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A study of more than five million books,...

A study of more than five million books, both fiction and non-fiction, has found a marked decline in the use of emotional words over time.The researchers form the University of Bristol used Google Ngram Viewer, a facility for finding the frequency of terms in scanned books, to search for more than 600 particular words identified as representing anger, dislike, fear, joy, sadness and surprise.

They found that almost all of the categories showed a drop in these “mood words” over time.Only in the category of fear was there an increase in usage.

“It is a steady and continuous decrease,” said Dr Alberto Acerbi.He assumed that the result might be explained by a change in the position occupied by literature, in a crowded media landscape.“One thing could be that in parallel to books the 20th century saw the start of other media.Maybe these media — movies, radio, drama, had more emotional content than books.”

Although both joy and sadness followed the general downwards trend, the research, published in the journal PLOS One, found that they also exhibited another interesting behaviour:the ratio (比率) between the two varied greatly, apparently mirroring historical events.

During the Roaring Twenties the joy-to-sadness ratio reached a peak that would not occur again until before the recent financial crash.But the ratio plunged at the height of the Second World War.Nevertheless, the researchers held a reserved opinion about their claim that their result reflected wider social trends.In the paper, they even argue that the reverse could be true.

“It has been suggested, for example, that it was the suppression (压抑) of desire in ordinary Elizabethan English life that increased demand for writing ‘filled with romance and sex’… perhaps,” they conclude, “songs and books may not reflect the real population any more than catwalk models reflect the average body.”

1.The word "decline" (paragraph 1) is closest in meaning to_________.

A.increase B.rise C.decrease D.change

2.A study of more than five million books indicated a decrease in “mood words” over time except_______.

A.in the use of the words of historical events

B.in the category of fear

C.in the category of literature

D.in the category of joy

3.What’s the main idea of this passage?

A.A study of emotional words.

B.A study about vocabulary in literature.

C.Reasons for the use of emotional words decreases in literature.

D.A study on increase in the category of fear.


1.C 2.B 3.C 【解析】 试题分析:文章就书籍当中的用词进行统计,发现一个奇怪的现象就是:是小说当中所使用的情感词汇数量有所减少,研究者对这以有趣的现象做了相应的分析。 1.showed a drop in these “mood words”...可以说明这些词汇的使用量是在下降趋势。所以选择C项。 2.Only in the category of fear was there an increase in usage可以直接选出B项。 3. 考点:是一篇调查研究类文章。

“Don't worry if you have problems!” It is easy to say until you are in the midst of a really big one.The only people who don't have troubles are gathered in little neighborhoods.Most communities have at least one.We call them cemeteries.If you're breathing, you have difficulties.It's the way of life.And believe it or not, most of your problems may actually be good for you! Let me explain.

Maybe you have heard the Great Barrier Reef, stretching some 1,800 miles from New Guinea to Australia.Tour guides regularly take visitors to view the reef.

On one tour, a traveler asked the guide an interesting question."I notice that the lagoon (泻湖) side of the reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is vibrant and colorful," the traveler observed.Why is this?

The guide gave an interesting answer, "The coral around the lagoon side is in still water, with no challenge for its survival.It dies early.The coral on the ocean side is constantly being tested by wind, waves and storms.It has to fight for its survival every day.As it is challenged and tested, it changes and adapts.It grows healthy.It grows strong.And it reproduces."

Then he added, “That's the way it is with every living organism.”

That's how it is with people.Challenged and tested, we come alive! Like coral pounded by the sea, we grow.Physical demands can cause us to grow stronger.Mental and emotional stress can produce tough-mindedness and resiliency.Spiritual testing can produce strength of character and faithfulness.So, you have problems? No problem! Just tell yourself, "There I grow again!"

Remember: A smooth sea never made a skilled mariner.

1.Who has no problems according to the passage?

A.The persons who are very famous.

B.The persons who have much money.

C.The persons who have been born.

D.The persons who are living in the cemeteries.

2.In the writer's opinion, ________.

A.problems bring us much trouble

B.problems have two sides, good or bad

C.we should try to stay away from any trouble

D.the fewer things we do, the less trouble we'll meet

3.The reason why lagoon side of the reef has no life is _______.

A.it hasn't got any sunlight

B.it has less energy than others

C.it never faces any challenge and tests

D.it has no work to do every day

4.After reading this passage, we should ________.

A.regard any problem as challenge

B.learn from the lagoon side

C.worry your problem

D.enter into cemeteries



Chocolate has come a long way through history, and one of the reasons is the Ferrero family, the creators of the world-famous Ferrero Rocher chocolate treats.The history of this family business starts back in the 1940s, when Pietro Ferrero and his wife, Piera, transformed a pastry shop into a factory.There, Pietro and his son, Michele, let their creativity lead them to form the building blocks of the company.Eventually, Michele took over the operation and set his sights on making the best products possible.

Michele’s efforts paid off.He turned his father’s creations into globally sold and consumed products.One of their most successful products, Nutella, had become a staple food in many homes.The third generation now runs the company.Michele’s sons, Pietro and Giovanni worked side by side as managing directors for ten years until an accident resulting in Pietro’ death.Still inspired by his family and their hard work and determination, Giovanni is guiding Ferrero into the future.

While staying true to the Ferrero motto of “work, create, and donate”, he is making sure his family’s business is an example of success in the past, present, and future.
















1.The Queen often _______( 咨询,请教)her advisors before making a speech to the Parliament.

2.The plane crashed, its bombs _________ (爆炸) as it hit the ground.

3.Would you mind my ________ (打断 for a while? I have some questions to discuss with you.

4.The days spent with you are very______(宝贵的,珍贵的) to me, so I’ll always treasure them.

5.She backed away from the window in fear when bullets ___________(呼啸) past her ears.

6.The idea of a holiday abroad is surely a___________, but I dont have sufficient money.

7.B_________ her self-confident surface, shes quite unsure of herself.

8.Most of us hate the i_________ of not being able to use credit cards to buy things in this shop.

9.After years of efforts, his business started to make a p_______.

10.The s ________theory was easier to understand, which saved the instructor much explanation.




Research shows that the summer before college can be a dangerous time for teenagers, as they are between home and high school on the one side, and a more challenging and independent existence as a college student on the other.

Take drinking for example.Research has reported that teenagers tend to increase their alcohol use during the summer before college and in their first term.Such drinking can lead to tragedy: its estimated that more than 1,100 college students at 18 to 24 years of age die each year from alcohol-related injuries, including car crashes, and almost 600, 000 are injured under the influence of alcohol.

In addition to drinking, future freshmen may also have gaps in their knowledge about other aspects of university life.A study has found that students are generally aware of the fact that they have to place them into college courses and their schools curricular requirements.In addition, many students hold misunderstandings such as Getting into college is the hardest part, and “I can take whatever classes I want when I get to collegeIn fact, students courses may be determined by their level of preparation.

It is found that college-bound high-school graduates are faced with a number of potentially frightening tasks during the summer.For example, colleges typically require students to take placement tests(分班考试)and fill out a lot of paperwork, including housing and medical forms, over the summer.Completing these tasks may be especially frightening for low-income and first-generation college-bound students whose families may be short of experience with the college-going process.

In addition, its only in the summer after high-school graduation when students face the reality of paying the first college bill, which often includes unexpected costs like required health insurance.For college-intending students, successfully controlling the post-high-school summer thus requires a level of finance that may be unrelated to their ability to succeed in the classroom.As a result, students who have already broken through many barriers to college admission may fail to enter college.

Paring college-bound students with fellow advisers---students already in college who have been trained to support and coach their learners through the summer---improves the rate at which the learners show up at college.Even more wonderful, a low-cost campaign of text messages---in which researchers sent recent high-school graduates and their parents a series of eight to ten text-message reminders of key tasks to complete over the summer---is just as effective in increasing the rate of students who successfully make the change to college.

A little summer pushing could be a key step in getting students all the way across the finish line.

The Key to College Success: Summer


The summer before college throws 1.         dangers to high-school graduates.

College life is challenging and needs students 2.         .

Reasons for college failure

Many misfortunes happening to future freshmen are related to 3.         .

Future freshmen have false4.         about college life.

Tasks related to going to college may create some 5.         for a certain group of high-school graduates.

Finance may become a threat6.        to those who can give good academic performance.




Get ready, as the level of preparations really does 8.         .

Future freshmen may be recommended to 9.         to fellow advisers.

Text messages can be used as 10.        of completing key tasks.



At the beginning of the World Series of 1947, I experienced a completely new emotion, when the National Anthem was played.This time, I thought, it is being played for me, as much as for anyone else.This is organized major league baseball, and I am standing here with all the others; and everything that takes place includes me.

About a year later, I went to Atlanta, Georgia, to play in an exhibition game.On the field, for the first time in Atlanta, there were Negroes and whites.Other Negroes besides me.And I thought: What I have always believed has come to be.

And what is it that I have always believed? First, that imperfections are human.But that wherever human beings were given room to breathe and time to think, those imperfections would disappear, no matter how slowly.I do not believe that we have found or even approached perfection.That is not necessarily in the scheme of human events.Handicaps, stumbling blocks, prejudices — all of these are imperfect.Yet, they have to be dealt with because they are in the scheme of human events.

Whatever obstacles I found made me fight all the harder.But it would have been impossible for me to fight at all, except that I was sustained by the personal and deep-rooted belief that my fight had a chance.It had a chance because it took place in a free society.Not once was I forced to face and fight an immovable object.Not once was the situation so cast-iron rigid that I had no chance at all.Free minds and human hearts were at work all around me; and so there was the probability of improvement.I look at my children now, and know that I must still prepare them to meet obstacles and prejudices.

But I can tell them, too, that they will never face some of these prejudices because other people have gone before them.And to myself I can say that, because progress is unalterable, many of today's dogmas (教条)will have vanished by the time they grow into adults.I can say to my children: There is a chance for you.No guarantee, but a chance.And this chance has come to be, because there is nothing static with free people.There is no Middle Ages logic so strong that it can stop the human tide from flowing forward.I do not believe that every person, in every walk of life, can succeed in spite of any handicap.That would be perfection.But I do believe — and with every fiber in me — that what I was able to attain came to be because we put behind us (no matter how slowly) the dogmas of the past: to discover the truth of today; and perhaps find the greatness of tomorrow.

I believe in the human race.I believe in the warm heart.I believe in man's honesty.I believe in the goodness of a free society.And I believe that the society can remain good only as long as we are willing to fight for it — and to fight against whatever imperfections may exist.My fight was against the barriers that kept Negroes out of baseball.This was the area where I found imperfection, and where I was best able to fight.And I fought because I knew it was not doomed to be a losing fight.It couldn't be a losing fight-not when it took place in a free society.And in the largest sense, I believe that what I did was done for me — that it was my faith in God that sustained me in my fight.And that what was done for me must and will be done for others.

1.Why did the author say he had experienced a completely new emotion?

A.Because he won game.

B.Because he was an American.

C.Because he could compete in the game and won the game.

D.Because the National Game was played for him.

2.From the passage, we know that the author is ___________.

A.an African.   B.a Chinese

C.a white man    Da black man

3.The author firmly believed that____________.

A.humans are imperfect if they all unite together to overcome the difficulties.

B.humans needn’t approach perfect even if they can.

C.humans should face the obstacles and fight for it bravely.

D.humans are becoming kind and honest if they have freedom.

4.We can infer from the passage that_________.

A.the fight between Negroes and Whites never ends

B.the civil war broke out because the Negroes fought for their freedom

C.In the past Negroes were kept out of baseball.

D.the fight ended up with a game.

5.The underlined word ‘vanished’ most probably means __________

A.disappear     B.increase

C.appear        D.happen

6.The best title of this passage may be_________.

A.Nothing matters except fighting

B.Success lies in hard work

C.freedom is everything

D.Free Minds and Hearts makes a difference



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