满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Dear Guest, Welcome to Pacific Internati...

Dear Guest,

Welcome to Pacific International Apartments. At present we are updating our information folders in the rooms so as to assist you during your stay. Please note the following:

Phone number

Reception        Dial 7

Housekeeping     Dial 4

Apartment-to Apartment: Dial the Apartment number(except 1st floor Apartments: dial the Apartment number followed by thekey)

Outside line: Dial 0, wait for dial tone, and then the number required.

Please keep your key with you at all times. The main doors to the apartments are locked from 10:30pm— 07:00am, and you will need to swipe your key to gain access to the apartments.

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Please see reception for any advice on tours and Sydney’s attractions, and please dial 7 if you require any further information.

We hope your stay with us is an enjoyable one.

Kind regards!

Paul Williams

Guest Services Manager


1.How can you dial from your room in Pacific to Room 115 on the 1st floor?

A. Just dial 115.

B. Dial 6, then 115.

C. Dial 115 and press thekey.

D. Press thekey, then dial 115.

2.A guest who wants to go back to his room in Pacific at 11:45 pm can _____.

A. open the main door with his key

B. dial 0, and phone the reception

C. go to his room via the reception

D. use the lifts

3.In case of fire in Pacific, guests should _____.

A. dial 7 and wait for the hotel security’s instructions

B. take their keys and leave Pacific by way of lifts

C. leave Pacific through the fire exits

D. be together with the Fire Brigade

4.What does the underlines word “evacuation” mean in English?

A. concentrating in a place

B. withdrawing from a place

C. searching for a place

D. taking up a place

5.This letter most probably appears in _____.

A. a guest’s room

B. the official guide

C. a staff member’s office

D. advertisements for hotel


1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:这是一家旅店的入住指南书,告诉入住的客人如何使用该旅店的相关设施。 1.C 细节理解题。根据文中的“Dial the Apartment number(except 1st floor Apartments: dial the Apartment number followed by the﹟key)”可知C项正确,故选C。 2.A 细节理解题。根据文中的“The main doors to the apartments are locked from 10:30pm— 07:00am, and you will need to swipe your key to gain access to the apartments.”可知在11:45想进房间的人可以用钥匙开主通道的门,故选A。 3.C 细节理解题。根据方框中的“If evacuation is necessary, please run to the fire exits.”可知遇到火灾,要从消防通道离开,故选C。 4.B 猜测词义题。A集合在某地;B 从某地撤离;C寻找某地;D占据某地。根据后面的“please run to the fire exits”可知该词意为“撤离”,故选B。 5.5】A 推理判断题。根据全文可知这是一封让客人阅读的入住指南书,应该出现在客房里,故选A。 考点:考查广告布告类短文阅读

Annie, a neighbor’s daughter, was away for her first semester at college this school year. She is a very sweet girl but just a bit shy. When her birthday came around, I found out she was feeling a bit       .

Her family is quite poor and          are tight, so there wouldn’t be any birthday visitors. I wanted to           her a card and maybe a small gift to          her day a bit. I got her school         from her mom and planned to pick something up. Then I got a(n)        !

I        perhaps a bit more birthday cheer was needed here. I bought some balloons, birthday hats, and           novelties at a store. I took a small        and asked three other people in my area at work to        “Happy Birthday” and send some birthday wishes to her. It was such fun making the recording! Other people          what we were doing and         their voices, so it really sounded like we had a party going on!

Then I bought her a small present and a card as         planned. The real fun was packing them to be sent. I           everything so it was like opening a mini birthday party! At the last minute I added a pack of cupcakes and a box of birthday candles          sending them off. I got a call a few days laterAnnie said her roommates and one of their neighbors in the           got together with her and held a party for her the moment they arrived. She sounded so         and I was so glad that she had some friends to        her special day with.

It was such an easy and          thing to do. The people who helped me make the tape still laugh and talk about it. And Annie         me it was the most fun birthday she would remember!

1.A. lonely   B. nervous   C. happy    D. bored

2.A. thoughts     B. finances   C. measures   D. times

3.A. provide  B. sell    C. send    D. draw

4.A. attract   B. remember   C. describe   D. brighten

5.A. number  B. campus   C. address   D. report

6.A. idea   B. surprise   C. chance    D. message

7.A. decided     B. thought   C. wished   D. concluded

8.A. another  B. others    C. other    D. one

9.A. radio   B. camera   C. recorder   D. phone

10.A. say   B. sing    C. repeat    D. make

11.A. took out  B. set out    C. gave out   D. found out

12.A. added  B. devoted   C. cleared   D. lifted

13.A. suddenly  B. originally   C. finally    D. carefully

14.A. collected  B. paid    C. arranged   D. expected

15.A. until   B. after    C. unless    D. before

16.A. dormitory  B. home    C. classroom   D. office

17.A. familiar  B. happy    C. wonderful   D. upset

18.A. help   B. compare   C. share    D. witness

19.A. hard   B. challenging   C. fun    D. time-consuming

20.A. warned     B. convinced         C. advised         D. told



—Ken has gone to the Africa country to work as a volunteer.

I would rather he _____there. The situation there is very tense.

A. didn’t go      B. hadn’t gone

C. doesn’t go      D. hasn’t go



What the children in the mountain village need ______ good books.

A. is              B. are

C. have              D. has



In front of our school ______, where a lot of people play or take exercise at any time.

A. does a park lie     B. is a park lie

C. a park lies      D. lies a park



His study in Peking University lasted four years, ______ he founded his own company in Hong Kong.

A. after which               B. after when

C. after that                D. after it



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