满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

As I got out of the car, I saw many cars...

As I got out of the car, I saw many cars parked around Ah Mah’s house. Uncle Harry stood at the     , urging us to go in quickly. I saw all my        there. Aunt Lanny, Aunt Nancy, and Aunt Ping were sitting on the sofa choking and wiping their tears. Uncle Harry told me to stay     as my parents and my brother went in Ah Mah’s room. During this time some thoughts about my Ah Mah kept racing through my mind.

Ah Mah was my grandmother, but I     her because she liked boys more than girls. She had a way of thinking that boys were more     than girls. She made her prejudice clear when she announced that she would leave all her     to the men of the family and nothing to the women after she     . I hated her way of thinking;     , she and I never got along.

My thought was suddenly      when my parents and my brother came out. Mother was crying.

What happened to Ah Mah? I     my way through and forced the door wide open. My eyes fell on her almost hairless head. I froze. After a few seconds, she     to me. Slowly, I walked over to her.

She was     . She looked tired, and her eyes were     open. Most of her hair had fallen out. She held her     hands out to me, but I was afraid to     her. She pointed to her desk and     , “Futju.” The “futju” was her most prized possession, her      Buddha beads(佛珠). I went over to her desk and took the “futju.” By now, I was crying, even without my knowing, and I just     her. She called my name, breathing quickly with short breaths and     . She said, “Keep…forgive me... .”

I ran over to her and tried to seize her out-stretched(伸出) hand but it was too     .

1.A. exit    B. table    C. door     D. stop

2.A. friends    B. companions   C. neighbors    D. relatives

3.A. inside    B. away     C. outside    D. down

4.A. liked    B. remembered   C. missed    D. disliked

5.A. valuable   B. optimistic   C. mature    D. positive

6.A. furniture   B. belongings   C. clothes    D. goods

7.A. passed    B. left     C. died     D. disappeared

8.A. therefore   B. instead    C. however    D. otherwise

9.A. awakened   B. accepted    C. started    D. interrupted

10.A. pushed   B. cleared    C. explored    D. smoothed

11.A. pointed   B. signed    C. shouted    D. appealed

12.A. scared   B. stubborn   C. skinny    D. sensitive

13.A. curiously   B. barely    C. automatically  D. surprisingly

14.A. strong   B. flexible    C. dirty    D. trembling

15.A. touch    B. meet     C. trouble    D. shake

16.A. screamed   B. whispered    C. announced    D. repeated

17.A. grand   B. moral     C. holy      D. splendid

18.A. glared at   B. glanced at    C. smiled at    D. stared at

19.A. struggling   B. laughing      C. rising     D. crying

20.A. dark    B. late     C. difficult    D. far


1.C 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文讲诉了作者奶奶去逝前向作者的忏悔,最终致使作者从讨厌奶奶到缅怀奶奶。 1.C;考查名词。句意:哈里叔叔站在门口,催促着我们快点进屋。根据句意,故选C 2.D;考查名词。A. friends朋友们 B. companions同伴们 C. neighbors邻居们 D. relatives亲戚们;根据后文的:Aunt Lanny, Aunt Nancy, and Aunt Ping were sitting on the sofa choking and wiping their tears.可知当“我”进屋后发现亲戚们都在家,故选D 3.C;考查副词。根据此句的后半部分:as my parents and my brother went in Ah Mah’s room.可知哈里叔叔叫“我”呆在房间的外面,stay outside呆在外面。故选C 4.D;考查动词。根据此句的后半句:because she liked boys more than girls.和第二段最后的:I hated her way of thinking;可知作者因为是女孩而奶奶喜欢男孩胜过女孩,所以她不喜欢她的奶奶,故选D 5.A;考查形容词。A. valuable有价值的 B. optimistic乐观的C. mature成熟的D. positive积极的;在重男轻女的观念里都觉得男孩比女孩有价值,作者的奶奶也这样想,故选A 6.B;考查名词。A. furniture家具 B. belongings财产 C. clothes衣服 D. goods货物;因为奶奶重男轻女的思想,所以她曾说在她死后,自己的财产全部留给子的儿子们,不会给女儿们。故选B 7.C;考查动词。句意:她曾经很明确地表达了她的偏见,她宣布过:在她死后,她会将所有的财产留给她的儿子们,女儿们什么都不会给。故选C 8.A;考查副词。前文说到:I hated her way of thinking;所以作者从来不跟奶奶相处融洽。此处是因果关系,故选A 9.D;考查动词。A. awakened唤醒 B. accepted接受 C. started出发,开始 D. interrupted打断,根据后文:when my parents and my brother came out. Mother was crying.可知“我的思绪被打断了,故选D 10.A;考查动词。Push one’s way through…走向……,句意:我向房间走过去并把门打得更开。故选A 11.B;考查动词。根据后文的:Slowly, I walked over to her.和倒数第二段的最后:“Keep…forgive me... .”可知奶奶是在叫“我”过去她身边,但是她已经病入膏肓了,没有力气说话,所以她虽然叫不好我的名字,但还是可以通过动作示意“我”,故选B 12.C;考查形容词A. scared害怕的 B. stubborn顽固的 C. skinny皮包骨的,瘦小的 D. sensitive敏感的;根B据后文:She looked tired, and her eyes were open. Most of her hair had fallen out.可知奶奶已经病入膏肓了,说话都没有力气,所以她整个人就显得特别瘦小,只剩皮包骨了,故选C 13.B;考查副词。A. curiously好奇地 B. barely仅仅 C. automatically自动地,机械地D. surprisingly惊人地;句意:她看起来特别累,仅仅只有眼睛勉强地睁着。此处描述出了奶奶奄奄一息的画面,根据句意,故选B 14.D;考查形容词。根据后文:She pointed to her desk and , “Futju.”可知奶奶有话对“我”讲,所以她向“我”伸出了颤抖的双手,故选D 15.A;考查动词。作者的奶奶向作者伸出了双手,本来作者应该是去触碰的,但是作者在此用了but转折,还用了be afraid to do害怕去做……表达了自己害怕去触碰外婆的手,故选A 16.B;考查动词。A. screamed尖叫 B. whispered窃窃私语,小声地说 C. announced宣布 D. repeated重复;作者的奶奶将要去逝没有力气开口说话,所以只能小声地发出几个单词,故选B 17.C;考查形容词。根据后文的Buddha beads(佛珠).可知奶奶叨念的futju就是佛珠,佛珠当然是神圣的,故选C 18.D;考查动词词组.。A. glared at怒视 B. glanced at瞥见 C. smiled at对……笑D. stared at盯着;句意:我过去桌子边给她取来了佛珠给他。现在,我流下了眼泪,但甚至连我自己都没察觉,我只是盯着她看。故选D 19.A;考查动词。根据前文的:She called my name, breathing quickly with short breaths…可知奶奶现在说话已经很吃力了,但是她还是挣扎着对“我”讲着话,叫“我”原谅她,此处应该填一个表示奶奶挣扎着的动词,故选A 20. 考点: 考查记叙文阅读

     to work on Saturdays, the employees are offered a higher salary.

A. Expecting B. Expected

C. To be expected D. Having expected



—The relation between the actor and his girlfriend has been worsening.

—I know. It has got to      they have to get separated.

A. where B. how C. which D. what



If you are not rich by the time you are 35, says Ma Yun, then you      the opportunities of youth.

A. are wasting B. wasted

C. will waste D. have wasted



Over 100 passengers lost their lives in the recent air crash, which was a deadly      to their families.

A. defeat B. challenge C. barrier D. blow



Welcome to my lecture. Hopefully, there are enough seats for each visitor to have      .

A. it B. ones C. one D. that



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