满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

There was a boy in India who was sent by...

There was a boy in India who was sent by his parents to a boarding school.Before being sent away this boy was the _     _ student in his class.He was at the top in every __     _.He was a champion.

But the boy _     __ after leaving home and attending the boarding school.His __     _ started dropping.He hated being in a group.He was __     __all the time.And there were especially dark times when he felt like __     __ himself.All of this happened because he felt _     _ and that no one loved him.

His _     _ started worrying about the boy.But __     __ they did not know what was wrong with him._ _     ___ his dad decided to travel to the boarding school and talk with him.

They sat _     __ the bank of the lake near the school.The father started asking him __     __ questions about his classes, teachers and __     _.After some time his dad said, “Do you know, son, _     __ I am here today?”

The boy _     _, “to check my grades?”

“No, no” his dad replied, “I am here to tell you that you are the most important person for me.I want to see you happy.I don’t care about grades.I care about __     __.I care about your happiness.YOU ARE MY ___     __.”

These words caused the boy’s eyes to fill with tears.He __     _his dad.They didn’t say anything to each other for a long time.

Now the boy had everything he wanted.He knew there was someone on this __     __ who cared for him deeply.He __     __ the world to someone.And today this young man is in college at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him sad!

1.A.richest    B.prettiest    C.laziest      D.brightest

2.A.game        B.school       C.Competition   D.group

3.A.changed     B.died         C.arrived       D.regretted

4.A.hair        B.tears       C.love          D.grades

5.A.worried    B.careless    C.lonely        D.busy

6.A.teaching    B.killing     C.helping      D.enjoying

7.A.cold      B.worthless   C.well         D.sick

8.A.parents    B.classmates   C.teachers    D.companions

9.A.even        B.now          C.yet         D.then

10.A.And        B.But          C.Or            D.So

11.A.toward     B.along      C.opposite     D.on

12.A.serious   B.casual       C.personal     D.difficult

13.A.work       B.study      C.sports        D.education

14.A.when       B.where       C.how           D.why

15.A.turned away B.answered back  C.whispered softly D.cried out

16.A.it         B.you          C.myself        D.us

17.A.LIFE       B.ANXIETY      C.CARE         D.NEED

18.A.forgave    B.hit          C.hugged       D.begged

19.A.side       B.earth      C.trip          D.day

20.A.meant     B.owed        C.moved         D.left


1.D 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.D 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:一个男孩在被送到寄宿学校前是班里最聪明的学生,在寄宿学校学习后成绩下降。他感觉没有人喜爱他。他的父母很担心他。一天他的爸爸去找他,告诉他他是他的生命,是他最重要的人,不在意他的成绩,但在乎他的开心。如今这个年轻人在上大学的班里名列前茅,没有人曾经看到过他不开心。 1.D考查形容词。A.richest最富有的;B.prettiest最漂亮的;C.laziest最懒惰的;D.brightest最聪明的;从下文He was at the top可推知这个男孩在被送到寄宿学校“前”,是班上最“聪明的(brightest)”学生,故选D。 2.C考查名词。A.game游戏;B.school学校;C.competition比赛,竞赛;D.group群组;根据后句话He was a champion可只是在比赛competition中,故选C。 3. 4.D考查名词。A.hair头发;B.tears眼泪;C.love爱;D.grades成绩,分数;根据句意,他的成绩开始下滑。从下文的叙述中可知,男孩在新的环境中经历了情绪上的波动,一度甚至想要自杀,故知他的成绩是下降了,故选D。 5.C考查形容词。A.worried担忧的;B.careless粗心大意的;C.lonely孤单的;D.busy忙碌的;根据题意,从后文所述“他不喜欢在一个集体”里“可推知他很孤独” ,故选C。 6.B考查动名词。A.teaching教育;B.killing杀死;C.helping帮助;D.enjoying享受;句意为:有一段尤其黑暗的时光,那时他意欲自杀。与前面的dark times 相呼应,此处应填贬义词,故选B。 7.B考查形容词。A.cold冷的;B.worthless无用的;C.well好的;D.sick生病的;从本句中“and no one loved him”可知此空应填worthless (无用的),故选B。 8.A考查名词。A.parents父母; B.classmates 同学;C.teachers 老师;D.companions同伴;他的变化太大,父母开始担心他。结合his dad decided to可知,故选A。 9.A考查副词。A.even甚至;B.now现在;C.yet然而,但是;D.then然后;根据句意,但是他们甚至不知道孩子怎么了。even用来加强语气,故选A。 10.D考查连接词。A.And和;B.But但是;C.Or或者;D.So所以;根据句意,他们甚至不知道孩子怎么了,因此父亲去学校和儿子进行一次谈话,故选D。 11.D考查介词。A.toward朝向;B.along和...一起,沿着;C.opposite与...相反;D.on在...的上面;on the bank of是固定搭配,表示“在……边上”,故选D。 12.B考查形容词。A.serious严肃的;B.casual随意的;C.personal个人的;D.difficult困难的;根据下文“to check my grades?(来‘检查’我的成绩吗?)”可知在此处爸爸并没有问他学习、分数这些严肃的话题,而是问了一些随意的问题,故选B。 13.C考查名词。A.work工作;B.study学习;C.sports运动;D.education教育;根据上午可知在此处爸爸并没有问他学习、分数这些严肃的话题,而是问了一些随意的问题,所以这里应该是与学习无关的,故选C。 14.D考查疑问句。A.when什么时候;B.where在哪里;C.how怎么样;D.why为什么;根据下文“to check my grades?(来‘检查’我的成绩吗?)”可知在此处爸爸问儿子“你知道来的原因吗”,故选D。 15.B考查动词短语。A.turned away转向;B.answered back顶嘴;C.whispered softly耳语;D.cried out大哭起来; answer back是固定搭配,表示“顶嘴”,故选B。 16.B考查代词。A.it它;B.you你;C.myself我自己;D.us我们;从下文父亲说的话可推知,他认为孩子对他来说才是最重要的,他只在乎孩子的快乐,而不是他的学习和分数,故选B。 17.A考查名词。A.LIFE生命;B.ANXIETY担忧;C.CARE关心;D.NEED需要;从父亲说的话可推知,孩子对他来说才是最重要的,孩子就是他的生命。故选A。 18.C考查动词。A.forgave原谅;B.hit击打,拍打;C.hugged拥抱;D.begged乞讨;从文章所描述的情节中可看出,男孩听了他父亲的一番话后,眼里充满了泪水,这是幸福和感动的泪水,因此他“拥抱”了他的父亲。故选C。 19.B考查名词。A.side一边;B.earth地球;C.trip旅行;D.day天;this earth 与下面的the world相呼应,故选B。 20. 42 .”可知男孩对他父亲来说就是整个世界。mean意味着;即是。故选A。 考点: 考查记叙文阅读

________ work has been done to improve the people’s living standard.

A. A large amount of        B. A large number of

C. A great deal             D. A great many



—When does your plane take off?

—At 3:00 p.m. tomorrow. I've just called the airport to ________ it.

A.intend   B.argue    C.organize  D.confirm



You need to have______if you want to teach the group of naughty children well.

A.energy         B.patience

C.strength       D.belief



Don't worry. I'm sure things will get better     .

A. in time        B. on time

C. at times     D. at the time



Tom was about to close the window ________ his attention was caught by a bird.

A. when     B. it               C. and       D. till



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