满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

请以“We Are What We Eat”为题,用英语写一篇短文,内容包括以下...

请以“We Are What We Eat”为题,用英语写一篇短文,内容包括以下信息:

1. 饮食习惯日益受到重视;


给我们提供保持健康所需的营养物; 帮助我们抵抗疾病。

3. 不良饮食习惯的坏处(一点);  导致一些严重的问题,如肥胖。

4. 你对均衡饮食的看法。

注意: 可适当增加内容,以使文章连贯;字数100 字左右。

参考词汇:饮食习惯: eating habits        为某人提供某物:provide sth. for sb.

营养物:nutrient (n.)     抵抗:prevent (v.)   均衡饮食: balanced diet


We Are What We Eat






We Are What We Eat Nowadays people are paying more and more attention to healthy eating habits. There are many good reasons for it. First, a good eating habit provides the nutrients that we need to keep healthy. Meanwhile, studies have shown that a healthy diet is important in the prevention of many diseases. On the other hand , if we have a bad eating habit, like never having breakfast or eating too much sugar, it can lead to serious problems such as getting too fat . In fact, everything we eat can be either beneficial or dangerous to our health. So let’s try to keep our diet balanced. After all, we are what we eat.. 【解析】 试题分析:本篇属于议论文,要根据研究来写报告。写作时注意以下几点:1、仔细阅读题目,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确有哪些要点。2、要包含题目有中给的原因、结果和建议,并且按照一定逻辑关系来写。3、根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;就本文而言应该用一般现在时。 4.注意使用高级词汇和句式,以增加文章的亮点。5. 这个文章是讨论吃早餐的问题,要有说服力。 【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。首先,严格按照题目中所给的三个要点来写,第一段写了饮食习惯的重要性,第二段写了不良饮食习惯的坏处,最后一段写自己观点,结构清晰。还有一些短语的运用,比如Meanwhile,On the other hand,等插入语,使得文章语言流畅。另外,句式多样化,在if we have a bad eating habit, like never having breakfast or eating too much sugar, it can lead to serious problems such as getting too fat.条件状语从句;a good eating habit provides the nutrients that we need to keep healthy.是定语从句。此外,文章还使用了大量短语keep our diet balance, pay more and more attention to 等。 考点:考查议论文写作  






1.Now our fur is been used to make sweaters for people like you .

2.To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to become rich and famous.

3.Each week on TV, the Monkees would play and sing songs writing by other musicians.

4.The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of it was based loosely on the Beatles.

5.People love to get together to eat, drink and have a fun with each other.

6.India has national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independent from Britain.

7.Nothing could be best.

8.The next morning I had just about given myself up for lost while I was spooted by a ship.

9.By now his restaurant ought be full of people.

10.We know you’re hard working .That’s what we’ve given you the letter.




1.抚养、培养 ____________         

2.谋生 __________________

3.说谎  _________________          _

4.屏息  ________________         _

5.熟悉  ________________          _

6.灭亡,逐渐消失 ________    ___ _

7.增加体重 ______________         __

8.消减、删节 ___________   ______

9.打碎、分裂、解体  ____________   _


11.in cash   _________           ___

12.account for ___    _______________

13.on the contrary _____________     _

14.burst into laughter _______  _______

15.set off  _______________        

16.as though          ______________

17.come into being ___________   ___

18.above all ___        _____________

19.take a chance  _________________

20.in peace  ___________      ______



Paper-cutting is a(n) 1.                    (tradition) Chinese folk art with a long history.

Paper-cuts 2.           (use) during festivals to decorate gates and windows. The main cutting tools are simple: paper and scissors or a knife. Clever craftsmen are very good at 3.________ (cut) in the theme of daily life. When you look at works created by paper cutting 4.           (careful), you will be amazed by the true-to-life5.            (express) of the figure’s appearance and thoughts.

Although other art forms, like painting, can show similar scenes, paper-cutting still stands out for its beautiful lines and patterns6.           are all hand-made. Learning about cutting a piece of paper7.           (be) easy but mastering (精通) 8.          is very difficult. One must hold the knife upright (竖直地) and press on the paper without much strength. Any carelessness will lead

9.        damage to the whole image. Craftsmen try10.________ (create) a circle like the moon, a straight line like a stem(干) of wheat, and a square like a brick. They have to be careful and keep practising to make the scenes seem as alive as possible.



Many people spend their New Year’s Eve getting dressed up and dancing their way to midnight. My brother and I decided to do things a bit         .

We each filled a backpack with clothes, shoes and other things and headed out to the         . The first person we saw was a 15-16-year-old boy picking up         plastic bottles on the train platform(站台). We called him over and started up a(n)           .We had a look at his         and noticed he had         fingernails (手指甲). We explained that it was           to keep short nails and then we           cutting them for him. When we were         , we offered him some chocolate candies, which made him look at us         .We talked to him some more and began         some of the chocolate ourselves. Finally, he         took the chocolate himself and then began telling us his         .

His name was Raju. After his mother died, his father remarried. Unable to         his stepmother (继母), Raju ran away from         and has been living on the streets for 3 years, collecting and         empty plastic bottles.

When we met Raju, he wasn’t wearing any         . One quick look into our backpacks and we         what we were looking for - a pair of Nike shoes. When we dressed him in them — Raju’s eyes were full of         . “These shoes are so great, Nothing will hurt my         . Thank you so much!” Touched by our actions, he joined us as we walked around and looked for those in need.

1.A. busily   B. differently   C. quickly         D. carefully

2.A. shop     B. bus station   C. train station   D. forest

3.A. empty  B. new           C. useful          D. beautiful

4.A. trouble  B. game          C. experiment      D. conversation

5.A. head    B. legs         C. hands           D. face

6.A. no       B. broken       C. long            D. dirty

7.A. difficult  B. possible  C. strange         D. important

8.A.began     B. preferred     C. enjoyed        D. continued

9.A.asked     B. done          C. accepted        D. advised

10.A.gladly  B. bravely       C. doubtfully      D. nervously

11.A.sending  B. throwing     C. eating          D. keeping

12. A. slowly B. secretly     C. directly        D. hopelessly

13.A. wish    B. story         C. luck            D. wealth

14.A. catch up with B. make use of   C. get along with  D. take hold of

15.A. school  B. platform     C. city            D. home

16. A. borrowing B. selling    C. returning       D. painting

17.A. shoes  B. shirts        C. gloves          D. trousers

18. A. forgot B. described    C. found          D. checked

19.A. fear   B. happiness     C. surprise        D. politeness

20.A. feet   B. heart         C. belief          D. life



People in the United states honor their parents with two special days: Mother’s Day, on the second Sunday in May, and Father’s Day, on the third Sunday in June.

Mother’s Day was proclaimed (宣告) a day for national observance by President Woodrow Wilson in 1915. Ann Jarvis from Grafton, West Virginia, had started the idea to have a day to honor mothers. She was the one who chose the second Sunday in May and also began the custom of wearing a carnation (康乃馨).

In 1909, Mrs. Dodd from Spokane, Washington, thought of the idea of a day to honor fathers. She wanted to honor her own father, William Smart. After her mother died, he had the responsibility of raising a family of five sons and a daughter. In 1910, the first Father’s Day was observed in Spokane. Senator Margaret Chase Smith helped to establish Father’s day as a national commemorative day, in 1972.

These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents. They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens. They give love and care.

These two special days are celebrated in many different ways. On Mother’s Day people wear carnations. A red one symbolizes (象征) a living mother. A white one shows that the mother is dead. Many people attend religious services to honor parents. It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit the cemetery (墓地). On these days families get together at home, as well as in restaurants. They often have outdoor barbecues( 烧烤) for Father’s Day. These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.

1.According to the passage, which of the following about the second Sunday in May is NOT true?

A. It is a day to show love to mothers.

B. It is a day to wea carnations.

C. It is a day for people to visit the cemetery.

D. It is a day for many people to attend religious services.

2.Choose the right time order of the following events.

a. The first Father’s Day was observed.

b. Mother’s Day was proclaimed a day for national observance.

c. Father’s Day was proclaimed a day for national observance.

d. The idea of honoring fathers was 1909.

A. a,b,c,d     B. d,a,b,c

C. b,a,c,d      D. d,a,c,b

3.Who plays the most important role in Father’s Day becoming a national commemorative day?

A. Mrs. Dodd.            B. Margaret Chase Smith.

C. Ann Jarvis.           D. Woodrow Wilson.

4.From the passage, we know in the US       .

A. one should wear a red carnation if one’s mother pass away

B. on Mother’s Day, families often go out to have barbecues

C. on Father’s Day, people often stay at home to celebrate the special day

D. the purpose to have these two special days is to show love to parents.

5.The author’s purpose of writing this passage is to      .

A. call on people to love and respect their parents

B. introduce Mother’s Day and Fathers’ Day

C. tell the difference between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day

D. show how important fathers and mothers are



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