满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Most people would have given up on an ol...

Most people would have given up on an old, blind horse. But Berowra’s Justine Ruta is not most people.

The lights went out for 27-year-old Appaloosa Prince in March last year_     _cataracts(白内障),an eye disease __     _ blindness. Experts advised euthanasia(安乐死) as the best choice. Instead, Ruta, 27, retrained the __     _she was given on her 13th birthday and the pair are _     __ together again.

Two years ago, one of the horse’s eyes developed a cataract and Ruta was told he might go _     __. When he did go _     _ blind, some people said the best thing to do would be to put him down. But one vet saw him and gave a(n) _     __opinion. He said the connection between the ___     _ was so strong that he would trust her to do anything with the horse.

So, for the next six months, Ruta would teach Prince to _     __her other senses to get around. She used wind chimes(风铃) to __     _him to his food. She played the radio before walks. She lifted his head to encourage him to _     _ his legs when walking up hills. The __     __ helped improved Prince’s weak legs and put a(n) _     _ on his owner’s face.

Ruta thought she could not face the idea of __     _ the horse who helped her through so much as a teenager, __     _ after losing her father when she was 15. When she first got the horse, she fell in love with him and _     _ every weekend with him.

Ruta, who is a vet at Wild Life Sydney Zoo, said she hoped her__     _would encourage others not to _     _ when things get difficult. “It takes _     _ and patience,” she said, “It was so challenging but it was __     _in the end.”

1.A. in case of   B. according to   C. because of  D. in need of

2.A. introducing  B. causing       C. stopping   D. avoiding

3.A. dog          B.friend          C. partner   D. horse

4.A. swimming     B. riding       C. waiting    D. holding

5.A. blind       B. dead          C. mad         D. deaf

6.A. normally     B. finally        C. completely D. exactly


7.A. different    B. important      C. similar    D. immediate

8.A. group     B. pair           C. team        D. couple

9.A. forget       B. play          C. use         D. close

10.A.lead         B. send           C. show        D. carry

11.A.step         B. shake         C. bend        D. lift

12.A.performances B. walks          C. tasks      D. lessons

13.A.expression  B. mask          C. shadow     D. smile

14.A. selling     B. punishing      C. losing     D. training

15.A.surely      B. generally      C. mainly     D. especially

16.A.began       B. appreciated   C. finished    D. spent

17.A. story      B. idea          C. wish        D. memory

18.A. fall down  B. try out        C. turn back   D. give up

19.A. money       B. understanding  C. love      D. work

20.A.suitable     B. worthwhile     C. useful      D. interesting


1.C 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.D 16.D 17.A 18.D 19.C 20.B 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文,当人们遇到年老的而且失明的马时,大多都会放弃,但是瑞塔没有,瑞塔的一匹马失明后,瑞塔运用其他感官帮助这匹马恢复,最后使马的病情好转。最后瑞塔告诉我们这需要爱和耐心,遇到事情不能轻言放弃。 1.C考介词短语。A. in case of万一;B. according to按照;C. because of因为;D. in need of需要;根据句意,27岁的阿帕卢萨王子去年三月因为白内障失明了。这里白内障是造成失明的原因,故选C。 2. 3.D考查名词。A. dog狗;B .friend朋友;C. partner搭档;D. horse马;根据句意,瑞塔重新教育她在13岁生日时获得的那匹马,根据文章第一段也可以推断出来这里应该是马,故选D。 4. 根据句意,瑞塔重新教育她在13岁生日时获得的那匹马,如今这一对马现在又可以重新骑行了。骑马应该用动词ride,故选B。 5.A考查形容词。A. blind失明的,瞎的;B. dead死的;C. mad疯狂的;D. deaf聋的;根据题意,两年前,两只马的其中一匹得了白内障,瑞塔被告知这匹马可能会失明。通过白内障可知,这里应该是失明,故选A。 6.C考查副词。A. normally正常地;B. finally最终地;C. completely完全地;D. exactly恰好地;根据句意,当这匹马完全瞎了的时候,有的人建议最好的方法就是把这匹马丢掉,故选C。 7.A考查形容词。A. different不同的;B. important重要的;C. similar相似的;D. immediate立刻的;根据句意,但是一个兽医看了这匹马之后给出了不同的选择。这里用but引导,可见兽医的选择应该是不同的,故选A。 8.B考查名词。A. group一组;B. pair一对;C. team团队;D. couple夫妇;根据句意,这个兽医告诉她这一对马的联系是很强的,他相信瑞塔可以为这匹马做些什么。从第二段末尾的the pair也可以得出答案,故选B。 9.C考查动词。A. forget忘记;B. play玩耍;C. use使用;D. close关闭;根据句意,瑞塔告诉王子使用其他的感官去接触外界。这里应该是使用感官,故选C。 10.A考查动词。A .lead引导;B. send寄送;C. show展示;D. carry携带;根据句意,她用风铃去引导这匹马去吃东西。这里应该是引导,故选A。 11.D考查动词。A.step步行;B. shake摇晃;C. bend弯曲;D. lift举起,抬起;根据句意,在爬山的时候瑞塔抬起他的头鼓励他抬起自己的腿。故选D。 12.B考查名词。A.performances表演;B. walks步行;C. tasks任务;D. lessons课程;根据句意,这些步行帮助王子慢慢恢复了自己虚弱地腿。这里应该是指前面登山的步行,故选B。 13.D考查名词。A.expression表情;B. mask面具;C. shadow阴影;D. smile微笑;根据句意,这让他主人的脸上展开了微笑。这里病情有了好转,主人应该是开心地微笑,故选D。 14.C考查动名词。A. selling销售;B. punishing惩罚;C. losing丢掉;D. training训练;根据句意,瑞塔无法面对要丢掉这匹马的想法。故选C。 15.D考查副词。A.surely当然地;B. generally普遍地;C. mainly主要地;D. especially尤其地;根据句意,尤其是瑞塔在自己15岁的时候丢失了自己的父亲,故选D。 16.D考查动词。A. began开始;B. appreciated感激;C. finished完成;D. spent花费(时间);根据句意,当瑞塔第一次得到这匹马,她就爱上了这匹马,并且每个周末都和这匹马在一起,故选D。 17.A考查名词。A. story故事;B. idea想法C. wish希望;D. memory记忆;根据句意,瑞塔希望她的故事可以激励他人在事情变得困难的时候不要放弃,故选A。 18.D考查动词短语。A. fall down落下;B. try out尝试;C. turn back转回来;D. give up放弃;根据句意,瑞塔希望她的故事可以激励他人在事情变得困难的时候不要放弃。D选项符合题意,故选D。 19.C考查名词。A. money金钱;B. understanding理解;C. love爱;D. work工作;根据句意,瑞塔说:“这需要爱和耐心。”瑞塔在这个过程中是付出了很多爱的,故选C。 20. 考点: 考查记叙文阅读

Jim sold his car_______ he could enjoy a healthier life style.

A. since         B. unless       C. so that  D. even though



Luckily, Tom and Mary had a narrow _______ when their car crashed on the highway yesterday.

A. absence       B. attendance   C. appearance   D. escape



Figures show that 6 to 10 percent of Internet users become _______ and waste a lot of time.

A. addicted       B. frequent     C. physical     D. sensitive



I cannot find my watch. I must have lost it.

-- Don’t worry. Hopefully it will _____ somewhere one day.

A. get across      B. back out

C. put away        D. turn up



After living in Shanghai for 20 years, the couple returned to the small village ______ they grew up.

A. which   B. where  C. that   D. why



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