满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Whenever I made mistakes,the teacher poi...

Whenever I made mistakes,the teacher pointed them out with ________.

A.curiosity    B.satisfaction

C.envy         D.Patience


D 【解析】 试题分析:考查名词。句意:不管我什么时候犯了错,老师总会耐心的指出来。A.curiosity 好奇;B.satisfaction 满意;C.envy 嫉妒;D.Patience耐心,老师是耐心的教导学生,故选D项。 考点:考查名词  

Carl is studying ________ food science at college and hopes to open up _______meat processing factory of his own one day.

A./;a        B./;the

C.the;a        D.the;the



学校计划举行英语作文竞赛,主题为“We Need Advice from Older Generations”。请根据以下要求写一篇100-120词的作文:


1. 当时面临的困难或问题是什么?

2. 你获得的指教是什么?

3. 结果如何?










I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard my name calling. I was chosen to play the leading role in the play,that was my dream. As a shy and thin girl,I used to be quite afraid of speaking in the public. But my parents and teachers always encourage me to do so. Now I have changed great. In class,I am often the first one to stand up and answer questions even if I may take some mistakes. No pains,no gains. Now I am always brave enough overcome the difficulty in my heart and have changed in a lively girl. So my experience shows that we should not be afraid of losing face but only in this way can we make progresses.




A. Be well-organised.

B. Close with a Q & A.

C. Don’t be contradictory.

D. Bring it to a specific end.

E. Speak slowly and pause.

F. Drop unnecessary words

Speaking to a group can be difficult, but listening to a bad speech is truly a tiresome task—especially when the speaker is confusing. Don’t want to confuse your audience? Follow these suggestions:

1. ______

When it comes to understanding new information, the human brain needs a little time. First, we hear the words; then, we compare the new information to what we already know. If the two are different, we need to pause and think. But a breathless speaker never stops to let us think about what he or she is saying and risks confusing us. Slow it.

2. ______

Sometimes we all start a sentence one way and then switch directions, which is very difficult to follow. When you confuse your listeners with opposing information, you leave the audience wondering what part of the information is right and what part they should remember. Instead of relying and keeping correcting yourself, work to get the facts clear and straight.


Jumping from point to point as it comes to your mind puts the onus (责任)on your listeners to make up for your lack of organisation. And it’s confusing for them to listen, reorganise, and figure out what you’re saying all at once. But going smoothly from one point to the next helps them understand information more easily. You can arrange things from beginning to end, small to large, top to bottom or by some other order. Just be sure to organise.


Repeated use of um, ah, like, you know and some other useless noises can drive an audience crazy. It makes the speaker sound uncertain and unprepared, and it can leave listeners so annoyed that they can’t pay attention. Recently I attended a speech that was marked by so many ums that audience members were rolling their eyes. Was anybody grasping the intended message? Um, probably not.


Many speakers finish up their speeches with question-and-answer (Q & A) sessions, but some let the Q & A go on without a clear end. The audience is often left confused about whether the meeting is over and when they can get up and leave. Do your listeners a favour by setting a time limit on questions, and close your speech with a specific signal—even if it’s something simple like, “If you have any more questions, you know where to reach me.” Or even more to the point, conclude your speech with “Thanks for your time.



Across the planet there are millions of people who engage in some type of meditation, the practice of concentrating and clearing the mind to bring the body into a state of peace, at least a semi-regular basis. For some, particularly among practitioners of Eastern religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism, this is part and parcel of their religious practice.

For others, particularly in Western cultures, meditation tends to be a response to stress. With the world economy approaching meltdown and people worried about their job or their ability to keep their home, it’s a way for people to attain a state of peace of mind and well-being. For those interested in taking up the practice, instruction in meditation for beginners can be found in literally thousands of sources.

One of the most popular styles of mediation in the West, with classes offered in most major cities, is called Transcendental Meditation. TM, as it is known among its practitioners, first came to worldwide attention when the Beatles began practicing it in 1967. For direct, guided, personal instruction in meditation for the beginner, TM may be the hallmark.

Part of the confusion about how to practice meditation effectively is due to the fact that there are literally hundreds of techniques championed by various groups and individuals. As a general principle, it might be said that all meditation techniques seek to have the practitioner attain a state of consciousness that is different to our ordinary state of awareness. They attempt to train people to clear their minds and achieve a sense of inner peace. It sounds simple enough, but of the huge number of people experiment with meditation, very few are able to maintain its practice over the long haul. In most cases, this is due to frustration over the inability to experience any dramatic, instantly recognizable effects.

This is quite a sad state of affairs, that so few these days are willing or equipped to persist in something that doesn’t provide immediate life-changing results. It reflects a culture in which demands for discipline and sustained effort are considered unnecessary or even unfair. It is no surprise therefore that many people abandon their efforts at meditation before they have a chance to bear fruit.

But for anyone who does decide to take up this worthwhile practice, please remember: You must clear your mind, relax and “take it as it comes”. Maintain the practice with a sense of discipline and devotion, and eventually benefits of inner peace and calm will be yours.

1.The underlined part “part and parcel of” in paragraph 1 is nearest in meaning to ________.

A. closely associated with B. very different to

C. usually sent from      D. an important element of

2.The goal of meditation is ________.

A. to clear the mind      B. to practice a religion

C. to develop a technique     D. to carry out an experiment

3.What can we infer about meditation from the passage?

A. It has two main types.

B. It is practiced by many famous artists.

C. Its benefits are not immediately obvious.

D. Most people find it a very good way to relax.

4.According to the writer, what has attracted many Western people to meditation practices in recent years?

A. Their improved understanding of foreign culture.

B. The need to fill in their growing free time.

C. Increasing employment instability.

D. Migration from countries in which meditation is traditional.

5.Who is the probable audience for this article?

A. Experienced meditation practitioners.

B. People interested in starting to learn meditation.

C. Buddhists and Hindus.

D. People who are very religious.



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