满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Waiting eagerly for the airplane to take...

Waiting eagerly for the airplane to take off, I was happy to get a seat by the window. Just then, a flight stewardess     me and asked, “Would you mind     your seat with the woman over there?They are a couple and would like to sit together.” The only other      seat was next to a woman with both arms in casts(石膏), a black­and­blue face, and a depressed emotion.“     am I going to sit there.” was my immediate      . But then a deeper, quieter voice spoke, “Opportunity.” Eventually I took my new seat and after a short conversation, I      that Kathy had been in a car crash, and she was on her way for    .

When the snack of nuts and juice arrived,     did not take me long to realize that Kathy would not be able to help herself. I      offering to feed her but hesitated,as it seemed     close a service to offer to a stranger. At last I decided that Kathy’s need was more important than my    . I offered to help her eat,and although she too felt uncomfortable about accepting it,she     . The flight turned out    and she and I     close in a short period of time. By the end of the five­hour trip, my heart was full of      , and the time was definitely better spent than if I had just sat by myself.

I was very glad I had reached beyond my comfort zone to sit next to Kathy and offer to feed her. Love sometimes      beyond human borders and overcomes the fears that keep us     . When we reach out our hands to serve another, we grow to live in a larger and more     world.

Help me move beyond the small self so I can     with the hearts of others.

When I give     to another, I feed my own soul.

1.A. reached B. deserved      C. approached         D. greeted

2.A. sharing B. exchanging  C. giving          D. quitting

3.A. acceptable B. comfortable  C. bearable         D. available

4.A. In no way B. In a way      C. In one way           D. By no way

5.A. reply   B. reaction   C. choice          D. faith

6.A. discovered  B. found   C. informed            D. saw

7.A. holidays B. sightseeing  C. interview            D. treatment

8.A. that  B. which   C. it           D. what

9.A. suggested B. considered   C. advocated         D. teased

10.A. too  B. so    C. much       D. still

11.A. guilt  B. discomfort   C. inconvenience     D. ambition

12.A. refused B. laughed      C. did       D. made

13.A. embarrassing   B. desperate  C. ridiculous      D. agreeable

14.A. kept  B. grew    C. remained      D. developed

15.A. warmth B. sorrow   C. pleasure      D. fun

16.A. pushes B. touches   C. goes       D. fits

17.A. close  B. allergic   C. tough       D. separate

18.A. rewarding B. demanding  C. encouraging     D. inspiring

19.A. help  B. connect   C. affect       D. withdraw

20.A. care  B. sympathy   C. love       D. kindness


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.C 【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇记叙文,讲的是我在飞机上很不情愿的和一个出了车祸,手臂上有石膏的人坐到了一起,但是通过交谈,我们变得不陌生,我给她喂了食物,还跟她坐得很近,这次旅行让我感受到了帮助别人的温暖,如果每个人都能主动帮助别人,我们的心就会连在一起,心灵也会很充实。 1.C考察名词。A. reached到达;B. deserved保存;C. approached靠近;D. greeted问候。a flight stewardess意思是女乘务员,女乘务员应该是走到我身边问我……,C选项approach就是靠近,走近的意思,故选C。 2.B考察动名词。A. sharing分享;B. exchanging交换;C. giving给;D. quitting停止。女乘务员问我介不介意和那边的妇女交换一下座位,因为他们是一对夫妇,想坐在一起,故选B。 3.D考察形容词。A. acceptable可以接受的;B. comfortable舒适的;C. bearable可容忍的;D. available可以获得的。另一个可以坐的座位就在那个两只手臂都缠着石膏的妇女的旁边,D选项符合语境。故选D。 4.A考察动词短语。A. In no way绝不;B. In a way在某种程度上;C. In one way在某种程度上;D. By no way没有方法。另一个可以坐的座位就在那个两只手臂都缠着石膏的妇女的旁边,脸色阴沉,很沮丧的样子,我想我绝不坐到那里去。故选A。 5.B考察名词。A. reply回复;B. reaction反应; C. choice选择;D. faith信念。我想的是绝不坐到那里去,是我的第一反应,故选B。 6.A 考察动词。A. discovered发现;B. found找到;C. informed告知;D. saw看见。我还是去了那个座位,和她简短的对话之后,我发现她发生过一起车祸,如果用informed的话后面要接of,意思是被告知,但这句话没有of,只能用discovered。故选A。 7.D考察名词。A. holidays假期;B. sightseeing观光;C. interview采访;D. treatment治疗。根据情理可知Kathy发生了车祸,她正是在赶去治疗的路上。故选D。 8.C考察代词。A. that关系代词;B. which关系代词;C. it它;D. what关系代词。这句话是个完整的句子,而不是从句,所以不能填关系词,it在这里做形式主语,没有实际意义,意思是很长时间我才意识到Kathy不能自己吃东西。故选C。。 9.B考察动词。A. suggested建议;B. considered考虑;C. advocated提倡; D. teased取笑。我考虑着想主动提出来喂她但是犹豫了,consider doing sth.考虑做某事。故选A。 10.A考察连词。A. too也;B. so所以;C. much非常;D. still仍然。too…to…固定搭配,意思是太……而不能……,好像是离得太近了不能给一个陌生人提供帮助一样。故选A。 11.B考察名词。A. guilt有罪;B. discomfort不适;C. inconvenience不方便;D. ambition雄心。最后我决定了Kathy的需要比我的不适要重要,所以决定帮助她。故选B。 12.C考察动词。A. refused拒绝;B. laughed大笑;C. did做;D. made制作。虽然Kathy感到很不舒服,但是她还是接收了我的帮助,did代指accept my help,故选C。 13.D考察形容词。A. embarrassing令人尴尬的;B. desperate绝望的;C. ridiculous荒唐的;D. agreeable令人愉快的。The flight turned out agreeable意思是飞机飞行的状态让人很舒服。故选D。 14.B考察动词。A. kept保持;B. grew成长;C. remained剩余的; D. developed发展。我和她近距离的在一起了一会儿时间,grow close意思是靠近。故选A。 15.A考察名词。A. warmth温暖;B. sorrow 悲伤;C. pleasure乐趣;D. fun快乐。在这个五个小时旅行的最后,我心里充满了温暖。故选A。 16.C考察动词。A. pushes推;B. touches触摸;C. goes走;D. fits合适。go beyond意思是超出,有时爱可以超出人与人之间的界限。故选c。 17.D考察动词。A. close接近的;B. allergic过敏的;C. tough艰苦的; D. separate分开。有时爱可以超出人与人之间的界限,能消除使人分开的恐惧。故选D。 18.A考察动名词。A. rewarding有回报的;B. demanding苛求的;C. encouraging令人鼓舞的;D. inspiring鼓舞人心的。当我们伸出手去帮助别人的时候,我们就会活在一个更大更能给人回报的世界里,因为付出总会有回报。故选A。 19.B考察动词。A. help帮助;B. connect联系;C. affect影响;D. withdraw撤销。走出小我,这样我才能和别人心连心,connect with和……联系起来。故选B。 20.A. care关心;B. sympathy同情心;C. love爱;D. kindness善良。当我给别人付出爱的时候,我的心灵得到了满足。故选C。 考点:考察记叙类文章的阅读。

Little Jerry was interested in stories about outer space exploration, so he gave all his pocket money to his brother ________ the novel based on such a story.

A. in favor of                   B. in exchange for

C. in return for                 D. in place of



_______ the fact that she failed to win the Best Female Athlete Award, Li Na was presented with Laureus Academy Exceptional Achievement Award, _______ her achievements in the court.

A. Due to; confirming              B. In terms of; confirmed

C. Apart from; confirmed           D. In spite of; confirming



As far as I am concerned, a good plan must be ______ so that it can adapt to some necessary changes.

A. flexible         B. fragile

C. faithful            D. firm



At the meeting, all the employees were required not to________ any important details before it was made public.

A. try out        B. make out

C. let out             D. break out



—Dad, I feel very nervous with the competition approaching.

—________. It is an honor to take part in it.

A. Take your time             B. Take it easy

C. No problem                  D. It's hard to say



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