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Your glasses may someday replace your sm...

Your glasses may someday replace your smartphone, and some New Yorkers are ready for the switch. Some in the city can't wait to try them on and use the maps and GPS that the futuristic eyewear is likely to include.

" I'd use it if I were hanging out with friends at 3 a. m. and going to the bar and wanted to see what was open," said Walter Choo, 40, of Fort Greene.

The smartphone-like glasses will likely come out this year and cost between $250 and $600, the Times said, possibly including a variation of augmented(增强的) reality, a technology already available on smartphones and tablets (平板电脑) that overlays information onto the screen about one's surroundings. So, for example, if you were walking down a street, indicators would pop up showing you the nearest coffee shop or directions could be plotted out and come into view right on the sidewalk in front of you.

" As far as a mainstream consumer product, this just isn't something anybody needs," said Sam Biddle, who writes for Gizmodo.com. " We're accustomed to having one thing in our pocket to do all these things," he added, "and the average consumer isn't gonna be able to afford another device (装置) that's hundreds and hundreds of dollars. "

9to5Google publisher Seth Weintraub, who has been reporting on the smartphone-like glasses since late last year, said he is confident that this type of wearable device will eventually be as common as smartphones.

"It's just like smartphones 10 years ago," Weintraub said. "A few people started getting emails on their phones, and people thought that was crazy. Same kind of thing. We see people bending their heads to look at their smartphones, and it's unnatural," he said. " There's gonna be improvements to that, and this a step there. "

1.One of the possible functions of the smartphone-like glasses is to ____.

A. program the opening hours of a bar

B. supply you with a picture of the future

C. provide information about your surroundings

D. update the maps and GPS in your smartphones

2.The underlined phrase "pop up" in the third paragraph probably means " ____".

A. develop rapidly     B. get round quickly

C. appear immediately   D. go over automatically

3.According to Sam Biddle, the smartphone-like glasses are ____.

A. necessary for teenagers

B. attractive to New Yorkers

C. available to people worldwide

D. expensive for average consumers

4.We can learn from the last two paragraphs that the smartphone-like glasses ____.

A. may have a potential market

B. are as common as smartphones

C. are popular among young adults

D. will be improved by a new technology


1.C 2.C 3.D 4.A 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要介绍了一种使用智能技术的新型眼镜,这种眼镜可以向用户提供周围环境的具体信息。 1.C 细节题。根据文章第三段2,3行including a variation of augmented(增强的) reality, a technology already available on smartphones and tablets (平板电脑) that overlays information onto the screen about one's surroundings.可知Google眼镜这一技术可以给你提供周围环境的信息。故C正确。 2.C 猜测词义题。根据本句indicators would pop up showing you the nearest coffee shop or directions could be plotted out and come into view right on the sidewalk in front of you.以及上一句中的that overlays information onto the screen about one's surroundings.可知只有这一技术可以迅速得知你周围事物的信息,故该词表示C项含义。 3.D 细节题。根据文章第四段最后一句the average consumer isn't gonna be able to afford another device (装置) that's hundreds and hundreds of dollars. "可知目前这一产品的价格还不是普通人能够承受的。故D正确。 4. 考点:考查科普类短文阅读

Bamboo (竹子) is one of nature’s (自然) most surprising plants. Many people call this plant a tree, but it is a kind of grass.

Like other kinds of grass, a bamboo plant may be cut very low to the ground, but it will grow back very quickly. A Japanese scientist reported one bamboo plant which grew 1.5 metres (4 feet) in 24 hours! Bamboo grows almost everywhere in the world except Europe. There are more than 1, 000 kinds of bamboo.

Not all bamboo looks the same. Some bamboo plants are very thin. They may only grow to be a few centimeters wide while others may grow to more than 30 centimetres (1 foot) across. This plant also comes in different colors, from yellow to black to green.

Bamboo has been used to make many things such as hats and kitchen tools. Because it is strong, bamboo is also used to build buildings.

Many Asian countries have used bamboo for hundreds of years. They often use bamboo for buildings and supporting new buildings and bridges while they are being built.

In Africa, poor farmers are taught how to find water using bamboo. These African countries need cheap way to find water because they have no money, and their crops often die from no rain and no water. Bamboo pipes help poor farmers bring water to their thirsty fields without spending a lot of money.

1.How is bamboo like grass?

A. It grows quickly.       B. It’s wood.

C. It is easy to cut      D. It is very thin

2.Though you can see bamboo everywhere, it doesn’t grow ______.

A. in China             B. in Europe

C. on mountains         D. in Africa

3.Why is bamboo used by African poor farmers?

A. Because it is cheap.

B. Because it has different colours .

C. Because it is strong.

D. Because it has been used by Asians.

4.Bamboo pipes can ______.

A. make money         B. be trees

C. grow quickly        D. carry water



In a room at Texas Children Cancer Center in Houston, eight-year-old Simran Jatar lay in bed with a drip (点滴) above her to fight her bone cancer. Over her bald (秃的) head, she wore a pink hat that matched her clothes. But the third grader’s cheery dressing didn’t mask her pain and weary eyes.

Then a visitor showed up. “Do you want to write a song?” asked Anita Kruse, 49, rolling a cart equipped with an electronic keyboard, a microphone and speakers. Simran stared. “Have you ever written a poem?” Anita Kruse continued. “Well, yes,” Simran said.

Within minutes, Simran was reading her poem into the microphone. “Some bird soaring through the sky,” she said softly. “Imagination in its head…” Anita Kruse added piano music, a few warbling (鸣, 唱) birds, and finally the girl’s voice. Thirty minutes later, she presented Simran with a CD of her first recorded song.

That was the beginning of Anita Kruse’s project, Purple Songs Can Fly, one that has helped more than 125 young patients write and record songs. As a composer and pianist who had performed at the hospital, Kruse said that the idea of how she could help “came in one flash”.

The effect on the kids has been great. One teenage girl, curling (蜷缩) in pain in her wheelchair, stood unaided to dance to a hip-hop song she had written. A 12-year-old boy with Hodgkin’s disease who rarely spoke surprised his doctors with a song he called I Can Make It.

“My time with the kids is heartbreaking because of the severity of their illnesses,” says Anita Kruse. “But they also make you happy, when the children are smiling, excited to share their CD with their families.”

Simran is now an active sixth grader and cancer-free. From time to time, she and her mother listen to her song, Always Remembering, and they always remember the “really sweet and nice and loving” lady who gave them a shining moment in the dark hour.

1.Simran Jatar lay in bed in hospital because ______.

A. most of her hair had fallen out

B. she was receiving treatment for cancer

C. she felt depressed and quit from school

D. she was suffering from a pain in her back

2.What do we know about Anita Kruse’s project?

A. It helps young patients record songs.

B. It is supported by singers and patients.

C. It aims to replace the medical treatment.

D. It offers patients chances to realize their dreams.

3.What does the case of a 12-year-old boy suggest?

A. Most children are naturally fond of music.

B. He was brave enough to put up performance.

C. The project has positive effect on young patients.

D. Singing is the best way to treat some illnesses.

4. What is probably the best title for the passage?

A. Purple Songs Can Fly

B. Singing Can Improve Health

C. A Shining Moment in Life

D. A Kind Woman—Anita Kruse










Good morning, everyone! I would like to begin my speech with my view on the policy itself.










In Greek mythology, the Trojan(特洛伊) War was started against the city of Troy by the Greeks after Paris of Troy took Helen from her husband Menelaus, king of Sparta. The war is one of the most important events in Greek mythology and has appeared in many works of Greek literature, most notably through Homers(荷马) Iliad. The Iliad relates a part of the last year of the siege(包围) of Troy; the Odyssey describes the journey home of Odysseus, one of the war’s heroes. Other parts of the war are described in a cycle of epic poems(史诗), which have survived through fragments. The war provided material for Greek tragedy and other works of Greek literature, and for Roman poets including Virgil and Ovid.

The war originated from a quarrel between the goddesses Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite, after Eris, the goddess of strife and discord(不和谐), gave them a golden apple marked “for the fairest”. Zeus sent the goddesses to Paris, who judged that Aphrodite, as the “fairest”, should receive the apple. In exchange, Aphrodite made Helen, the most beautiful of all women and wife of Menelaus, fall in love with Paris, who took her to Troy. Agamemnon, king of Mycenae and the brother of Helen’s husband Menelaus, led an expedition of Greek troops to Troy and besieged the city for ten years because of Paris’ insult. After the deaths of many heroes the city fell to the ruse(策略) of the Trojan Horse. The Greeks slaughtered(大屠杀) the Trojans and desecrated(亵渎) the temples, thus earning the gods’ great anger. Few of the Greeks returned safely to their homes.

The ancient Greeks treated the Trojan War as an historical event which had taken place in the 13th or 12th century BC, and believed that Troy was located in modern-day Turkey near the Dardanelles. As of the mid-19th century, both the war and the city were widely believed to be non-historical. In 1868, however, the German archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann met Frank Calvert, who convinced Schliemann that Troy was at Hissarlik; this claim is now accepted by most scholars. They believe that there is a historical core to the tale. However, whether there is any historical reality behind the Trojan War is still an open question.



Sub topic

Detailed information


1.   in Literature

• The Iliad

relating what happened in the last year of the siege

• The Odyssey

2.  Odysseus’ journey home

• Epic poems

gaining    3.  through fragments

• Roman poets

Virgil and Ovid included

The Trojan War

Plot Of the War

The war was   4.  by a quarrel between the three goddesses for the title of the “fairest”.

5.  judged Aphrodite the “fairest” in exchange of Helen, the most beautiful woman, who was taken to Troy by him.

Feeling 6.  by Paris’ action, Agamemnon led an expedition of Greek troops to Troy and besieged the city for ten years.

With the ruse of the Trojan Horse, Greek troops    7.  the city and slaughtered the Trojans and desecrated the temples, which made the gods very angry and made few of them return home safely.



The ancient Greeks’ time

■ The war was believed to be an historical event, 9.   in the 13th or 12th century BC.

The mid-1900s

■ The war was regarded as non-historical.

From 1868

■ Many scholars    10.    Frank Calvert’s claim and believe that there is a historical core to the tale, but it still remains an open question.



A few years ago, in one experiment in behavioural psychology, Stanley Milgram of Yale University tested 40 subjects for their willingness to obey instructions given by a “leader” in a situation in which the subjects might feel a personal dislike of the actions they were called upon to perform. Specifically, Milgram told each volunteer “teacher-subject” that the experiment was in the noble cause of education, and was designed to test whether or not punishing pupils for their mistakes would have a positive effect on the pupils’ ability to learn.

The teacher-subjects were placed before a panel of thirty switches with labels ranging from “15 volts of electricity (slight shock)” to “450 volts (danger — severe shock)” in steps of 15 volts each. The teacher-subject was told that whenever the pupil gave the wrong answer to a question, a shock was to be administered. The supposed “pupil” was in reality an actor hired by Milgram to pretend to receive the shocks by giving out cries and screams. Milgram told the teacher-subject to ignore the reactions of the pupil, and to administer whatever level of shock was called for.

As the experiment unfolded, the “pupil” would deliberately give the wrong answers to questions, thereby bringing on various electrical punishments, even up to the danger level of 300 volts and beyond. Many of the teacher-subjects balked at administering the higher levels of punishment, and turned to Milgram. In these situations, Milgram calmly explained that the teacher-subject was to carry on with the experiment and that it was important for the sake of the experiment that the procedure be followed through to the end. What Milgram was trying to discover was the number of teacher-subjects who would be willing to administer the highest levels of shock, even in the face of strong personal and moral revulsion(反感) against the rules and conditions of the experiment.

Before carrying out the experiment, Milgram explained his idea to a group of 39 psychiatrists and asked them to predict the average percentage of people who would be willing to administer the highest shock level of 450 volts. The overwhelming consensus was that basically all the teacher-subjects would refuse to obey the experimenter. The psychiatrists felt that “most subjects would not go beyond 150 volts” and only a small percentage of about one in 1,000 would give the highest shock of 450 volts.

What were the actual results? Well, over 60 per cent of the teacher-subjects continued to obey Milgram up to the 450-volt limit! In repetitions of the experiment in other countries, the percentage was even higher, reaching 85 per cent in one country. How can we possibly account for this result?

One might firstly argue that there must be some sort of built-in animal aggression instinct(本能) that was activated by the experiment. A modem sociobiologist might even go so far as to claim that this aggressive instinct was of survival value to our ancestors in their struggle against the hardships of life on the plains and in the caves, finally finding its way into our genetic make-up.

Another explanation is to see the teacher-subjects’ actions as a result of the social context in which the experiment was carried out. As Milgram himself pointed out, “Most subjects in the experiment see their behaviour in a larger context that is good and useful to society — the pursuit of scientific troth. The psychological laboratory has a strong claim to legitimacy(合法性) and gains trust and confidence in those who perform there. An action such as shocking a victim, which in isolation(单独看来) appears evil, acquires a completely different meaning when placed in this setting”.

Here we have two different explanations. The problem for us is to sort out which of these two polar explanations is more reasonable. This is the problem of modern sociobiology — to discover how hard-wired genetic programming decides the interaction of animals and humans with their environment, that is, their behaviour. Put another way, sociobiology is concerned with explaining the biological basis of all behaviour.

1.Why did Milgram do the experiment?

A. To discover people’s willingness for orders from leaders.

B. To display the power of punishment on ability to learn.

C. To test people’s willingness to sacrifice for science.

D. To explore the biological basis of social behavior.

2.Which of the following is right about the experiment?

A. The actor’s performance was vital to its success.

B. Its subjects were informed of its real purpose beforehand.

C. The electrical shock made the “pupil” give more wrong answers.

D. Its subjects were convinced of the effects of punishment on ability to learn.

3.What does the underlined phrase “balked at” most probably mean?

A. commented on  B. hesitated in

C. got rid of    D. looked down upon

4.Before the experiment took place the psychiatrists _________ .

A. believed that a shock of 150 volts was unbearable

B. failed to agree on how the teacher-subjects would respond to instructions

C. under-predicted the teacher-subjects’ willingness to follow experimental procedure

D. thought that many of the teacher-subjects would administer a shock of 450 volts

5.Which of the following is mentioned as one possible factor that explains the teacher-subjects’ behaviour?

A. Economic factor. B. Biological factor.

C. Cultural factor.  D. Historical factor.

6.What’s the author’s purpose with this article?

A. To introduce a problem sociobiology deals with.

B. To explain a scientific phenomenon.

C. To report an experiment that focuses on education.

D. To argue against a scientific view.



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