满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

We’ve all heard about the power of our a...

We’ve all heard about the power of our attitude, and that it’s our attitude that determines how much we succeed in life.If you look around you, you will see that people with a positive attitude     life more and are generally happier and more successful than those who walk around grumpy and pessimistic. Our attitude is the driving force in our lives—it can either push you to do great things or pull you down to your demise.

it’s true that humans are born with certain tendencies or orientations, our personalities and attitudes are developed through our relationships and experiences. Our attitudes begin to develop in childhood and constantly evolve and change over the years through day-to-day interactions and experiences.

All the things that you have been       , or all the people you have met and interacted with can affect your attitude. Even if you think that all these factors have molded you into a person with a         attitude towards life, there is no need to worry as there is always a         for change. You can make it by doing some simple things. The first step towards change is to       what needs to be changed. You need to do a(n)         __ and in-depth self-evaluation so you can point out exactly which of your qualities need to be       or totally changed. Besides, we all need to know that what we are trying to accomplish can       be achieved, and that we can be more optimistic, more social and more patient.         someone who has the kind of attitude that you want to have, and let his or her life give you inspiration and         to move beyond your temporary failures on your       .

Towards becoming a successful person. In addition, choose the       company. Surround yourself with people who’re optimistic and have a positive         about life. You’ll see that your effort to change will be         with this kind of people as friends.           , believe that you’re able to change. Often, the greatest obstacle between us and our           is ourselves or our inability to         .

What we’re able to do. If you don’t believe in yourself or believe that you or your life change, it just won’t         .

It cannot be denied that a positive attitude is very important in living a successful and satisfying life,       it’s only right to try to have a positive attitude.

1.A.spend           B.enjoy            C.share      D.choose

2.A.When             B.Even           C.While      D.Since

3.A.through          B.for            C.in         D.among

4.A.curious          B.casual           C.poor       D.cautious

5.A.chance          B.reason           C.decisions    D.detail

6.A.select           B.appreciate       C.balance      D.understand

7.A.honest           B.fancy          C.extra        D.fun

8.A.praised          B.determined       C.improved     D.developed

9.A.quickly          B.actually         C.regularly    D.personally

10.A.Observe        B.Hire            C.Find         D.Interview

11.A.experiment      B.explanation      C.suggestion   D.encouragement

12.A.journey         B.performance     C.stage        D.level

13.A.general         B.right            C.perfect      D.same

14.A.opinion         B.plan            C.hobby        D.manner

15.A.plainer         B.greater        C.braver       D.easier

16.A.However       B.Usually        C.Finally      D.Therefore

17.A.languages       B.goals            C.habits       D.roles

18.A.trust in        B.take in        C.result in    D.compete in

19.A.last            B.work             C.happen       D.count

20.A.as              B.if              C.but          D.so


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.C 20.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文是一篇说明文。主要说明积极的生活态度对人们产生的积极影响,以及建议人们去结交一些生活态度积极的人,并且相信自己,尽最大的努力去积极的生活。 1.B考查动词。A. Spend花费;B. Enjoy享受;C. Share分享;D. Choose选择;根据前面乐观的人面对生活的态度,可以看出他们是享受生活。故选B。 2.C考查连接词的用法。A. when 当。。的时候;B. Even甚至;C. While虽然;D. Since 自从;根据句意可知,虽然人生来就具有特定的品质,但是在后天的成长中也会发展。故选C。 3.A考查介词。A. Through通过,经过; B.for为了;C. In在。。的里面;D. Among在。。之间;根据句意,你经历的所有事情,故选A。 4. C考查形容词。 A. Curious好奇的;B. casual 偶然的;C. Poor贫穷的; D.cautious小心的;根据下句可知使一个不好的生活态度,所以才会去改变。故判断选C。 5.A考查名词。 A. Chance机会;B. Reason原因;C. Decisions决定;D.Detail细节;没有必要担忧,因为有机会改变,故选 A。 6.D考查动词。 A. Select 选择;B. Appreciate欣赏;C. Balance 平衡;D. Understand了解,理解;首先第一步你需要理解自己需要做什么,故选D。 7.A考查形容词。A. Honest诚实的;B. Fancy神奇的;C.extra 额外的;D.fun有趣的;对自己做一个诚实的并且深入的自我评估,选A。 8.C考查动词。 A. Praised 赞扬;B. Determined 决定;C. Improved 改善,完善;D. Developed发展,你能得出你的那些品质需要完善或者是完全改变,故选C。 9.B 考查副词。 A. Quickly 快速地;B. Actually 真正地; C. Regularly 有规律地;D. Personally 个人地;我们可以真正地完成我们所需要完成的。故选B。 10.C考查动词。A. Observe观察;B. Hire 雇佣;C. Find 发现;D. Interview 采访;发现一些人,他们是拥有你想要的态度。故选C。 11. D考查名词。A. Experiment 实验;B. Explanation 解释;C. Suggestion 建议;D.encouragement 鼓励;让他们给你一些激励和鼓励,故选D。 12.A考查名词。A. Journey 旅途;B.performance 表演;C. Stage 舞台;D.level 水平;在你暂时失败的人生旅途中,故选A。 13.B考查形容词。A. General 一般的;B. Right 合适的,正确的;C. Perfect 完美的;D. Same 相同的;选择一个合适的公司,故选B。 14.4】A考查名词。A. Opinion 看法,观点;B. Plan计划;C. Hobby 爱好;D.manner 行为;对生活有一个积极的观点,用A。 15.15】D考查形容词。A. Plainer 朴素的;B. Greater 伟大的;C. Braver 勇敢的;D. Easier 容易的;如果你和这些人做朋友,你会发现你的改变会更加容易,故选D。 16.6】C考查连词。A. However 然而;B. Usually 通常;C. Finally 最终;D. Therefore 因此;最后,相信自己可以改变,故选C。 17.7】B考查名词。A. Languages 语言;B. Goals目标;C.habits习惯;D.roles 角色;在我们和我们目标之间最大的障碍,用B。 18.18】A考查动词短语。A. Trust in 相信;B.take in吸收 ;C.Result in导致;D. Compete in竞争;是你自己没有相信自己可以做得到,故选A。 19.9】C考查动词。A. Last 持续;B. Work 工作;C.happen 发生;D.count 计算;如果你不相信你自己,不相信你的生活会发生改变,那么它就不会发生,用C。 20.20】D考查连词。A. As 正如;B.if 如果 ;C.but 但是;D. So 所以;是你自己没毫无疑问一个乐观的态度对于一个成功的令人满意的生活是很重要的,所以尽最大努力去拥有一个积极的生活态度,故选D。 考点:考查说明文阅读

Not until_______ home ______he had had his wallet stolen.

A. he returned, that he found

B. he returned, did he find,

C. did he return, he found

D. did he return,, did he find



Playing on a frozen sports field sounds like a lot of fun. Isnt it rather risky, _______ ?

A. though       B. also        C. either        D. Too



We would hesitate to pull over to the side of the road ________ a stranger in a car wave us down.

A. should       B. were         C. if           D. if only



Mr Wangs commitment leaves him held in deep ________ by his students and also wins their respect.

A. appreciation     B. affection

C. adaptation       D. Adoption



The committee is discussing the problem right now. It will ________ have been solved by the end of next week.

A. eagerly   B. hopefully  C. immediately    D. Gradually



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