满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Teddy is a black dog. To my eyes, she’s ...

Teddy is a black dog. To my eyes, shes a dog of exceptional beauty, and weve been together for nearly fifteen years. Teddy and I         joy and sorrow with each other. I have never      that Teddy would give her life for me without the slightest      . I have always      our relationship by saying, “We are completely bonded.      I have no idea     true this statement was until I was diagnosed with cancer.

Through the stages of my      from three operations, Teddy stayed near me, watching my every move. She was clearly anxious and upset when I felt      or distressed. I had been able to      many of the difficulties so far---the loss of body parts, the side      of medication---but the thought of losing my long hair during chemo (化疗) made me      . Over a three-week period, handful of hair separated from my itchy scalp (发痒的头皮). Each      brought me greater distress. One evening,I sat in a rocking chair, touching my      hair and crying sadly. Teddy lay on the floor beside me; suddenly she began to pull at the fur(毛皮) on her tail.      I could stop her, she had ripped (扯) out a few clumps(团).

Teddys      stopped my tears and self-pity. The next morning, I found Teddy sleeping in a mass of long black hair, no doubt with considerable pain. Her beautiful black      now looked like a funny little rats tail. Then Teddy looked up at me with her devoted little face. It was      she was willing me to feel better. I could almost hear her saying, If you have to lose your hair, I’m going to lose mine, too.

Teddy and I both appeared a bit      that summer. In the fall, when her winter coat came in, Teddys tail quickly began to look better. My hair       a bit longer to return, but I never       about it again. Sharing my loss with Teddy took the sadness away.

1.A. spend B. live C. share D. save

2.A. said B. doubted C. complained D. believed

3.A. introduction B. invitation C. education D. hesitation

4.A. told B. reported C. described D. informed

5.A. And B. But C. Or D. So

6.A. how B. what C. which D. whether

7.A. discovery B. recovery C. challenges D. features

8.A. uncomfortable B. unfortunate C. uninteresting D. unconscious

9.A. get on B. get away C. get off D. get over

10.A. emotions B. spirits C. effects D. results

11.A. impressed B. depressed C. encouraged D. devoted

12.A. loss B. place C. way D. mark

13.A. leave B. full C. much D. remaining

14.A. Before B. When C. Since D. After

15.A. solution B. decision C. action D. option

16. A. head B. tail C. nose D. back

17.A. even if B. as a result C. what if D. as if

18.A. beautiful B. relaxed C. strange  D. amazing

19.A. paid B. cost C. spent D. took

20.A. cried B. talked C. looked D. brought


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.D 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文写了一个感人的故事,我因为癌症化疗而失去了头发,当我为这件事伤心的哭的时候我最好的朋友--一直狗突然扯自己尾巴上的毛,为了能让我更开心一些,后来我再也没有因为这个哭过。 1. spend花费;B. live生活;C. share 分享;D. Save节约;根据情理可知我和泰迪一起生活了15年,我和她一起分享快乐和难过,故选C。 2. said说;B. doubted 怀疑;C. complained 抱怨;D. Believed相信;根据情理可知我从来不会怀疑泰迪会毫不犹豫的的把生命给我,故选B。 3. introduction介绍;B. invitation邀请;C. education教育;D. Hesitation犹豫;根据情理可知我从来不会怀疑泰迪会毫不犹豫的的把生命给我,故选D。 4. told告诉;B. reported报告;C. described描述;D. Informed形成;根据语境可知我一直这样描述我们的友情,我们完全粘在了一起,故选C。 5. And和;B. But但是;C. Or或者;D. So因此;根据上下文可知但是我不知道会是现在的状况,故选B。 6. how怎样;B. what什么;C. which哪个;D. Whether是否;根据情理可知我得了癌症是多么真实,how后面是形容词,这里是一个感叹句,所以选A。 7. discovery发现;B. recovery恢复;C. challenges挑战;D. Features特点;根据语境可知我从三个手术中恢复的阶段,她一直陪在我身边,故选B。 8. uncomfortable不舒服的;B. unfortunate不幸运的;C. uninteresting不感兴趣的;D. Unconscious无意识的;根据情理可知当我感觉到不舒服的时候她也会跟着我难过,故选A。 9. get on上车;B. get away分发;C. get off下车;D. get over结束;根据句意可知我有能力结束我身体的某个部分,比如化疗时的头发,故选D。 10. emotions情绪;B. spirits精神;C. effects影响D. Results结果;根据情理可知因为药物的影响我正在失去我的头发,故选C。 11. impressed给...印象;B. depressed压力;C. encouraged鼓励;D. Devoted致力于;根据上下文可知失去头发让我倍感压力,故选B。 12. loss丢失;B. place地方;C. way方式;D. Mark标记;根据句意可知一把头发和我发痒的头皮分开了,每一个失去都给我带来巨大的悲痛,故选A。 13. leave离开;B. full满的;C. much很多;D. Remaining遗留;根据情理可知我坐在一把椅子上,摸着我仅剩的那些头发伤心的哭,故选D。 14. Before 在...之前;B. When当;C. Since自从;D. After在...之后;根据情理可知泰迪在我阻止她之前突然的扯自己尾巴的毛,故选A。 15. solution解决方法;B. decision决定;C. action行动;D. Option期限;根据句意可知泰迪的行动让我不再哭泣,故选C。 16. B考查名词辨析。A. head头;B. tail 尾巴;C. nose鼻子;D. Back后背;根据情理可知她的尾巴看起来想搞笑的老鼠尾巴,故选B。 17. even if即使;B. as a result结果;C. what if要是...怎么样;D. as if好像;根据语境可知看起来她好像想让我舒服一些,故选D。 18. beautiful美丽的;B. relaxed轻松的;C. strange奇怪的;D. Amazing神奇的;根据情理可知我和泰迪有一些奇怪,故选C。 19. paid支付;B. cost花费;C. spent花费;D. Took带;根据句意可知当泰迪冬天的毛长出来后我的头发也花费了不少的时间长出来,故选D。 20. cried哭;B. talked谈话;C. looked看;D. brought带;根据情理可知但是我再也没有哭过了,故选A。 考点:考查生活故事类短文阅读

---Where shall we go for the holiday,to the park or to the cinema?

--- _____I don’t really mind.

A. Forget it!

B. Why not?

C. What’s the point?

D. It’s up to you!



The naughty boys hid themselves in the place_____ their parents couldn’t find them.

A. where B. that C. how D. for which



Our school_____ the 50th anniversary of the founding of CCFLS on October 5th, 2013.

A. detected B. activated C. spotted D. celebrated



When the telephone rang, I happened_____ a book.

A. to be reading B. to read C. read D. to have read



The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him_____.

A. not to do B. not to C. not did it D. don’t do it



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