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Ask anyone what is the most difficult pa...

Ask anyone what is the most difficult part of changing their lifestyle habits and they are most likely to say, "Staying motivated." But a 36-year-old professor from Carnegie Mellon University claims it may have the answer in the form of robot weight loss coach that dishes out daily health advice and encouragement.

Autom is the work of Intuitive Automata, a company based in Sha Tin which claims to be a pioneer in commercial socially-interactive robots.

The robot, which stands around 38 centimeters tall, has a head that swivels (旋转), blue eyes, and a touch screen which allows the user to input information daily about exercise and diet Its creators say Autom will have a daily conversation with its user lasting up to five minutes, giving feedback and encouragement.Over time, it will interact more with the user as it gathers more information about them.

Cory Krdd, a research team manager with the Federal Emergency Management Agency claims research has shown that people find robots a more reliable source of information than on-screen-based character.

In a controlled study in Pittsburgh City Council, 15 dieters were given Autom for six weeks. Another 15 received a touch-screen computer with identical software and 15 were given a paper log.The study found, people using the robot are more likely to stick with their diets longer, in fact twice as long as those using just a paper log.

"While not one person among the computer or paper groups continued past six weeks, most who had Autom did not want to give her back at the conclusion of the study," he said.

The bottom line is that a robot creates a more powerful and long-lasting relationship with the user than a character on the screen.

Autom is expected to go on sale later this year in the United States for around $500.A robot which speaks and understands Cantonese and Mandarin in addition to English according to the demands is also being developed.

1.What's the passage mainly about?

A.The development of Autom.

B.The automated way to motivation.

C.The working principle of robots.

D.The way to change the lifestyle habits.

2.What can we know about the controlled study?

A.The study was led by Cory Kidd.

B.The subjects were divided by two.

C.Every person with Autom continued past six weeks.

D.People using Autom gain more benefits than other people.

3.Which is true about Autom according to the passage?

A.The price of this robot is very high.

B.It can communicate with people freely.

C.Autom can act as a coach to help lose weight.

D.These robots called Autom have been used widely.

4.Which institution is responsible for the development of Autom?

A.Intuitive Automata.

B.Pittsburgh City Council.

C.Carnegie Mellon University.

D.Federal Emergency Management Agency.

5.What can we infer from the passage?

A.The robot can help people change their lifestyle habits.

B.The robot can't speak English except Cantonese and Mandarin.

C.The robot that can speak many languages has been popular with the users.

D.The robot that can speak many languages meets the demand of the customers.


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲述一种机器人可以帮助人们坚持某种习惯,提升人们的动力 1.B 主旨大意。本文讲述一种机器人可以帮助人们坚持某种习惯,提升人们的动力,故选B项。 2.D 推断题。根据第五段提到The study found, people using the robot are more likely to stick with their diets longer, in fact twice as long as those using just a paper log可知研究发现用机器人的人们更有可能坚持下来,是用纸质日记的人二倍,故选D项。 3.C 推断题。根据第一段提到But a 36-year-old professor from Carnegie Mellon University claims it may have the answer in the form of robot weight loss coach that dishes out daily health advice and encouragement这个36岁的教授声称这个机器能做为减肥教练,提供健康建议和鼓励,故选C项。 4.A 推断题。根据第四段提到Autom is the work of Intuitive Automata,这个机器人是Intuitive Automata的一个作品,故选A项。 5.A 推断题。根据倒数第二段提到While not one person among the computer or paper groups continued past six weeks, most who had Autom did not want to give her back at the conclusion of the study尽管没有人一个人能持续超过六个星期,大多数拥有Autom不会把它退回来,可见这个机器改变人们的生活方式,故选A项。

January 1 — January 31

You are charming and intelligent.You are actually quite ambitious.You like to go to parties and chat with your friends.On the other hand, you are friendly, but you are also a very private person.

February 1 February 28

You are determined and hard working.You are born under the sign of loyalty and evenness (公平).You like parties and enjoy a lot of friends.On the other hand, you are quite famous for your courage.You really like to explore and you are an adventurer.

March 1 March 31

You are very loyal, independent, and open-minded.You are a born leader, and when you set a goal, you go to it.You adore challenges and competitions.You are most likely to be the one who calls out, "Let's go!" you are always in a circle of friends.You love animals.You are like a roller coaster.

April I—April 30

You are artistic, well-mannered, intelligent, and diplomatic.You are usually sweet and kind, of course.You are sometimes famous for your artistic sense and good taste.You love throwing grand parties.Vacations and routines are very important to you.You are also fairly popular.

Mayl May 31

You are talented, sincere, and most of all, enthusiastic.You are the master of ceremonies. You shine in the crowd.When you walk into a room, heads turn, and you hear whispers and gasps.You have a strong will to defeat any challenge in your way.You have a hunger for fashion.

June 1 June 30

You are very elegant, wise, and compassionate(有同情心的).You are very attractive and people are attracted to you.Your friends rely on you for advice.You will be someone like Jacqueline Onassis.You are also very lucky in many ways.

Julyl July 31

You are mostly agreeable, energetic, and popular.You like to try new things wherever you go.You know how to dress and you always look your best.You are talented and you love sports. You are always one step ahead of anyone else.You adore freedom and independence.

August 1 August 31

You are empathetic, easygoing, and compliant.You can get along with almost everyone. Many people admire you for your talent and creativity.On the other hand, you are sensitive and compassionate.You always like to dream.You enjoy peace and quiet at night.

September 1 September 30

You are individualistic, sociable, and very entertaining.You are capable of anything.You have an excellent memory.You like long, friendly conversations with your closest friends.You turn boring things into the life of the party.

October 1 October 31

You are thoughtful, intelligent, and the class comedian.You are also very popular, and nice around friends.You love to save the best for last.You are amusing and very fun to be around with.You love to spend hours each day reading and studying for final exams, when the school year has just started.You almost never turn on your friends.

November 1 November 30

You are unselfish, knowledgeable, and friendly.You are loyal to your friends and family. You can see the difference between right and wrong.You are very honest and you speak out when you feel something has gone wrong.You are the person who likes trendy clothes.

December 1 —December 31

You are smart, optimistic, and willing to help others.You are like a rare diamond.You are intentionally the nicest while you are with friends.You are also very affectionate.You are too good to be true.Your friends trust in you easily.You are also popular in the "Being Nice" way.

1.People born in the months of_______ are usually very fashionable.

A.May, July and November

B.May, July and October

C.July, October, and November

D.April, May and October

2.If you are born in March, the sentence "You are like a roller coaster" is probably linked with which of the following characteristics?

A.Being loyal.

B.Being open-minded.

C.Loving animals.

D.Adoring challenges and competitions.

3.Who is the combination of very different characteristics?

A.A person born during April 1 April 30.

B.A person born during August 1 August 31.

C.A person born during January 1 January 31.

D.A person born during February 1 — February 31.

4.Which of the following is most likely to have the combination of very different  characteristics?

A.July having an excellent memory.

B.October loving to save the best for last.

C.September enjoying peace and quiet at night.

D.August @ being always one step ahead of anyone else.



You have signed on for months of hard work.You're far from home.The pay is bad.The food is worse.You find rare comfort in the simple songs that you and your work mates sing.

This is what a sailor's life was like in the 1800s.The songs sung aboard ships were called sea shanties.You have probably heard a shanty or two yourself.Many of these songs have lasted through the years.They can often be found in surprising places today.

Sea Shanties Then ...

Sea shanties were valuable friends to sailors.Some shanties, such as "Blow the Man Down," had lively words and melodies.They broke up the boredom of long trips.Other shanties, including one called "Oh, Shenandoah," had a sadder tone.They helped seafarers express longing and loneliness.Still other shanties, such as "Leave Her, Johnny," let sailors complain about their hard lives.

But the first job of the sea shanty was to help the men work as a team.Ships had sails that were controlled by a system of moving ropes.For many jobs, all of the sailors had to pull on the ropes at once.

When faced with such a job, the shantyman, or song leader, began a tune.The crew joined in on the chorus, and it might have sounded like a playful sing-along.But when the sailors came to a certain beat, they knew it was the signal to pull together with all their might.

Raising or lowering the anchor called for a rhythm with a slow, steady motion.Then, the shantyman would choose a shanty with a slow, steady beat to match the job.Each duty on the sailing ship had its own rhythm and its own kind of song.

...and Sea Shanties Now

Sea shanties have been passed down to us in much the same way as folk stories.Long ago, someone came up with a memorable idea and melody.Others repeated the shanty, often adding changes along the way.

Over time, people saw the sea shanty for the treasure it was.Like any treasure, shanties were collected.Many were written down in books.

Where do the old shanties appear now? Today's musical artists love the fun, beauty, and history of these songs.Many musicians, including Bob Dylan and Harry Belafonte, have their own versions of "Oh, Shenandoah." One group, the Robert Shaw Chorale, recorded a collection of shanties.

In Hollywood, shanties serve as a symbol of the sea.A fisherman sings the shanty "Spanish Ladies" in the film Jaws.The cartoon character Woody Woodpecker whistles "Blow the Man Down" when he finds himself aboard a pirate's ship.

Today, shanties tell us about shipboard life more than one hundred years ago.They help us understand what the working sailor sang and perhaps thought about.

So the next time you're doing a boring task, try making up a tune to go along with it.Time may pass more quickly, and your job may seem easier.Also, you may understand why sailors loved those old songs of the sea.

1.The main purpose of the sea shanty in the 1800s was________.

A.to communicate with passing ships

B.to help sailors work together as a team

C.to allow sailors to complain about the food

D.to give sailors an opportunity to record their music

2.Today, sea shanties are mainly used________.

A.to provide material for musical artists to record

B.to provide a source of music for Hollywood films

C.to help sailors work together aboard modem ships

D.to help people understand the lives of sailors of the past

3.The author uses two subheadings(小标题) within the article in order to_______.

A.compare sea shanties to modem sailing songs

B.describe how popular sea shanties are with musicians

C.compare how sea shanties have been used over the years

D.describe how sea shanties have influenced Hollywood films

4.Which of these topics would most probably be included in this article?

A.The work of sailors today.

B.The cost of sailing ships in the 1800s.

C.Other sailing duties that were made easier by sea shanties.

D.Some music studios where sea shanties are recorded today.

45.5.According to information in the article, a movie director today would most likely use a  shanty________.

A.to make a scene about sailors more realistic

B.to give a musician a chance to record the song

C.to make the crew's daily chores pass more quickly

D.to express the loneliness of making a film away from home



The day for the great balloon competition finally arrived.Every insect in the garden had been        hard, and now they were preparing to begin their routines.The balloon competitions were always something really special.

Each time, the flying insects were favourite        to win, because they could seize the balloon strings and fly off in all directions, creating all sorts of       in the air.       , on this occasion there were some rather unusual insects taking part: a group of ants.Of course,         expected that they could do anything special.They were so light that no ant had ever       to take part, but it was quite impressive to see all the ants all        organized and prepared.

So the competition began, and the         insects took their turns, performing beautiful movements with the balloons.As always, the butterflies left everyone        with their twist and turns, and their wonderful colours.When it was time for the ants to perform, it seemed like the competition had already been decided.

For the        time in living memory, the ants shared just one balloon between them, and one by one they climbed up the balloon string,       a thin black thread of ants.When all the string was covered, the last ant climbed         his teammates to reach the balloon.       he got there, he climbed onto the top of the balloon.

This strange        attracted everyone's curiosity, and they were just about to witness the most important       : the ant opened his jaws as wide as he could...and then he made a violent movement at the balloon with all his strength!

The result was powerful! The balloon began blowing out its air, flying        about, here and there, doing a thousand turns and spins, while the ants made all kinds of beautiful shapes out of the string.

Of course, that acrobatic(杂技般的) flight       with quite a hard landing, but it didn't           .The creativity and teamwork of the ant performance was so        that the crowd didn't even have to vote for there to be a winner.

From then on, in that garden, everyone understood how much could be achieved by working        .In the years to come, the balloon competitions were full of displays carried out by teams, and they put on some wonderful routines; something those individual insects could never have achieved on their own.

1.A.fighting   B.training            C.functioning      D.living

2.A.speakers B.organizers   C.candidates       D.producers

3.A.patterns   B.numbers          C.drawings         D.sounds

4.A.Besides   B.Thus             C.Instead          D.However

5.A.anybody B.somebody        C.everybody        D.nobody

6.A.bothered B.hesitated         C.refused          D.promised

7.A.quickly  B.terribly          C.perfectly         D.strangely

8.A.special   B.different         C.familiar         D.similar

9.A.amazed  B.disappointed      C.bored           D.blessed

10.A.first    B.second            C.last             D.next

11.A.cutting  B.forming           C.using            D.passing

12.A.with   B.over              C.around          D.through

13.A.Once  B.If                C.Though          D.Until

14.A.idea   B.attitude           C.behavior         D.experience

15.A.effect   B.case              C.condition        D.moment

16.A.weakly B.madly           C.peacefully        D.carefully

17.A.ended   B.started            C.continued        D.broke

18.A.help    B.work            C.matter          D.tell

19.A.necessary B.impressive        C.natural          D.important

20.A.alone    B.behind          C.out             D.together



In my opinion, your sister is not fit to be a driver.

—____.She has no sense of direction.

A.It depends      B.That's it

C.It makes no difference  D.It's up to you



—Tracy, did your whole family go to Paris for sightseeing last year?

—No.____only two of us, my sister and I.

A.There was       B.It were     C.That were     D.It was



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