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A research found that both intelligence ...

A research found that both intelligence and wealth were      to education.

A. similar B. contrary C. apparent D. relative


D 【解析】 试题分析:D;考查形容词辨析。A. similar相似的,类似的 B. contrary相反的,对立的 C. apparent显然的,表面上的 D. relative相对的,有关系的;句意:研究表明,智力和财富都与教育有关。根据句意,故选D 考点:考查形容词辨析  

Half a century ago, parts of the Thames were      “biologically dead” because of the pollution.

A. declared B. imagined C. sensed D. marked



—Glad to see you again! I quite appreciate your new haircut.

     . Well, I like things that are in.

A. Of course B. Never mind C. Thank you D. Forget it



请认真阅读下面的引语(quotation), 按要求写一篇短文。

Imagination is more important than knowledge. ——Albert Einstein


1. 你对该引语的理解;

2. 相关的例子;

3. 恰当的结尾。



1. 短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 文中不能出现考生的具体信息;

3. 词数120左右。




Alfred Nobel became a millionaire and changed the ways of mining, construction, and 满分5 manfen5.comwarfare as the inventor of dynamite(炸药). On April 12, 1888, Alfred's brother Ludwig died of heart a    1.      . A major French newspaper m 2.   his brother for him and carried an article a     3.    that Alfred Nobel died. “The merchant of death is dead.” the article r     4.     . “Dr. Alfred 满分5 manfen5.comNobel, who became rich by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.” Nobel was upset to find out   5. _____  that he had died, but that he would be thought of only as one who     6.    (受益) from death and destruction when his time was up满分5 manfen5.com.满分5 manfen5.com

To make sure that he was remembered with love and respect, Nobel arranged in his   7. _____ (遗嘱) to give the largest part of his money to establish the Nobel prizes, which would be a 8.     to people who made great c    9.   to the causes of peace, literature, and the sciences. So basically, Nobel had to die before he realized 10.   his life was really about.



Moby-Dick (1851) is a novel by Herman Melville, considered an outstanding work of Romanticism and the American Renaissance. Ishmael narrates the crazy quest of Ahab, captain of the whaler Pequod, for revenge(报仇) on Moby Dick, a white whale which on a previous voyage destroyed Ahab's ship and severed his leg at the knee.

Our narrator, Ishmael, signs up as sailor on a whaling voyage to cure depression. On board the Pequod, Ishmael meets the mate honest Starbuck. Captain Ahab remains in his cabin and never shows himself to the crew.

Just when Ishmael’s curiosity about Ahab has reached a fever pitch, Ahab starts appearing on deck and we find out that he’s missing one leg. When Starbuck asks if it was Moby Dick, the famous White Whale, that took off his leg, Ahab admits that it was and forces the entire crew to swear that they will help him hunt Moby Dick to the ends of the earth and take revenge for his injury.

Despite first mate Starbuck’s worries and a variety of bad omens (e.g., all the navigational instruments break, a typhoon tries to push the ship backwards, and the Pequod encounters other ships that have lost crewmembers because of Moby Dick), Ahab insists on continuing to pursue the whale.

Finally, just when we think the novel’s going to end without ever seeing this famous White Whale, Ahab sights him and the chase is on. For three days, Ahab pursues Moby Dick, sending whaling boat after whaling boat after him – only to see each one wrecked (使下沉)by the whale. Finally, at the end of the third day, the White Whale attacks the ship itself, and the Pequod goes down with all hands.

Even while his ship is sinking, Ahab, in his whaling boat, throws his harpoon at Moby Dick one last time. He misses, catching himself around the neck with the rope and causing his own drowning death.

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1. We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. Ishmael signs up as sailor for making a fortune.

B. The crew on board the Pequod was unwilling to help the captain to hunt Moby Dick

C. The captain was very kind to the crew on board the Pequod

D. The captain successfully captured Moby Dick and returned home.

2.The underlined word “omens ”in paragraph 5 most probably means ________.

A. troubles       B. accidents       C. stories        D. signs

3.What does the author think of Captain Ahab?

A. Selfish       B. Knowledgeable

C. Considerate    D. Bad-tempered

4.In a newspaper, this passage is most probably in the section of ________.

A. Lifestyle     B. Travel       C. Career    D. Entertainment



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