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Twelve-year-old Leonardo was born in a p...

  Twelve-year-old Leonardo was born in a poor family in Bambamarca in Peru. He knew how to read but he had never seen a book in his life. So he asked the new priest(牧师)in his village to give him one. But there was no electricity. So Leonardo borrowed candles from the church and sat up all night reading it. The next morning, he was at the door of the priest asking for another book to read.

John Medcalf, the priest,was moved. He also realised that people would love to read if given a chance. But he knew how difficult it was for Leonardo and those in his village to get books. And yet, no one can be taught to read and write without books. To make people in a poor, faraway area grow to love books,they have to be with them. So he thought the only way was to bring books to people.

But how could this be done? Mobile libraries or car libraries would be too expensive and difficult to continue in the rocky, hilly land of Peru. So what other method could be used?

Medcalf got a new idea from the barefoot(赤脚)doctors of China. And that was how the barefoot librarians(图书管理员)first appeared in the villages of northern Peru,almost thirty years ago.

The librarians began by going from village to village, lending books to villagers. They helped start The 12ura1 Library Network of Peru.

At first,they were teachers of the village schools which these faraway libraries belonged to. But the teachers were not very interested in the job because it meant a lot of hard work.

So, village leaders took on the job themselves.

Today, there are 600 village libraries across Peru. The barefoot librarians who walk up to 15 hours a day with bags of books are their lifeline.

1. The first paragraph tells us that Leonardo

A. had a lot of books

B. bought candles from others

C, enjoyed reading books

D. lived in the church

2. The underlined word "this" in Paragraph 3 probably refers to(指)"      "

A, to grow to love books

B. to bring books to people

C. to read and write

D. to build a new library

3. The passage doesn't mention

A, when the barefoot librarians appeared

B. who worked as village librarians at  first

C. where Medcalf met Chinese doctors

D. how many village libraries Peru has today

4. It can be inferred(推断)from the passage that    

A. the first church in Peru was set up by John Medcalf

B. car libraries used to be popular in Leonardo's village

C. teachers were interested in bringing books to villagers

D. the barefoot librarians are important to village libraries


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 【解析】 试题分析:本文主要讲的由于达芬奇酷爱读书的行为感动了牧师,并由此建立了赤脚图书馆的故事。 1.C推理判断题。A项/结合第一段第二句He knew how to read but he had never seen a book in his life 可知,Leonardo没有很多书。所A项表述错误。B项,结合第一段第五句So Leonardo borrowed candles from the church and sat up all night reading it可知,Leonardo借了很多蜡烛而不是买了很多蜡烛。所以B项表述错误。C项,结合第一段最后一句The next morning, he was at the door of the priest asking for another book to read可知,Leonardo不怕吃苦,非常喜欢读书。所以C项表述正确。D项,结合第一段,只有Leonardo向教堂借了很多蜡烛的表述,找不出Leonardo待在教堂里的相关句子。所以D项表述错误。故选C。 2.B词义猜测题。由第二段最后一句So he thought the only way was to bring books to people可知,因此,他觉得唯一的办法是把书带给人们。由此可推知,this指代的是第二段最后一句So he thought the only way was to bring books to people.所以B项符合题意。 3.C细节理解题。A项,结合第四段第二句And that was how the barefoot librarians(图书管理员)first appeared in the villages of northern Peru,almost thirty years ago.可知,赤脚图书管理员30年前在秘鲁出现。故A项在文中提到过。B项,结合第六段第一句At first,they were teachers of the village schools which these faraway libraries belongedto.可知,赤脚图书管理员最初由村庄学校的老师担任。故B项在文中提到过。C项,结合第四段第一句Medcalf got a new idea from the barefoot(赤脚)doctors of China可知Medcalf是从中国的赤脚医生这种现象上得到了灵感,文章并没有提及Medcalf和中国的赤脚医生在哪里相遇。故C项在文中没有提到过。D项,结合最后一段第一句Today, there are 600 village libraries across Peru可知,秘鲁今天有600个村庄图书馆。故D项在文中提到过。提干要求选择文中没有提及的选项,C项符合题意。故正确答案为C。 4.So he asked the new priest(牧师)in his village to give him one可知John Medcalf 是 Leonardo 所在村子的新牧师。故A项不符合题意。B项结合第三段第二句Mobile libraries or car libraries would be too expensive and difficult to continue in the rocky, hilly land of Peru. 可知,移动图书馆或者汽车图书馆价格昂贵、很难在多山崎岖的秘鲁继续下去。故B项不符合题意。C项,结合第六段第二句But the teachers were not very interested in the job because it meant a lot of hard work.So, village leaders took on the job themselves可知,老师们对这件事情并不是很感兴趣。故C项不符合题意。D项结合最后一段第二句The barefoot librarians who walk up to 15 hours a day with bags of books are their lifeline. 可知,赤脚图书管理员的辛勤工作对于村庄图书馆的维持生存至关重要。故D项符合题意。 考点:考查故事类短文阅读

假如你是李华, 你的澳大利亚笔友Sally三月底将来青岛某中学教英语。她想提前了解青岛的天气、饮食习惯以及高中生英语学习的情况。请用英语给她写一封邮件,介绍以上情况。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sally,








短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)     定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处 加一个漏字符号(满分5 manfen5.com),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Dear M Sadler,

I'm writing to express my interest for the tourist guide position offering in your advertisement.

I’ve learned English for so long that can communicate with native speakers of English without difficult.What’s more,I’ve worked as a guide ago and know all the tourist attractions in my hometown very well.

I’ll be available during the winter vacation,from Feb.10 to March 10,but I don’t have any problem working evenings and weekends.As for the best places to visit,the first two that comes into my mind are Qufu, Confucious’birthplace,and Weishan Lake,a largest lake in North China.

If you need further informations about me,here is for my email address:sdjnlihua@163.com.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



Alice:  You seem to be absorbed(全神贯注) in the magazine, David.

David: It is the New scientist, 1.__________ (deliver) to me this morning. Honestly speaking, I am fascinated(着迷的) by the magazine.

Alice: Are there articles or stories about the latest2.__________ (science) breakthrough?

David: Sure. I am reading an article3.______________ (introduce) a new invention --- the “flying car”.

Alice: That sounds interesting. Can you explain to me 4.____ the “flying car” works?

David: Yes. The car has four wheels and two wings that can be folded. So it can 5._________ be driven  on the road or flown at a speed of 110 miles per hour, just like a plane. When the roads are crowded, 6._____ is often the case now,  you can fly it and easily reach your destination. Besides, it uses electricity instead of petrol, so it’s7. ________________ (environment) friendly

Alice: Sounds great! This kind of car will make our lives 8.________  (easy) and more comfortable. By the way, is the “flying car” on the market yet? Can I buy 9.___ now?

David: I’m afraid not. The car 10. ____________ (try) out at present and it still needs to be improved.

Alice: I bet it is very expensive.

David: It does cost a lot of money, but scientists are working hard to bring down the price.



Think about a time you went someplace that you had never been before. It seemed as if it was very          and it took a really long time to get there. Then you noticed that th         trip did not seem to take nearly as long,         it was exactly the same distance. Scientists have studied these common observations. They have come to the          that our feeling of how time passes is sometimes based on the          of information we are dealing with. The more information we are getting, the more slowly time seems to pass.

On the way to a          place, we are faced with unfamiliar sights,         , or even smells. We may be reading directions,         landmarks, or trying to find a(n)         road sign. We are repeatedly processing the information we are          .There may be others in the car asking. “Are we there yet?” In fact, the         experiences the same things as the passengers.

On the return trip, we are somewhat familiar with the          . Now much of the information is not          to us. Our brain now processes the information more          . We don’t have to take notice of a lot of what we see and hear. We know what to          and we screen out the rest.

The process could be          to the first and second days of school. On the first day          is new and different and time seems to pass slowly. On the second day, you know what to         , and your brain spends less time processing new information.         , the second day of school usually seems to go forward at a more rapid pace. Thus, in a sense, time         when our surroundings become more familiar.

1.A. far               B. long             C. fast             D. deep

2.A. boat              B. field             C. school          D. return

3.A. as if            B. so that          C. even though      D.long before

4.A. decision         B. conclusion        C. introduction     D. description

5.A. amount           B. value            C. types            D. characteristics

6.A. quiet            B. crowded          C.strange          D. dangerous

7.A. toys            B. books            C. gifts           D. sounds

8.A. building        B. looking for        C. protecting       D. missing out

9.A. old              B. real              C. particular      D. handwritten

10.A. receiving     B. discussing         C.mentioning       D. providing

11.A. guest           B. guide             C. partner         D. driver

12.A. car             B. route             C. map             D. alarm

13.A. new            B. helpful            C. enough          D. important

14.A. closely        B. directly          C. quickly         D. carefully

15.A. take care of    B. catch up with     C. look down upon   D. pay attention to

16.A. added           B. compared         C. sent             D. contributed

17.A. everything      B. nothing            C. someone         D. nobody

18.A. choose         B. believe            C. expect          D. answer

19.A. Instead        B. Besides          C. However        D. Therefore

20.A. goes by         B. speeds up          C. runs out        D. stops over




Not all people like to work but everyone likes to play.All over the world men and women and boys and girls enjoy sports.

__1.___ They help to keep people healthy and feeling good. When they are playing games, people move a lot.This is good for their health.Having fun with their friends makes them happy.

____2.____ In small towns, crowds meet to watch the bicycle races or the soccer games.In the big cities,thousands of people buy tickets to see an ice-skating show or a baseball game.

____3.____ What are your favorite sports now? You probably play the games that people in your town or city play. _____4._____Then swimming is probably one of your sports.Boys and girls in Australia love to swim.There are wonderful beaches there and the weather is good for swimming.____5.___ Then you would like to ski.There are many skiers in Austria where there are big mountains and cold winters.Does it rain often where you live? Then kite flying would not be one of your sports.It is one of the favorite sports of Thailand.

A.How many sports do you like?

B.What’s the weather like?

C.Is the climate hot where you 1ive?

D.Or do you live in a cold climate?

E.Many people enjoy sports by watching others play.

F.What games have you played?

G.Sports help people to live happily.



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