满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I still remember the year when I started...

I still remember the year when I started university. It was a very        time for me. Like many other new students I missed my mother’s cooking and my friends, got quite homesick and            thought of leaving university and going home.

The          time for many students was getting letters from home, and at first my mailbox was full. But          the letters gradually became fewer and finally the day came when I found my mailbox was        . It made me feel quite miserable(愁苦的,不幸的). Then one day while I was waiting for the postman I saw that I had a postcard in my box. Happily I sat down to read it,             that it was from one of my friends.            it was          of a young woman called Annie and her new baby. I took the card back to my room, put it into my desk drawer and            all about it.

Several days later, I             another postcard. This time it was about Antonio, Annie’s cousin. Soon later, another card came and then another,          full of interesting information about people I had            met. I began to really look forward to them,             to see what the writer would          next. They made me feel            unhappy with my own life and I even began to smile.          while the cards          coming, I joined some societies and made some new friends. At last I was beginning to enjoy        life. The postcards had made me feel happy and helped me begin a new life so I          all the cards and even now bring them out        I feel miserable.

1.A. easy        B. difficult   C. good        D. bad

2.A. often       B. sometimes   C. only         D. seldom

3.A. busiest     B. hardest      C. happiest     D. worst

4.A. as time went by B. as time going   C. with time went  D. with time going by

5.A. open        B. closed       C. full         D. empty

6.A. enjoying   B. expecting  C. hoping       D. writing

7.A. So          B. Although     C. However      D. But

8.A. postcards   B. emails      C. letters      D. news

9.A. cared       B. forgot       C. thought      D. realized

10.A. sent      B. accepted     C. received   D. wrote

11.A. either     B. neither      C. every      D. each

12.A. ever      B. never        C. once        D. always

13.A. surprised  B. interested   C. frightened   D. worried

14.A. write about   B. think about  C. ask for   D. come up

15.A. more      B. most          C. less         D. least

16.A. Actually  B. At the same time C. Luckily   D. Frequently

17.A. began     B. continued     C. stopped      D. finished

18.A. college   B. home         C. hardship     D. common

19.A. sold      B. sent          C. thrown      D. kept

20.A. whenever  B. wherever      C. whichever    D. when


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文,作者刚开始上大学的时候,觉得很不适应,因为非常想家,同时也想念以前的朋友,所以对于作者而言最开心的就是收到家里的来信了,可是慢慢地作者的邮箱空了,作者很难过,过了几天,作者收到一个陌生人的明信片,起初作者并不关心,后来明信片一封接着一封地寄来,作者开始期待这些来信,与其同时作者的生活也发生了改变,作者开始享受自己的大学生活。 1. easy容易的;B. difficult困难的;C. good好的;D. bad坏的;根据句意,那段时间对我来说很艰难。从后文作者想念家和朋友可以看出那段时间对于作者来说不好过,故选B。 2. 3.C考查形容词。A. busiest忙碌的;B. hardest艰难的;C. happiest开心的;D. worst糟糕的;对于很多学生来说,最开心的事情就是能够收到从家里寄来的信。这里收到家里的信应该是十分开心的,故选C。 4.A考查动词短语。根据句意,但是随着时间的流逝,我的信件变得越来越少。这里随着时间的流逝的表达应该是as time went by,其他三个选项的表达都是错误的,故选A。 5.D考查形容词。A. open开放的;B. closed关闭的;C. full满的;D. empty空的;根据题意,最后有一天,我发现我的信箱是空的。从下一句作者觉得很愁苦可以看出这里作者应该是没有收到信,故选D。 6.B考查动名词。A. enjoying享受;B. expecting期待;C. hoping希望;D. writing书写;根据句意,我高兴地坐下来准备读明信片,期待是我的好朋友寄来的,故选B。 7.D考查连接词。A. So所以;B. Although虽然;C. However然而;D. But但是;根据句意,但是明信片中却是一个叫安妮的女人和她的新宝宝的消息。作者期待是朋友寄来的,可是不是,所以这里应该是表示转折,故选D。 8.D考查名词。A. postcards明信片;B. emails邮件;C. letters信件;D. news消息;根据句意,但是明信片中却是一个叫安妮的女人和她的新宝宝的消息。明信片上记载的应该是消息,故选D。 9.B考查动词。A. cared关心;B. forgot忘记;C. thought思考;D. realized意识到;根据句意,我把卡片带回我的房间,放在我的抽屉里,然后我就忘记了这件事情,故选B。 10.C考查动词。A. sent寄送;B. accepted接受;C. received收到;D. wrote书写;根据句意,几天之后,我收到了另外一封明信片。收到信件应该用receive表达,故选C。 11.D考查代词。A. either两者之中任一的;B. neither两者都不;C. every所有的;D. each每个,各自;根据句意,每一封明信片都包含了十分有趣的信息。故选D。 12.B考查副词。A. ever曾经;B. never从未,决不;C. once一次,一旦;D. always总是;根据句意,每一封明信片都包含了我从来没有见过的人的十分有趣的信息。故选B。 13. surprised惊讶的;B. interested感兴趣的;C. frightened害怕的;D. worried担忧的;根据句意,我开始真正期待这些信,并且感兴趣作者下一封信会写什么。在这里作者应该是十分感兴趣的,故选B。 14.A考查动词短语。A. write about所写的内容;B. think about所思考的东西;C. ask for询问;D. come up提出;根据句意,我开始真正期待这些信,并且感兴趣作者下一封信会写什么。故选A。 15.C考查形容词比较级最高级。A. more更加;B. most最多的;C. less变少;D. least最少的;根据句意,这让我慢慢地开心起来,而且开始微笑着面对生活。这里作者的情绪应该是慢慢好转,故选C。 16. Actually实际上;B. At the same time与此同时;C. Luckily幸运地;D. Frequently频繁地;根据句意,与此同时,随着我继续收到明信片,我开始加入各种社团,结交了很多新的朋友,故选B。 17.B考查动词。A. began开始;B. continued继续;C. stopped停止;D. finished完成;根据句意,与此同时,随着我继续收到明信片,我开始加入各种社团,结交了很多新的朋友。这里作者应该是继续收到明信片,故选B。 18.A考查名词。A. college大学;B. home家庭;C. hardship辛苦,苦难;D. common共同;根据句意,到最后我开始享受我的大学生活。A选项符合题意,故选A。 19.D考查动词。A. sold销售;B. sent寄送;C. thrown扔掉;D. kept保留;根据句意,这些明信片让我感到开心并且帮助我开始了新的生活,所以我保留了所有的卡片。这里明信片对作者的意义很大,所以作者把这些卡片保留下来了,故选D。 20. 考点: 考查记叙文阅读

Susan, ________ university student from Europe, teaches me ________ art in her spare time.

A. an; /     B. a; the     C. an; the    D. a; /



It is the third time that he _________ late for school.

A. was         B. is         C. had been          D. has been



In the end I lost my    and shouted at her.

A. character     B. manner      C. benefit       D. patience



Passengers are permitted     only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.

A. to carry        B. carrying

C. to be carried   D. being carried



Now that you are a college student, you should learn to be     of your parents’ help.

A. energetic     B. obvious

C. independent    D. religious



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