满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Body language can a lot about your mood,...

Body language can       a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being defensive.

A. take away       B. throw away

C. put away         D. give away


D 【解析】 试题分析:句意:肢体语言可以透露很多的心情,所以把你的手折起来站着,表示你是有防范的。A意为拿走; B意为扔掉;C意为放好;D意为泄露,而且和send out 同义。该题考查的是动词短语搭配,这是动词加介词的搭配,其中四个介词都是一样的(away),不同的是动词,正确理解四是个搭配其实只需要理解四个动词就可以了。Take 意为拿走,throw 意为扔掉,Put意为放,give意为给。根据句意可以排除ABC,所以得出答案为D。 【考点定位】考查动词短语搭配  

If you swim in a river or lake, be sure to investigate           is below the water surface. Often there are rocks or branched hidden in the water.

A. what           B. who            C. that                D. whoever



Studies have shown that the right and left ear        sound differently.

A. produce        B. pronounce

C. process         D. download



It was so noisy that we       hear ourselves speak.

A. couldn’t          B. shouldn’t

C. mustn’t            D. needn’t



Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes        animals both on land and sea?

A. about            B. to              C. with               D. over



Jane’s grandmother had wanted to write         children’s book for many years, but one thing or another always got in          way.

A. a;不填 B. the;the  C. 不填;the  D. a;the



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