten符合语境,故选D。 5.C 考查名词。A. Number 号码,数字;B. campus 校园;C. address地址;D. report 报道;想给Annie寄卡片和礼物,当然需要她的学校地址,address符合语境,故选C。 6.6】A 考查名词。A. idea想法,主意;B. surprise 惊讶,意外;C. chance 机会,机遇;D. message 口信,信息;下文讲述了作者给Annie准备礼物的过程,所以此处指作者有了一个主意(idea),故选A。 7.7】B 考查动词。A. decided决定;B. thought 思考,认为;C. wished 希望;D. concluded 推论,结论;作者想(thought)也许需要再多一点庆祝生日时的欢乐气氛,故选A。 8.8】C 考查代词。A. another 再一,另一;B. others 其他的人或物; C. other其他的,其余的;D. one 一个;作者买了一些气球、生日帽和其他的(other)新奇的小物品,故选C。 9.9】C 考查名词。A. radio 收音机;B. camera 照相机;C. recorder 录音机; D. phone 电话;下文的“It was such fun making the recording!”表明作者是用录音机(recorder)录下人们的歌声和祝福,故选C。 10.10】B 考查动词。A. say说;B. sing 唱歌;C. repeat 重复;D. make 制作;后面的“so it really sounded like we had a party going on”暗示着人们为她唱(sing)生日快乐歌,故选B。 11.1】D 考查动词短语。A. took out 拿出,取出;B. set out 动身,出发;C. gave out 发出;D. found out查明,弄清楚;其他人弄清楚(found out) 我们在做什么时也加入进来,故选D。 12.12】A 考查动词。A. added 增加,添加;B. devoted 致力于,贡献;C. cleared清除; D.lifted 举起;根据语境可知,作者本来请了三个人唱歌,结果其他人发现了也跟着一起唱,用add表示添加,故选A。 13.13】B 考查副词。A. suddenly 突然地;B. originally 起初,原来;C. finally 最后,最终;D. carefully 小心谨慎地;“I wanted to 18 her a card and maybe a small gift ”表明作者起初想买贺卡和礼物,用originally表示“起初,原来”,故选B。 14.14】C 考查动词。A. collected 收集;B. paid 付款;C. arranged 安排,布置;D. expected 期待;后面的“it was like opening a mini birthday party”暗示作者在精心布置(arranged) 一切,故选C。 15.15】D 考查连词。A. until 直到;B. after 在……之后;C. unless 出非;D. before 在……之前;在把它们寄出去之前(before)的最后时刻作者又添加了一包纸杯蛋糕和一盒生日蜡烛,故选D。 16.6】A 考查名词。A. dormitory 宿舍,寝室;B. home 家;C. classroom 教室;D. office 办公室;文章开头的“was away for her first semester at college”表明Annie在学校,因此用dormitory,故选A。 17.17】B 考查形容词。A. familiar 熟悉的;B. happy 高兴的;C. wonderful 精彩的;D. upset 生气的,沮丧的;下文的“it was the most fun birthday she would remember”表明Annie很高兴(happy),故选B。 18.18】C 考查动词。A. help 帮助;B. compare 比较,对比;C. share 分享;D. witness 见证,目击;此处是说,作者很高兴Annie有一些朋友可以与她一起分享(share)这特别的一天,故选C。 19.19】C 考查形容词。A. hard艰难的;B. challenging具有挑战性的; C. fun 有趣的; D. time-consuming 费时的;这是一个既容易又有趣的(fun)事情,故选C。 20.20】D 考查动词。A. warned 警告;B. convinced 使信服;C. advised 建议;D. told 告诉,告知; 根据上文的“I got a call a few days later.”可推知Annie告诉(told) 作者这会是她能记住的最有趣的一个生日,故选D。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读

—Ken has gone to the Africa country to work as a volunteer.

I would rather he _____there. The situation there is very tense.

A. didn’t go      B. hadn’t gone

C. doesn’t go      D. hasn’t go



What the children in the mountain village need ______ good books.

A. is              B. are

C. have              D. has



In front of our school ______, where a lot of people play or take exercise at any time.

A. does a park lie     B. is a park lie

C. a park lies      D. lies a park



His study in Peking University lasted four years, ______ he founded his own company in Hong Kong.

A. after which               B. after when

C. after that                D. after it



I just don’t understand _______ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect.

A. why it does                   B. what it does

C. what it is                    D. why it is



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