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Samuel de Champlain was a French explore...

Samuel de Champlain was a French explorer, navigator (航海家), and mapmaker. He explored much of eastern Canada and became known as the “Father of New France”.

Born into a family of sailors, Champlain, while still a young man, began exploring North America. In 1603, he sailed up the Saguenay River and the St. Lawrence River. From 1604 to 1607 Champlain joined in the exploration and settlement of the first permanent (永久的) European settlement north of Florida. Then, in 1608, he established the French settlement that is now Quebec City. He also made the first accurate (精确的) map of the Canadian coast.

Champlain spent most of the rest of his life going between France and Canada. His goals were to map North America and find a quicker way to get to the Pacific Ocean.

In 1629 Quebec was controlled by the English and Champlain was taken to England as a prisoner. When Canada was returned to France in 1633 Champlain returned to Canada as governor of Quebec and remained in Quebec until his death on Christmas Day in 1635.

Champlain was the first European to explore and describe the Great Lakes, and published maps of his journeys and reports of what he learned from the natives and the French living among the natives. Champlain was memorialized as the “Father of New France”, and many places and streets in North America use his name. The most famous of these is Lake Champlain, which lies between northern New York and Vermont.

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1.Which is the correct order of the events about Champlain?

a. established the settlement in Canada

b. travelled up the St. Lawrence River

c. returned to Canada as governor of Quebec

d. was taken to England

A. b-a-c-d                           B. b-a-d-c

C. a-d-b-c                           D. a-b-d-c

2.We can learn from the text that Champlain _____.

A. was important to Canadian history

B. was famous for the lake named for him

C. was the first person to explore North America

D. was the first family member to work on a ship

3.The underlined word “memorialized” in the last paragraph probably means “_____”.

A. described                       B. chosen

C. remembered                     D. trusted

4.What's the best title for the text?

A. Exploration of North America

B. Origin of Lake Champlain

C. Foundation of Quebec

D. Father of New France


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文介绍了塞缪尔尚普兰的事迹,塞缪尔尚普兰是一位法国探险家,航海家和地图制作家。他对加拿大东部的许多地区进行了大量的探索,并被称为“新法国之父”。他是是第一个探索和描述大湖的欧洲人,并发表了他的行程和报告的地图,为世界地理做出了巨大的贡献。 1.B;考查文章结构。根据全文,塞缪尔尚普兰先在劳伦斯河航行,然后在加拿大建立了住所,接着被送回英国,最后作为政府人员返回加拿大,所以文章正确的结构顺序为:b-a-d-c,故选B。 2.A;考查细节理解。根据第三段,Champlain spent most of the rest of his life going between France and Canada.塞缪尔尚普兰在他的余生往返于加拿大和法国之间。又从后文可知塞缪尔尚普兰最后作为政府官员回到加拿大,所以塞缪尔尚普兰在加拿大的历史中很重要,故选A。 3.C;考查推理判断。根据句意,Champlain was memorialized as the “Father of New France” ,塞缪尔尚普兰被纪念为“新法国之父”,这里remembered最符合题意,故选C。 4. 考点:考查记叙文阅读

Most people would have given up on an old, blind horse. But Berowra’s Justine Ruta is not most people.

The lights went out for 27-year-old Appaloosa Prince in March last year_     _cataracts(白内障),an eye disease __     _ blindness. Experts advised euthanasia(安乐死) as the best choice. Instead, Ruta, 27, retrained the __     _she was given on her 13th birthday and the pair are _     __ together again.

Two years ago, one of the horse’s eyes developed a cataract and Ruta was told he might go _     __. When he did go _     _ blind, some people said the best thing to do would be to put him down. But one vet saw him and gave a(n) _     __opinion. He said the connection between the ___     _ was so strong that he would trust her to do anything with the horse.

So, for the next six months, Ruta would teach Prince to _     __her other senses to get around. She used wind chimes(风铃) to __     _him to his food. She played the radio before walks. She lifted his head to encourage him to _     _ his legs when walking up hills. The __     __ helped improved Prince’s weak legs and put a(n) _     _ on his owner’s face.

Ruta thought she could not face the idea of __     _ the horse who helped her through so much as a teenager, __     _ after losing her father when she was 15. When she first got the horse, she fell in love with him and _     _ every weekend with him.

Ruta, who is a vet at Wild Life Sydney Zoo, said she hoped her__     _would encourage others not to _     _ when things get difficult. “It takes _     _ and patience,” she said, “It was so challenging but it was __     _in the end.”

1.A. in case of   B. according to   C. because of  D. in need of

2.A. introducing  B. causing       C. stopping   D. avoiding

3.A. dog          B.friend          C. partner   D. horse

4.A. swimming     B. riding       C. waiting    D. holding

5.A. blind       B. dead          C. mad         D. deaf

6.A. normally     B. finally        C. completely D. exactly


7.A. different    B. important      C. similar    D. immediate

8.A. group     B. pair           C. team        D. couple

9.A. forget       B. play          C. use         D. close

10.A.lead         B. send           C. show        D. carry

11.A.step         B. shake         C. bend        D. lift

12.A.performances B. walks          C. tasks      D. lessons

13.A.expression  B. mask          C. shadow     D. smile

14.A. selling     B. punishing      C. losing     D. training

15.A.surely      B. generally      C. mainly     D. especially

16.A.began       B. appreciated   C. finished    D. spent

17.A. story      B. idea          C. wish        D. memory

18.A. fall down  B. try out        C. turn back   D. give up

19.A. money       B. understanding  C. love      D. work

20.A.suitable     B. worthwhile     C. useful      D. interesting



Jim sold his car_______ he could enjoy a healthier life style.

A. since         B. unless       C. so that  D. even though



Luckily, Tom and Mary had a narrow _______ when their car crashed on the highway yesterday.

A. absence       B. attendance   C. appearance   D. escape



Figures show that 6 to 10 percent of Internet users become _______ and waste a lot of time.

A. addicted       B. frequent     C. physical     D. sensitive



I cannot find my watch. I must have lost it.

-- Don’t worry. Hopefully it will _____ somewhere one day.

A. get across      B. back out

C. put away        D. turn up



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