满分5 > 高中英语试题 >


假设你是李华,你的美国笔友David最近在学汉语,他给你发来一封电子邮件讲述他对学习汉满分5 manfen5.com语兴趣浓厚,但是他在学习汉语的过程中常常因为犯错误而懊恼。请你用英语给他回一封邮件。


1. 鼓励他继续努力,正确看待错误;

2. 给David提出一些学好汉语的建议(至少两条);

3. 邀请他来中国玩。


1.词数 120左右;开头已经给出,不计入总次数。

2.不能使满分5 manfen5.com用真实姓名和学校名称。

Dear David,

I’m glad to receive your e-mail and happy to know that you are interested in learning Chinese.




Yours,Li Hua


Dear David, I’m glad to receive your e-mail and happy to know that you are interested in learning Chinese. It is well known that Chinese is difficult to learn. One can’t avoid making a mistake when learning a foreign language. Here are some tips on how to learn Chinese. First, don't be afraid to make mistakes. Making mistakes is a good way to learn how to say things right. Second, if you know a Chinese friend, ask he or she to practise with you. Third, you should spend more time practising listening to and speaking Chinese frequently. I wish you success in learning Chinese. I am expecting to hear from you. At last, I welcome you to come to China. Yours,   【解析】 试题分析:这是一篇书信类作文,我们需要用正确的英语把给出的要点表达出来.本作文中给出的要点比较具体,故需要准确表达。写作时注意准确运用时态,结合具体内容要用一般现在时,上下文意思要连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次。 【亮点说明】本文结构紧凑,层次分明,而且使用了多种句式和结构。例如 spend sometime doing something, success in doing something, expect to do something这些都是固定搭配用的比较好。另外在书信的开头用的定语从句较好。I’m glad to receive your e-mail and happy to know that you are interested in learning Chinese. It is well known that Chinese is difficult to learn. 考点:考查表格类短文  








At present. I am extreme happy because I am doing what I like. As a 满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.com满分5 manfen5.comsenior three student, I study hard every day and live it at the full. It feels like good to study hard with my determining classmates to fulfill our dreams. When I recalled the happy things happened to me, the experience of my receiving the scholarship in middle school topped it all. It was a time when my family is going through financial difficulties. So I made up my mind to win the scholarship, hoped to lighten up my parents’ financial burdens. After making tons of painstaking effort, I succeeded. At the ceremony, my mom was the most poorly-dressed woman, and with the brightest smile on her face.




Brighton is the 1.  (health) city in Britain with the highest level of满分5 manfen5.com personal trainers, yoga clubs and health food stores, according to a survey released on Friday.

The survey,   2.  looks at 19 statistics covering health, 3.   (fit)and environment, says Brighton has the highest number of residents   4.   (eat) at least five kinds of fruit and vegetables a day.

The survey,   5.   (conduct) for the Sky Travel channel, has compared 15 cities across the UK. It says Brighton residents live 6.  an average age of 78 years old. They are twice as likely 7.   (walk) or cycle to work as the people living in other parts of Britain.

In   8.  (compare)with the national average, Brighton has nearly a third more health food stores and personal trainers than   9.  in any other city in Britain. It has twice many yoga clubs, and the level of fat residents is below the national average.

Meanwhile,   10.  survey also finds that Brighto满分5 manfen5.comn residents have the best levels of cholesterol (胆固醇) and blood pressure in Britain.



“Kevin, we are getting a divorce,” said my mother. My heart plunged (急降). I was 9 years old and I thought that my life was going to _____. My brother and I were going to move with my mother to southern California. My dad was to ____ in New Jersey because of work. My family was splitting apart.

Now that my mom is a single parent, I do my own _____, make dinner and do extra chores around the house. ____ it was hard at first, I now recognize the positive ____ that this responsibility had on me. My mother gave me these ____ and duties so that I would learn to become self-disciplined (自律的) and trustworthy.

I strive to display these ___ in all aspects of my life, and have seen the benefits. When I was only 11 years old, my ____ told me that he was selecting me as soccer team captain because of my determination and ability to get my teammates to ____ themselves. We ____the championship, but I won the fair play award for keeping my team together.

I am always determined to be an individual and not participate in anything that I feel is _____. I am, for example, extremely _____ of my decision not to drink alcohol. Personally, I don’t feel the need to drink to have fun, and I stand by my decision even when others try to _____ me.

My mom and dad both found new ____ and happily remarried. I am _____ close to my father, even though he lives 4,800 km away. I thought my parents’ divorce was going to be the worst thing that _____ happened to me. Ironically (讽刺的是), it turned out to be the ____. I wasn’t willing to let it _____ my life without putting up a fight, and neither was my family.

At age 9, I struggled with the confusion and ____ of divorce. Today, at age 16, I understand that _____ can bring opportunity and success, and that hard work, determination and self-discipline can turn your worst time into your best time.:

1. A. fall apart    B. stand out      C. carry on       D. come true

2.A. abandon       B. remain        C. accompany    D. practice

3.A. homework      B. exercise      C. decision      D. laundry

4.A. Although       B. Because       C. If            D. Since

5.A. attitude       B. experience     C. effect        D. situation

6.A. achievements B. abilities     C. chores         D. disadvantages

7.A. chores        B. difficulties  C. emotions      D. qualities

8.A. father        B. headmaster     C. brother        D. coach

9.A. enjoy         B. teach         C. help         D. push

10.A. won          B. lost          C. had           D. achieved

11.A. wrong        B. abnormal      C. dynamic        D. violent

12.A. afraid        B. tired          C. proud          D. fond

13.A. cheat        B. pressure      C. please        D. enlighten

14.A. families      B. jobs           C. kids           D. partners

15.A. still        B. not           C. rarely         D. less

16.A. never        B. even           C. ever           D. almost

17.A. best         B. worst         C. busiest        D. first

18.A. challenge    B. protect       C. beat           D. ruin

19.A. pain          B. memory         C. significance   D. emergency

20.A. obstacles     B. families       C. parents       D. Routines



If you are in a crowd, the first and most important thing is to make yourself familiar with your surroundings and mentally notice alternate exits.__ 1.____

Make yourself aware of the type of ground you are standing on, and know that in a crowd of moving people wet or uneven ground can be slippery or hazardous, causing you to fall.

__2.___ When in danger, a few seconds can make all the difference, giving you the possibility of taking advantage of escaping route. Always stay closer to the escape route.

If you find yourself in the middle of a moving crowd, do not fight against the pressure, do not stand still or sit down, because you could easily get trampled.___ 3._____

Take advantage of any space that may open up to move sideways to the crowd movement where the flow is weaker.

Keep your hands up by your chest, like a boxer—it gives you movement and protects your chest.___ 4.____ If you cannot get up because you are injured, get someone to pull you back up. If you have kids, lift them up.

If you fall and cannot get up, keep moving by crawling in the same direction of the crowd, or if that is not possible, then cover your head with your arms and curl up into fetal position.___ 5.____

A. No matter where you are, make sure you always know how to get out.

B. If you fall, get up quickly.

C. Do not lie on your stomach or back, as this dangerously exposes your lungs.

D. The worst is to be pushed by the crowd against an immovable object

E. There is always space between people.

F. Be aware of the general atmosphere of the event, as panic situations can often be expected.

G. Instead, move in the same direction of the crowd.



In 1977, Irene Pepperberg of Harvard University began studying what was on another creature’s mind by talking to it. Her first experiments began with Alex. Alex was a one-year-old African grey parrot and Irene taught him to produce the sounds of the English language. “I thought if he learned to communicate, I could ask him questions about how he sees the world.”

At the time, most scientists didn’t believe animals had any thoughts. They thought animals were more like robots but didn’t have the ability to think or feel. Of course, if you own a pet, you probably disagree. But it is the job of a scientist to prove this and nowadays more scientists accept that animals can think for themselves.

“That’s why I started my studies with Alex,” Irene said, “Some people actually called me crazy for trying this.”

Nowadays, we have more and more evidence that animals have all sorts of mental abilities. Sheep can recognize faces. Chimpanzees (黑猩猩) use a variety of tools and even use weapons to hunt. And Alex, the parrot became a very good talker.

Thirty years after, the Alex studies began. Irene was still giving him English lessons until his recent death. For example, if Alex was hungry, he could say “want grape”. Alex could count to six and was learning the sounds for seven and eight. “He has to hear the words over and over before he can correctly say them.” Irene said, after pronouncing “seven” for Alex a few times in a row. Alex could also tell the difference between colors, shapes, sizes, and materials (e.g.wood and metal). Before he finally died, Alex managed to say “seven”.

Another famous pet that proved some animals have greater mental skills was a dog called Rico. He appeared on a German TV game show in 2011. Rico knew the names of 200 different toys and easily learned the names of new ones. When Rico became famous, many other dog owners wanted to show how clever their pets were. Another dog called Betsy could understand 300 words.

One theory for dogs’ ability to learn a language is that they have been close companions to humans for many centuries and so their ability to understand us is constantly evolving (进化). While animals can’t do what humans do yet, some scientists believe that examples like Alex and Rico prove that evolution develops intelligence, as well as physical appearance.

1. Irene wanted to find out __________.

A.what a parrot thinks       B.why a parrot can speak

C.how parrots make sounds    D.if parrots speak English

2.Alex learnt new words by __________.

A.singing them     B.reading them

C.writing them     D.rehearing them

3.The two dogs mentioned in the article could _______.

A.understand some words

B.recognize strange voices

C.copy human gestures

D.tell different colors

4. The article concludes that ___________.

A.our pets understand what we say

B.dogs may speak to humans one day

C.humans are related to chimpanzees

D.mental ability can evolve in animals



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