满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

“Migrant workers”(外来务工人员) is a familiar ...

“Migrant workers”(外来务工人员) is a familiar term for 17-year-old Shi Jian. Her father and uncle often talk about the problems surrounding this group of people. However, Shi cares more about the children of these migrant workers.

Last year Shi’s housekeeper’s daughter had to give up her schooling in Beijing because she would not be allowed to sit the national college entrance exam. She was forced to continue her high school education in her hometown in Sichuan Province.

Shi thinks the current law is unfair for migrant workers’ children, as it prevents them from studying at public schools, unless their parents pay huge sums. So, Shi decided to do a survey of migrant workers so that she could find some solutions to help solve the problem.

In the last six months Shi spoke to 186 migrant workers in Beijing. Her interviewees include babysitters, guards, keepers, supermarket clerks, house cleaners and construction site workers. Shi found out that 55 of them were parents. Among this group, only eight have children who attend schools in Beijing. The other 47 had to leave children with relatives in the countryside. However, 40 of the 47 would like to enroll(使入学) their children in city schools.

From her interviews, Shi found that the workers’ lowest income was 400 yuan each month. Over one-third earn a monthly wage of or below 1000 yuan. “Even schools for migrant workers’ children charge more than public schools. Morever, parents constantly worry about these schools closing or relocating,” she explained.

Shi has recently completed a report about her survey, in which she makes a series of recommendations. “The government can set up public schools for migrants’ children equal to schools for city children. Second, to offset(弥补) migrant workers’ very low pay, public schools should offer them special rates so they can afford their children’s tuition(学费).

1.What drove Shi to do the survey of migrant workers?

A. Her curiosity about migrant workers’ lives

B. She was asked to do a survey of migrant workers as part of a school project.

C. Her housekeeper’s daughter was forced to move to her hometown to continue studying.

D. She wanted to draw people’s attention and become famous

2.According to Shi’s survey, most migrant workers’ kids _____.

A. don’t live together with their parents

B. attend schools near their parents’ working places

C. have to help their parents support the family

D. always do better in schools than children from the city.

3.All of the following prevent migrant workers kids from attending schools in cities EXCEPT _____.

A. their parents low income

B. their lack of confidence to face the fierce competitions in city schools

C. schools high tuitions

D. that schools for migrant workers children may close or relocate

4.Shi suggested in her survey that _____.

A. more private schools for migrants children should be built

B. more money should be collected for migrants children

C. childrens tuition should be reduced

D. students from the city and the countryside should be encouraged to communicate more


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇记叙文,描写了外来务工人员子女在城市入学的不公待遇,石建通过调查,对这种不公待遇发表了自己的意见。 1. 2.Among this group, only eight have children who attend schools in Beijing. The other 47 had to leave children with relatives in the countryside.可知,大多数外来务工人员的子女不能与父母住在一起。故此题应选A。 3. 4.to offset migrant workers’ very low pay, public schools should offer them special rates so they can afford their children’s tuition.得知,在调查中石建建议学校应该减少外来务工人员子女的学费。故此题应选C。 考点:社会现象类阅读

Simply, language is what people and animals use to communicate their thoughts, ideas and feelings. Of course, animals communicate with each other differently from humans, and each type of animal communicates differently. For example, a bee uses a dance to tell the rest of the bees in the hive (蜂窝) where there is food, while whales communicate through the use of pleasant-sounding sounds. One could say then, that animals use different languages.

Like animals, people also use different languages. Each culture has its own words and symbols that are used by people within that culture to communicate with others in the same culture. For example, a person living in Japan will use the Japanese language to communicate with other Japanese. Unlike animals though, some cultures use more than one language. People within these cultures are said to be either bilingual (双语的) or multilingual (多语的). One such place is Canada. It is very likely that a person living in Canada may speak both French and English. Likewise, a person living in Switzerland may speak Italian, German and French.

Not only do people use different languages to communicate, but languages also have different dialects. A dialect is a difference of a language which uses words and grammar somewhat differently from the standard form of the same language. For example, people who live in Manchester, England speak a dialect that is a little different from people who live in London, England; however, people in both cities speak English.

There are also some people who don’t use a spoken language at all. These people use their hands to communicate. This type of language is called sign language and is most commonly used by people who are deaf.

Now that we know how people communicate, we are faced with a question. Are we part of a certain culture because of the language we speak, or do we speak a particular language because we are part of that culture? To put it more simply, is a Chinese person Chinese because he speaks Chinese, or does he speak Chinese because he was born in China? What part does language play in the definition (定义) of culture?

1.The examples of bees and whales are used to show ______.

A. animal languages are simple to learn

B. people can understand animal languages

C. different animals use different languages

D. animals communicate with each other

2.The main idea of the second paragraph is that ______.

A. people communicate with those in the same culture

B. there can be different languages in the same culture

C. a culture can be expressed in several languages

D. the symbol of a culture is the language spoken by its people

3.To judge whether a person speaks a dialect, you can depend on ______.

A. what words and grammar he uses

B. whether he uses sign language

C. where he lives

D. who he communicates with

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. The culture of different countries

B. The language in different cultures

C. The development of language

D. The meaning of the language




I finished my last work of the week and could hardly wait to get home, take off my nursing shoes, and relax.

As I __    my car, I saw one of my _    standing by the bus stop. I thought it would only take a couple of extra minutes to give her a ride home, and _    , it was too cold to be standing outside on the coldest _    in January. I didn’t know where she lived, but I was __    I would be able to find my way back.

We __    about our work as I drove and __    we knew it, we arrived at her house. I started driving back. _    looked familiar, but at first that didn’t __    me. But soon I __    something wrong. I recognized nothing. But I told myself to stay _    .

I was __    neighborhoods, streets and even streetlights. I no longer knew where I was now. How could I be so stupid! I looked down at my __    . It was now 2:30 a.m. My gas was slowly running out. I __    _ the car and turned off the engine. In total defeat, I put my head down on the wheel, __    . Then I raised my head and saw a(n) _    down the road in front of me. I turned my headlights on. A car! I drove a little _    _, got out of my car and knocked on the window of that car. An elderly man _    rolled his window down.

I said that I didn’t know how to get back into town. In silence, he started driving. I ran back to my car and drove behind him. Finally I __    a familiar street. As I turned to head home, the car disappeared. Then I _    my driveway (车道) when the warning light for my gas tank (汽油箱) turned on.

Though so many years have passed, I still thank the old man from my deepest heart.

1.A. discovered    B. approached    C. parked    D. searched

2.A. patients      B. classmates    C. students   D. workmates

3.A. yet           B. still          C. but        D. besides

4.A. night         B. morning        C. afternoon D. noon

5.A. afraid        B. happy          C. confident D. sorry

6.A. worried      B. cared          C. talked     D. explored

7.A. before        B. if             C. as         D. though

8.A. Everything    B. Nothing        C. Anything   D. Something

9.A. attract      B. delight        C. bother     D. enjoy

10.A. escaped      B. existed       C. imagined  D. realized

11.A. quiet        B. calm           C. silent     D. brave

12.A. across       B. over          C. within     D. beyond

13.A. wheel       B. engine         C. watch      D. seat

14.A. drove        B. deserted       C. washed    D. stopped

15.A. helpless     B. excited       C. satisfied D. delighted

16.A. shadow       B. truck          C. lady      D. animal

17.A. faster      B. nervously      C. closer     D. back

18.A. unlikely    B. slowly         C. carefully D. equally

19.A. came         B. mistook      C. recognized D. missed

20.A. pulled into B. drove away     C. ran across D. fount out



_____ you choose, you must stand by your decision.

A. Wherever   B. Whenever   C. However   D. Whichever



______ Chief Engineer, as his family had expected made his father happy and proud.

A. Mike being appointed  B. Mikes appointed

C. Mike appointing       D. Mikes being appointed



—How about your travel?

—You can hardly imagine what difficulty we have had ______ the vast desert.

A.exploring   B.explored   C.to explore    D.explore



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