满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

After an absence of thirty years, I deci...

After an absence of thirty years, I decided to visit my old school again. I had expected to find changes, but not a completely different building. As I walked up the school drive, I wondered for a moment if I had come to the right address. The dirty red brick houses had been swept away. In its place stood a bright, modern block. A huge expanse of glass extended (延展) across the face of the building, and in front, there was a well-kept lawn (草坪) where previously there had been “an untidy gravel (沙石) yard”.

I was pleased to find that it was bread time and that the children were all in the playground. This would enable me to meet some members of staff(职员). On entering the building, I was surprised to hear loud laughter coming from what appeared to be the masters’ common room. I could not help remembering the teachers in my time, all dressed in black gowns (长袍) and high collars (领子). And above all, I recalled Mr Garston whom we had nicknamed “Mr Ghastly”, the headmaster who had iron discipline(纪律) on staff and pupils alike. I knocked at the common room door and was welcomed by a smiling young man who introduced himself to me as the headmaster. He was dressed casually in a sports jacket, and his cheerful manner, quickly dispelled (驱散) the image of Mr Ghastly. After I had explained who I was, the headmaster presented me to the teachers all of whom were a little younger than himself, and said he would take me round the school.

Here the biggest surprise of all was in store for (在等待)me. Gone were the heavy desks of old with their deeply carved names; gone too, were the dark classrooms with their ink stained, dark brown walls, and their raised platforms for the teachers. The rooms now were painted in bright colors, and the children, far from sitting straight in their places, seemed almost free to do as they liked. I looked with envy(嫉妒) as I remembered how, as a child, I had looked at the blackboard hardly daring to whisper to my neighbor.

1. “Mr Ghastly” must be ______.

A. the writer’s teacher  B. a serious old man

C. the strict headmaster  D. a naughty boy

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. He had expected that the school had completely changed.

B. In the writer’s time, all the teachers were dressed in black gowns and high collars.

C. There was a well-kept lawn in their school when he visited it.

D. An untidy gravel yard had disappeared.

3. From what is said in the passage, it seems clear that the writer ______.

A. disapproved of all the changes that had taken place

B. felt sorry for the children in the school

C. was glad that the school was still the same

D. felt that conditions at the school had improved a lot


1.C 2.A 3.D 【解析】 试题分析:文章讲述了一个回母校的故事。时隔三十年之后,作者回到了自己的母校,作者想到母校会发生变化,但却没有预料到母校的变化是那么的巨大。 1.C细节理解题。根据第二段“the headmaster who had iron discipline(纪律) on staff and pupils alike”可知,“Mr Ghastly”是学生给严厉的校长起的外号,故选C。 2.A细节理解题。根据第一段“I had expected to find changes, but not a completely different building.”可知,作者在回母校之前已经想到母校多多少少会发生一些变化,但是没想到一个彻底的变化,故选A。 3.Gone were the heavy desks of old with their deeply carved names; gone too, were the dark classrooms...The rooms now were painted in bright colors, and the children, far from sitting straight in their places, seemed almost free to do as they liked.”可知,作者认为母校发展的不错,学习环境有了很大的改善,排除A;根据最后一段可知,作者妒忌现在的学生能够有那么好的学习环境,而不是同情他们,排除B;母校发生了很大的变化,排除C,故选D。 考点:故事类短文阅读

Even people who don’t have much talent for acting or singing still dream of being discovered by a talent scout (星探). It seems just like      the lottery(彩票), but better        you get fame and money.

For me, the dream seemed likely to stay a dream. But everything        last week in Beijing. I was eating dinner with some friends. As I was getting ready to pay, a young Chinese woman came running up to me. I was        that I must have done something horrible to offend(冒犯) her without      it.

“You are a white man,” she said      when she got to our table.

“Yes, I am a white man,” I replied.

“Can you speak      ?” she asked.


“Oh good. Come with me now, please.”

I walked outside and saw that a movie was being shot in front of one of the street’s largest _      .

The woman, a talent agent (经纪人), had      a foreigner for this movie, but he had forgotten to      . She needed to find a white guy who spoke English, and I was the only one      . My part was to walk from one end of the street to the other, and then      the club. When I got to the club, I was supposed to      to my friend and say, “Forget about the girl, man. We are here to party!” It took me three tries to say the line      or walk without tripping(绊倒), but      I got it right.

The talent scout ran to me afterward. “You are so      . I would like you to join my agency.” I know I am not going to be the next Jay Chou.      , it seems that my      “star” talents are being white and being able to speak English.      , next time you are watching a Chinese movie, look in the      . If you see a white guy stumbling (蹒跚) on his way into a nightclub, it might just be me on my way to stardom (星途)!

1.A. accepting        B. bargaining         C. predicting    D. winning

2.A. although       B. as if             C. since         D. unless

3.A. began            B. changed           C. disappeared     D. improved

4.A. amazed           B. curious            C. guilty          D. worried

5.A. admitting       B. imagining         C. pretending      D. realizing

6.A. breathlessly    B. cautiously        C. proudly        D. surprisingly

7.A. Chinese          B. English            C. French         D. Cantonese

8.A. cinemas          B. nightclubs         C. schools       D. restaurants

9.A. introduced      B. needed             C. persuaded       D. signed

10.A. come out        B. stay up            C. turn up         D. show off

11.A. away           B. around            C. beyond          D. up

12.A. enter          B. name               C. recognize     D. search

13.A. find            B. offer              C. turn           D. stick

14.A. quickly       B. simply             C. properly        D. reasonably

15.A. finally         B. hopefully          C. obviously       D. unfortunately

16.A. brave           B. interesting        C. strange         D. talented

17.A. In return       B. In brief          C. In turn        D. In fact

18.A. best            B. last               C. only            D. other

19.A. Instead         B. Besides           C. However         D. Otherwise

20.A. background      B. connection         C. expression      D. meaning



He is such ______! He is sure to ruin(毁坏)all the fun here if you invite him to the party.

A. a wet blanket      B. a black sheep

C. a white elephant    D. a green finger



The place_____ the bridge is supposed to be built should be _____ the cross-river traffic is the heaviest.

A. which; where    B. where; in which

C. in which; where   D. in which; in which



To tell you the truth, the accident and the damages ______ caused frightened me so much that I almost gave up driving ever since.

A. it     B. they           C. which     D. what



During the holiday I bought a CD player, _____ was rather reasonable.

A. its price                B.of which price

C. the prices of which       D. whose price



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